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Daniel Pontious: "God Is Going to Redeem Your Time!"

Daniel Pontious
Sep 3, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve ShultzDo you have areas in your life you'd like to see redeemed?

If so, let this little snippet from Daniel Pontious' word greatly encourage you:

The redemption of time isn't going back to the past in order to change what has happened, but it is a 'going forward' with the power of the Holy Spirit—not only changing the direction for our future, but grasping what the WILL OF GOD truly is for each of our personal lives, and then walking in it!

Steve ShultzGod wants to partner with us to redeem our time! And how do we do this? By UNDERSTANDING the will of God for our lives...and then walking in it.

Now read on, and together let's leave the past behind and press on toward our Great Prize, Jesus Christ! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

In Christ,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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"God Is Going to Redeem Your Time!"

Daniel Pontious, Sonora, CA

Recently, the Holy Spirit dropped a word into my heart for many of those out there who have gone through much trauma in their personal lives. It was only a single phrase: "I am going to redeem the time for them!"

The moment that I heard this in my spirit, the Scripture that His words were based on came rushing forth out of my soul; but somehow, to me, His phrase seemed different than what my understanding of this verse actually was:

"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, REDEEMING THE TIME, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is." (Ephesians 5:15-17, emphasis mine)

What Is the Redemption of Time?

While many of us have many regrets in our personal lives, and we wish we would have done things differently in the past, we can't actually go back in time and change those things now. But what we can do is change the direction of our lives going forward.

The redemption of time isn't going back to the past in order to change what has happened, but it is a 'going forward' with the power of the Holy Spirit—not only changing the direction for our future, but grasping what the WILL OF GOD truly is for each of our personal lives, and then walking in it!

The Revelation That Leads to Transformation

Understanding what God's will is for each of us can only come by the revelation of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God (personal relationship), but as that revelation comes and is released to each of us, something begins to happen to our soul realm on the inside of us.

That transformation of our souls will cause us to make some major (or minor) course corrections in our personal lives, which will redirect us back toward God's plans and purposes for each one of us—no matter how far away we may think we are from His will.

The Holy Spirit knows the will of God for every single one of us, and He not only gives us the ability to see what that is, but He also gives us the supernatural ability (grace) to cause His will come to pass in our lives—if we'll only stop where we are currently at, place our lives in His hands, and trust Him to redirect us into it. (Photo via Pixabay)

Leave the Past Behind and Press Toward the Goal!

Where we have gone in the past doesn't matter as much as where we are going (directionally) in the future! Paul the apostle understood this, and I'd imagine his past constantly tried to haunt him because he had killed so many other Believers before His encounter with Jesus Christ, which is probably why he said, "...forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward" (Philippians 3:13-14).

You can't go back, so stop living there! Press into the Holy Spirit today and allow Him to adjust your course and reveal the Father's will for your life. As you do this, the redemptive power of the Cross of Jesus Christ will begin to come upon your life, and it will completely change it from this day forward.

That power may not change your past, but it will completely wash it away by the Blood of Jesus Christ! Today is your day to see the will of God and adjust your course to His! Jesus Christ is calling you upward! Will you answer that call?

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