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Veronika West: "The Rise of God's Remnant Warriors!"

Veronika West
Sep 2, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve ShultzVeronika West of Ireland is a prophetic seer, and she has powerful visions from the Lord for our nation and the nations of the earth.

You will be greatly encouraged in her recent encounter as she gives us the word of the Lord:

"Watch, as My transforming glory will come! Watch, as My justice and vindication will come! Yes! Watch, as My compensation will come, for I will pour out My healing and restoration power upon the people of the land."

Steve ShultzYes, yes, and yes again to that word of the Lord!

Rejoice as you read the rest of Veronika's message to the Body of Christ. Again and again, He is telling us to arise! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Arising with you,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


"The Rise of God's Remnant Warriors!"

Veronika West, Ireland

Prophetic word posted on Veronika West's Facebook page on August 7, 2023:

I hear the Spirit say, "Warriors! Rise up and take your place on the front line of battle. Fear not, for the giants stand powerless in the presence of the King.

I Have Put Victory in Your Mouth!

"See, I have put victory in your mouth! Now open your mouth and I will fill it. Speak forth My Word and it will go forth to pierce and penetrate the heart of darkness in the land.

"Watch as the authority and the transforming power of My Word goes forth to move and make way for the rivers of My glory to come and break forth upon the nations.

"I say, come up higher! Yes! Let us go up together to the high places, where the fragrance of the prayers and praises of My PEOPLE fills My nostrils.

My Transforming Glory Will Come!

"Have I not said the books that have been sealed will now be opened?

"Watch, as My transforming glory will come! Watch, as My justice and vindication will come! Yes! Watch, as My compensation will come, for I will pour out My healing and restoration power upon the people of the land.

"Now listen! Beloved, you must eat My Word, speak My Word, and NOW run with the roar of My resurrection and redemptive power," says God. (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)

The Spirit of Revelation and Wisdom Manifested

Friends, I see the Spirit of Revelation and Wisdom manifesting mightily and powerfully in the hearts and minds of God's people in this season, causing many to arise in greater power to go forth and declare their righteousness by His Blood.

Strongholds Broken

Strongholds and strangleholds of the enemy are being dismantled and broken. I see an army of warriors beginning to conquer and overcome those things that seemed impossible in the past. The weak are being made STRONG.

I hear the sound of a war cry of victory over the people of God. Satan is defeated. The hand of God has overturned and overthrown every situation that has seemed insurmountable and impossible for many.

The Season of Abundant Harvest

Listen! The ground is fertile and the seeds that you have sown in the last season will suddenly and quickly come forth. The season of abundant harvest is upon us. The hand of God is now moving with greater acceleration and momentum upon the earth.

A Supernatural Shift

I see a supernatural shift taking place in the heavenlies, which will now begin to manifest in the midst of you. Watch and expect a divine move of restoration, timely reversals and unexpected recompense in every area of your life where the devourer came to rob, kill and destroy.

Every hindrance that has drained and stifled your momentum is now being uprooted and removed. There is a clear pathway forming in front of you, a pathway that leads to fruitfulness and increase.

Equipped for Battle

The Spirit of God has equipped and empowered you to stand and be strong in the conflict. There is a battle that rages in the heavens on your behalf. Be assured of His Blood that has overcome every demonic assignment and onslaught. He has given you weapons to war and to win with. Now take hold of His peace and His salvation. Take hold of His righteousness and His faith. Let His Spirit and His truth guide and direct you. (Photo via Pexels)

You Are Standing in His Victory!

I prophesy, you are standing in His victory in this hour. Hope is rising.

I prophesy, it's a new day and a new dawn for the faithful ones of God.

I see the finger of God beginning to stretch you beyond your comfort zone, taking you beyond the borders of familiarity and safety. He is enlarging you and preparing you for appointed times and seasons. You are being reset and re-calibrated, for these are indeed set times, times of watching and waiting.

Heaven is about to move! There is a release of the power of His presence.

I prophesy, His promises will be made manifest upon the earth. Get ready, for the suddenlies of God will begin to sweep across the nations like wildfires, as the cries of repentance go forth.

Be expectant, for the display of God's glory shall be seen on Earth like never before.

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Veronika West
Ignite Ireland Ministry

Facebook page: Click here

Veronika West has been anointed and appointed by God as a prophetic voice to the nations. Veronika has a heart to see everyone in the Body of Christ fully activated and released in their Kingdom identity, purpose and destiny. Being born and raised in Africa, she also has a passion for deliverance ministry and seeing the hand of God set free the captives that are bound. She enjoys teaching the Word of God through practical application and supernatural impartation. Veronika heads up Ignite Ireland Ministries, and currently teaches a broad range of prophetic truths to those who are actively seeking to walk in deeper realms and dimensions of the prophetic ministry and office. Veronika is married to Andrew West, and together they have two children.

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