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Lana Vawser: "Daughters of God, Your Waters Are Breaking as You Enter 5784!"

Lana Vawser
Sep 13, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve Shultz

We are starting to receive prophetic words for the new Hebrew year we're entering into: 5784. We're really excited about what the Lord is revealing to His prophetic voices for this new year.

Lana Vawser's recent word for 5784 is full of prophetic exhortation towards God's daughters as she shares:

"There has been such a fierce battle over My daughters. There has been such a fierce battle over their identities, their positions, their destinies and their hearts, but I am moving in POWER in their midst, for this is the DAY OF THEIR DELIVERANCE. This swirl has come over and over and over and over to weary them and take them out. The witchcraft has attempted to silence them and steal their voice, but I am roaring over them, and I am speaking over them: DO NOT BACK DOWN! Your waters are breaking as you enter into 5784."

Steve ShultzThat is so rich with revelation, and there is much more below. The enemy is a liar, and he's always trying to deter us from our identities, trying to break us...but God has us in the palms of His hands!

Enjoy this word, daughters of God... YOU are BREAKING THROUGH into 5784! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

In Christ,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


Prophetic word of the Lord released on September 07, 2023:

I heard the Lord say, "Daughters of God, do not back down! Your waters are breaking as you enter through the door of 5784."

A 'Swirl' and an Intense Pressure

This week the Lord showed me that many of His daughters have been under intense pressure. Those words, "intense pressure," resounded SO loudly around me. The sense I got when I heard this was that many daughters of God have been feeling like they are at a breaking point. It was this intense feeling of "I can't take this anymore; things look like they are never going to shift; I stand in faith, and when I've done all to stand, and I still stand, the pressure just intensifies."

I could feel this 'swirl' surrounding them...almost like the enemy was 'wooing' them into agreement. It was a swirl of discouragement and weariness to draw many daughters into the narrative that "it is just all too hard."

The Enemy Will Not Prevail!

When I asked the Lord about this 'swirl,' He said to me:

"Lana, the enemy is attempting to weary My daughters more than ever, but it will NOT prevail, for what I am now doing in their lives is going to cause them to arise STRONGER. What I am doing in their lives right now is going to cause them to arise RESTORED.

"Lana, this swirl has come to steal their vision, to steal their strength, and to steal their stamina. But I am turning this 'swirl' on its head, and I am releasing supernatural stability in the impartation of faith to them, supernatural strength to them, supernatural sight to them, supernatural sustenance to them in the encounters I am leading them deeper into—and supernatural restoration."

The Day of Deliverance

He continued to speak:

"Lana, there are many daughters who feel like they have hit a dry and barren place, but I am breaking open the hard ground, and I am releasing the greatest outpouring of My Spirit in their lives that they have ever experienced. IT IS SOVEREIGN!

"There are many of My daughters living in such anxiety of 'What do I have to do? How do I get out of this? What do I pray to shift all of this?' Many are feeling frantic in trying to find the formula, but the truth is, all they have to do is be with Me, rest in Me, and I am going to release a sovereign outpouring of My Spirit into these dry areas. They have come to the end of their strength, and now they will meet the SOVEREIGN MOVE and SOVEREIGN KING, and what it looks like to live deeper in supernatural rest, strength, faith and dependence upon Me. (Photo via Unsplash)

"There has been such a fierce battle over My daughters. There has been such a fierce battle over their identities, their positions, their destinies and their hearts, but I am moving in POWER in their midst, for this is the DAY OF THEIR DELIVERANCE. This swirl has come over and over and over and over to weary them and take them out. The witchcraft has attempted to silence them and steal their voice, but I am roaring over them, and I am speaking over them: DO NOT BACK DOWN! Your waters are breaking as you enter into 5784."

Stepping Into New Mantles – From Groveling to Governing

What I heard next caused every part of me to tremble at the thundering of the authority in His voice.

"The VERY AREAS where the enemy has tried to take out My daughters—especially in the last two years—as they enter through the door of 5784, there will be a RAPID DELIVERANCE of everything that has tried to silence them, hinder them, kill them and take them out; and in THOSE AREAS I will release NEW MANTLES. I am releasing NEW MANTLES. The tables are turning. As they walk through the door into and of 5784, they are going to step into NEW MANTLES.

"The shift that I am releasing upon them as they walk through the door is the biggest shift they will have experienced thus far. The time has come to an end where the enemy has ferociously attacked those certain areas in their lives over and over and over again, those areas that have continued to feel like the battle is always on. In 5784, they will move into GOVERNING in these areas.

"It is the sound of OVERCOMING, it's the SOUND of VICTORY, and it is the SOUND of stepping into a greater FULLNESS of their destiny. And over the next four years, they will see the greatest establishing, outpouring and move of My Spirit in these areas, like they have never seen before. They will enter into a land of possessing DOUBLE in these areas, and begin to see the very areas where the enemy has tried to take them out become the areas of their greatest ministries thus far. All they have known is darkness and battle over these areas, and now as they enter through the door of 5784, they shall know GLORY in these areas of ministering to others and ministries and movements that I am birthing through them.

"5784 will see many of My daughters step into GOVERNING WITH ME like never before. Many of My daughters have been in a place of groveling, but I am restoring them and delivering them and awakening them afresh to their identity in Me, and leading them further into their authority in Me, where the greatest shift of their lives will take place—from GROVELING TO GOVERNING.

"Take heart, daughters of God, for in these areas where I am releasing these new mantles upon you, you will be invited into partnering with Me and the move of My Spirit in areas you have not walked in before. These areas will require deeper dependence upon Me. And in these areas, as you lean on Me and lean into Me, you will receive the deepest revelation, divine intel, wisdom and strategy in what I want to do, and how I want to move in these new assignments. You will see My plans, purposes and glory manifest on an unprecedented scale." (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)

Daughters of God, Do Not Back Down! The New Birth Is Coming Forth

The Lord showed me the daughters of God moving through the door of 5784, and as they went through, they experienced the most unprecedented deliverance of the MIND—of torment of the mind—that I had ever seen. I saw it completely lift off of them, and they were catapulted into a season of deep encounter to receive the divine INTEL of the Lord for their new assignments and mantles.

I heard the Lord say, "As your waters are beginning to break, lean into the transition, lean into the birthing, for the NEW BIRTH is coming forth. You are stepping further into who I have created you to be. You are stepping further into your destiny. For many of you, you will see that these areas, contented by the enemy over and over again, are actually a significant part of your assignment and the call upon your life that I have given you; and NOW you will step into a season of abounding fruitfulness in the move of My Spirit IN you and THROUGH you. These new mantles falling upon you will bring you so much joy as you partner with Me in unprecedented moves of My Spirit in the very areas that have been the most contended for in your life thus far.

"Daughters, do not back down. Remain in expectancy and faith. For the battle has been fierce, especially over the last few weeks, because of what you are stepping out of and stepping into, as you walk through the door of 5784 with Me. Your waters are breaking. It is time for another level of birthing."

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Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries

Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they live in Adelaide, South Australia with their family.

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