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Jennifer Martin: "The Three-Stranded Cord of War"

Jennifer Martin, Nashville, TN
Aug 14, 2024


The next wave is a three-stranded cord of men, women, and youth who will join in the unified sound of intercession and seed the ground for the next great awakening.

"Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:12 NKJV)

I heard the Lord say, "I am awakening a sound in My Body. It is the sound of war in My men, it is the sound of birthing in My women, and it is the sound of harvest in My youth."

1. The Sound of War

"My men are to be a shield to protect and provide for the women and the children. Their sound of intercession will be war cries. Their prayers and shouts will paralyze the work of the enemy. They are My shield.

"I am calling My men to rise up and put on their battle gear. Pick up your shield! Your position in the spirit is vital for the next great awakening."

"From the Gadites there came over to David in the stronghold in the wilderness, mighty men of valor, men trained for war, who could handle shield and spear, and whose faces were like the faces of lions, and they were as swift as the gazelles on the mountains." (1 Chronicles 12:8 NASB)

"Behold our shield, O God, and look upon the face of Your anointed." (Psalm 84:9 NASB)

2. The Sound of Birthing

[Editor's note: The following (under the subtitle "The Sound of Birthing") is an excerpt of Jennifer Martin's prophetic word published previously on February 27, 2024. To read the full word, click here.]

I dreamed of a woman who was pregnant. She was not ready to give birth but the baby was coming. She was in a public place with people all around.

She climbed into a pool, and her husband was with her. The water began to flood in as she stepped down. She was willing to let the birthing process take its course, but then the wrestle within her began. I knew she was thinking, It's not time! I'm not ready! She was fighting the timing of the birth. It felt too soon. She knew she had to, but she was not full term.

I watched her flounder around the pool looking for an escape. But when labor begins, there is no escaping it.

She didn't want to be in the public eye for all to watch this intimate moment, but she had no choice. This is not how she wanted it to be. This was not her plan. She didn't want to have her baby in front of all these people. This is not what she thought it would be like. (Photo via Piqsels)

Her husband was with her, but then he was out of the pool, standing by the edge watching over her. He was protecting the birth.

Trying to hide, she swam deep under the water, far back in the pool that seemed to go underground. She was crying out under water, and I could hear her and see the bubbles.

She stayed there way too long. I began to worry she would drown. Did she not know she would die if she stayed down there? I continued to watch her as she was on her hands and knees on the bottom crying out as loud as she could, resisting the way this was happening. She refused to give birth like this.

I called to her family to go get her. I yelled, "Someone get her! The baby was coming and she was going to need our help! She had to come forth out of the hidden place!"

Then I woke to a loud storm and thunder that shook my body. God was emphasizing the dream.

Women, listen to me. You are pregnant with promises and prayers right now that are going to come forth. They will come so quickly that you won't feel ready. They will come forth in front of others, and it will feel messy. There is stretching and pain in the birthing process. It certainly is not comfortable at all.

You know God has been showing you what you are called to do, and you have been somewhat prepared for what you've seen, but you thought you had more time to get ready. And even though you want to see your "baby," you dread going through what it takes to birth. It's the unknown and uncertainty of what's coming, and many of you are scared.

No one is ever ready for it. And when it's time, it may feel like it's too soon, and you're not ready at all, but God has brought you to this moment for a purpose. He knows what you carry and He will cause you to give birth in this season whether you feel like it's time or not. You don't get to choose when you birth. The season comes in its own time.

You may want to crawl in a hole and stay hidden from this process. Don't retreat. It must happen, and it's going to happen. And God wants all to see you give birth. Yield to it!

You may feel so exposed, but it is holy nonetheless. The crying, the contractions, the disorder of it all—this is all how birthing comes. Don't be afraid of that. You might just be in the middle of labor right now and you don't know it. Let it be.

Even now, the Church is experiencing a birthing take place that is messy as God stretches the Body, and the contractions are getting closer and closer. In the public eye, there are many situations we are watching that we feel should be private, but God is taking them front and center. He wants us all to behold what He is birthing, even though we might wrestle with what we are seeing.

It can be hard to watch God judge hidden sin and shake His house, but it is necessary. He wants us to see that nothing is hidden.

From public platforms to the private prayer room, the birthing has come, and it's a new day for the Church. We are being refined by fire.

In this season, women especially are carrying a prophetic voice right now of purity, righteousness, and holiness. THEY WILL CRY OUT IN INTERCESSION AND MOVEMENTS WILL BEGIN. It has already begun, but God is speaking through this dream that it is now.

Men, the women need you to watch over them while they birth. They cannot protect themselves during labor. The women need your prayers of strength and support while God has commissioned them to birth this next wave in the earth. Everyone is necessary! Everyone has an assignment from Heaven! Men, we need you! Please know how much the women depend and rely on your strength. Without you we would not make it. Help us! Pray for us! (Photo via Pxhere)

Women and men, it's time. Don't fight. Get in the water. Let it come. Let it birth. Let it be messy. Let all see.

3. The Sound of Harvest

This sound will be the sound of the youth running out into the harvest fields to rescue those who are trapped in darkness. Gen Z (whom I call "Generation Zeal") and Gen Alpha will be the hands and feet of the prayer movement happening now, and will be thrust into the harvest fields.

This will be a direct result of the men and women agreeing in prayer. The sound of war has been released, and men and women are being the shield and shooting the arrows. Together, we are going to hit the target in the spirit. And as we yield to the spirit of intercession that God is releasing right now, we are going to seed the earth with what is necessary for the billion-soul harvest (particularly of the youth) to come forth, which is just the beginning of the harvest of the world.

The Lord says, "The great harvest has begun, and I am enlisting an army of warriors to join with Me in the spirit and unify and become the birthing room of Heaven in the earth."

"Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth." (Psalm 127:4 NKJV)

"The Lord will protect him and keep him alive, and he shall be called blessed upon the earth; and do not give him over to the desire of his enemies." (Psalm 41:2 NASB)

"And the fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it; it shall not be put out. And the priest shall burn wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt offering in order on it; and he shall burn on it the fat of the peace offerings." (Leviticus 6:12 NKJV)

It's time! We must not let the fire go out! Who is with me?


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Jennifer Martin
Contagious Love International


Munday and Jennifer Martin are committed to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to America and the nations, equipping a supernatural Jesus generation who will manifest miraculous lives to impact communities and culture. Munday and Jennifer both minister and preach in the glory, blazing a trail of reformation, miracles, healings, signs and wonders, salvations, and intense outbreaks of the glory of God in churches, conferences, crusades, and the streets in the U.S. and the nations, leading many into the fullness of God in 28 nations. They have been ordained by James Goll and are part of Global Connect, as well as H.I.M. (Che Ahn's coalition of leaders).


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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Jennifer Martin's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.

August 22–24, 2024
Dark Horse School
With Jennifer and Munday Martin
Worship by Aero Ministries
Franklin, TN

September 12–14, 2024
3-Day Intensive: Unlocking Your Destiny
Dr. Charles Karuku hosts Jennifer Martin and Pastor Landon Huie
Burnsville, MN

September 20–21, 2024
Awaken the Generations
With Jennifer and Munday Martin
Worship by Aero Ministries
Lansing, MI
(For more itinerary information, click here)

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