Strange Sights, Record-Breaking Snow & a Turning of Events in the Media & Schools
Prophetic Word Released from Pastor Hank Kunneman on November 10, 2021:
"For this is the time and this is the hour," says the living God, "that there shall be many strange sights that shall fill the skies, but also the airways. And some shall be gripped with fear when these sights shall begin to be displayed in the heavenlies, but also, things that shall be reported; yes, they will be reported upon the news. And there will be those that will say, 'What is this? What meaneth this?'" For God says, "Do you understand that there are two specific things that I am bringing forth? There will be, there will be... You say, 'What will there be?' There will be a cutting off of evildoers and their work and their corruption," says the Lord.
"There will be a turning of events. Pay attention, as things shall swiftly turn. You say, 'What shall begin to turn?'" God says, "The news. They will begin to turn, as some shall have a 'dismantling' and what would seem like internal confusion and conflict; as there shall be a turning upon one another in the news media, and in the places that have been perpetrating lies." For God says, "There is the Spirit of truth; there is conviction that is riding and moving upon the earth; and there are some that shall stand up at the expense of their job [and] their reputation. And they will say, 'We can no longer—no matter how much we are paid and what we are told; [we can no longer] continue to report, to say [speak], and to act like this.'"
God says, "It will turn; it will shift as they begin to come. And they will begin to turn their finger and say, 'We will not say that anymore.' Watch what will begin to take place, for they will come and they will say, 'You have 'this' amount of hours; you have 'this' amount of days.' And they will push legislation and say, 'We are mandating it.' And they will ignore the courts; they will ignore those who are standing against what they will say are political laws of mandates."
God says, "They will begin to turn. They will begin to shift. They will be ripped in two, as the freedom that has held this nation together for over 200 years shall be the future not only for you, but for your children," says the living God.
"And you will see. You will see with your eyes. Watch—the day you watch; the month that it shall take place—for there will be an unusual snowstorm that will blanket this nation. Pay attention to the cities, to the states, for they will say, 'This is an unusual snow,' and they will say, 'This is record breaking. This is like what we have not seen before,' because I am not done cleansing; I am not done dealing with wickedness in high places. And it shall mark a shift that will and is continuing to take place upon this land. For you will see the salvation of your God. (Photo via Pixabay)
"Keep your eyes upon the schools, for they will force and mandate things that will bring a tremendous fear." But God says, "Look very closely, for you will see masses, as they will gather across the United States and even the nations of the earth. They will say, 'We will not go for these mandates.'" God says, "The numbers will begin to arise in the hundreds of thousands, and then the millions will gather, and there will be great masses and great numbers of those who will push back. And this 'pushback' will bring a 'put it back.' It will happen in the schools (as parents will arise) that there will even be 'closings' of certain schools, because of parents pulling their children out. And they'll say, 'We cannot do this. We must reopen the schools. We must reopen discussion concerning vaccination, even among the young.'" And God says, "What they speak of today shall fall apart and be torn apart and placed under foot tomorrow.
"Do not think that this is the new norm. Do not think that this is always the way that things shall be. For I speak to you that there is an hour coming (and it's coming fast) of My reset, My reversal, and My rebirthing that is taking place in the nation."
A New Era: Great Storms, New Faces & a Turning Over of Events & Legislation
Prophetic Word Released from Pastor Hank Kunneman on November 19, 2021:
The Spirit of the Lord says, "Are you ready to see the new that I shall bring unto you? For there is a new season; there is a new era that is among the earth. Look with your eyes. No, I do not only speak concerning your natural eyes, but look with the eyes of your spirit—My eyes that will reveal to you that there is more of My hand and My hosts than what is against you. Do not come into agreement with those who want you to think that I have removed My hand from off this nation. This is not so," says the Lord.
"But watch, very closely, as there shall be... Look for Me, look for Me. You say, 'God, what do You mean, "Look for Me"?' Mild, mild [it] shall be in places where they say that there should be harsh weather. [But] there shall be mild, mild, mild weather that shall break records. Why shall I use the weather?" The Lord says, "I will show that I'm the God who uses the seasons, that uses the climates to cause them to conform to My hand as this nation shall conform too.
"But watch, also, Me. There shall be mild and there shall be extreme. And in places where they say that it is normally mild, it shall seem extreme, but for a moment of time. And a great storm shall arise upon the land, and it shall be blanketed with snow. For I shall once again cause the earth and the nation (the United States) to see that I deal with wicked kings when it is snowing—not only in Zalmon but the United States. And I will bring another deep cleansing that will be a sign. Look for Me, for there will be many chaotic things in this nation that shall suddenly shift and become mild. And there will be many things that they will not want Me to touch; they do not want Me to see; they do not want Me to expose; they do not want Me to remove. But yet I shall, and it will be extreme.
"Look for Me! Mild, extreme... it is the work of My hands. And I will bring a promise unto this land, and I will fill the house—the White House—the presidency. I will fill it with the new. I will fill the vice presidency with the new. I will fill the Speaker of the House with the new. And I will bring the new to the halls of congress and to the floors of the senate. And I will bring the new even to the court that you call 'Supreme.' For there will be a shaking and there will be an exposing upon your court that you call 'Supreme,' and I will reveal that they have shook hands in secret. They have made deals in secret, and I will pull the covers off, and they will be removed from their seats (some of them)," says the Lord.
"Do not tell Me that I am taking too long, for you call this season 'autumn,' but I call it a 'long fall.' And I will take My time through your winter months. I will take My time even as the new year comes among you to do what I have planned, to bring My long fall... for many shall be exposed. Things will begin to fall and fall apart. (Photo via Flickr)
"And watch very closely. There shall be [a] shocking turn of events [that] will hit even the news. For I will turn, shockingly, as the shaking comes to the networks, and there will be removals. But there will be new faces that will arise upon the networks that say, 'We don't care how much you pay us, we will not lie.'
"There will be a swift turning of events, of things that they demand, [using] words like 'mandates.' And they say, 'But don't you know that [these are] governmental mandates?'" God says, "Ha! I laugh! If I turned over tables and I drove money changers out in My wrath, because [of] My zeal, I will once again turn over laws [and] legislation. I will tear [them] apart," says the Lord. "They'll have no voice, no sound to afflict the people of this land. And I will drive out those evildoers, for I will cut them off. For as My Word says, they shall have their day. And," God says, "it is coming fast.
"Watch for a great turning of events as things begin to rattle, shake [and] roll. And, ultimately, there shall be a turning upon one another in the shocking turn of events. Not only shall it be the media (the turning over of legislation that they say will be mandated), but I will show you, as they turn upon one another."
God says, "I told you already, before, that I am the party crasher, and I will crash the Republican Party; I will crash the Democratic Party. And I will raise up new faces. I will raise up those who will stand with Me and My glory."
God says, "I will settle 2020, as My Word declares [that] when you clean house, do you not first bind the strongman?" [See Matthew 12:29.] The Lord says, "The strongman of the 2020 election has been too loud; it has been undealt with. But," God says, "I will bind up the strongman of that time, that I may not only clean house but spoil their goods.
America: Taste and See That the Lord Is Good!
"Watch and see. You are about, America, to taste and see that the Lord is good. I have been good," says the Lord.
"I see shocking deaths that are a part of the turning of events, as the hand of the Lord is coming with righteousness and justice.
"And when you see the headlines, 'Great Storms,' pay not attention to the word 'storm'; look to the word 'great,'" says the Lord, "because I'm doing great things that are bringing reset [by] My hand; reversals that shall bring a rebirthing of this nation, that shall reach even down to your schools." God says, "I will reset their curriculum, I will reverse their curriculum, and I will raise up a generation out of the schools [so] that the children shall be a part of the rebirthing of this nation!"
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Hank Kunneman
One Voice Ministries
Hank Kunneman is the senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church, a thriving church in Omaha, Nebraska, and founder of One Voice Ministries. As an uncompromising voice that God is using to stir up the Body of Christ, he is known for a strong prophetic anointing as he preaches. He travels and ministers extensively as he and his wife, Brenda, preach together at conferences, churches, and national television programs throughout the United States and overseas. Together, the Kunneman's also host their own nationally and internationally televised weekly program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, airing on Daystar Television Network, Victory Television Network, and Faith Broadcasting Network. Pastor Hank is a published author with both Destiny Image and Charisma House, with his most recent books being The Lord Himself Is Stepping In, Prophesy with the Wind in Your Mouth, My Heart Cries Abba Father, The Revealer of Secrets, Barrier Breakers, and Don't Leave God Alone. He has also written and created several children's books.
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