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Ella Onakoya: "A Season Shift For Those Who've Been Through Intense Battles"

Ella Onakoya
Aug 7, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve Shultz

Our friend, Ella Onakoya, had an incredible dream encounter that we all can learn a great deal from!

Ella is an evangelist who goes after the lost in a grand way... She does not shy away from leading anyone in her path to receiving the Lord, and we know HE is so pleased with her!

Here is a word for this season from Ella:

I believe that this is a season of change for those who have experienced aborted destinies and destruction of resources and blessings due to the activity of these devourers. The Lord will protect your storehouses from ravagers. In this coming season, many of His faithful ones will be shielded in a place that's hidden in Him. In seasons past, you fought hard and valiantly as you knew how to. Now you shall reap! Your valiant battles are releasing a harvest of rewards and victory for NOW.

Steve ShultzNow that is a word for us to receive from! Our destinies have NOT been aborted...but have been kept secure in the Lord!

Enjoy this word from Ella, and be encouraged that your battles are leading to a great victory! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

In Christ,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


Around the first week of June 2023, I had a dream that highlighted a shift from a precarious season to a place of safety, brought about by a timely intervention from the hand of the Lord.

Part 1 of My Dream

In the first part of the dream, I saw Believers who were facing imminent and severe attacks. Huge, unusual-looking insects (which were obviously demonic in nature) swarmed from every side, trying to attack these Believers. The insects looked like large hornets with sharp, pointed instruments on the front of their foreheads, ready to sting and cause damage to their intended victims.

These Believers were on the verge of being stung many times. Although they were never stung, I sensed their intense weariness as they tried all they could to remain on alert in order to avoid the invading insects.

Part 2 of My Dream

In the second part of the dream, I sensed that the hand of the Lord had intervened, removing these Believers from a place of exposure to attacks and harm to a place of hiddenness and safety. I saw that they were now hidden in a rock that was shaped like a cave.

The demonic hornets continued to fly in the horizon, looking for those whom they could sting, but they could not get inside the cave! Whilst inside the rock, the Believers were in a place of safety and could not be attacked. Then I woke up.

I sought the Lord after this dream, and felt led to release these revelations:

The Rock

In my dream, the rock where the Believers were hidden represents being hidden in Christ at all times. Regardless of situations you face, I encourage you to stay connected to the Lord. Remain in worship, in faith-filled prayer, in the Word and in your secret place with Him.

He will secure your future in a place that's safe from the attacks of the enemy which seem imminent. In times past, some of these attacks have overwhelmed you and taken you by surprise. But in this season, the attacks planned on the horizon will have no place to land, as the Lord brings you into a place of safety in Christ the Rock. (Photo via Pxfuel)

The Devouring Insects

The demonic insects/hornets in my dream represent strategically planned attacks sent to devastate the Believer and cause a 'weakening' of the anointing they walk in. However, the anointing will break the yoke of this attack as you live a lifestyle of Ephesians 5:18-21:

"And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God."

Be encouraged that even if you have been stung by these attacks, Christ the Messiah, the Anointed One, will set you free.

Fairly recently, a leader contacted me and shared that while she was ministering on a mission trip, bizarrely, she had felt a sensation of being stung with what felt like a scorpion sting. For many months afterward, she felt drained of her strength and sapped in her level of anointing. It was obvious she had been under attack.

After she shared this with me, I prayed for her in tongues. As I prayed, I felt a spirit of might come on me to set her free from whatever she had been stung with. She became overjoyed as she felt replenished and full of strength once again. The good news is, even if you have been stung by an enemy attack, the answer is to always allow the anointing to set you free and restore you.

I believe the insects in the dream also represent that which is sent to destroy our storehouse of blessings, resources, and years. They are what is described in Joel 1:4 as "ravaging locust" that devour blessings and resources.

God's Plan of Restoration for What the Insects Have Devoured

God's answer/strategy, according to Joel 2:25, is to restore the years that have been eaten by these devourers and eaters of times and seasons. If you have been stung or have experienced the destructive activities of these devouring insects, trust in the Lord to restore the years that have been stolen from you. I hear in my spirit, "He is your redeemer of times and seasons."

I believe that this is a season of change for those who have experienced aborted destinies and destruction of resources and blessings due to the activity of these devourers. The Lord will protect your storehouses from ravagers. In this coming season, many of His faithful ones will be shielded in a place that's hidden in Him. In seasons past, you fought hard and valiantly as you knew how to. Now you shall reap! Your valiant battles are releasing a harvest of rewards and victory for NOW.

I want to encourage those who have felt their strength waning due to the intensity of the battle. Daniel 7:22 is a word for you: "Until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the Kingdom." Receive new strength to overcome! (Photo via Unsplash)

The Cave

In 1 Kings 18:4, Obadiah had to hide the prophets of the Lord who had faced severe attack from Jezebel in caves.

I believe that some of those in my dream, who were hidden in the cave, also represent the prophetic ministry that has been under attack in the Body of Christ.

In this season, the Lord will hide, in His secret place, His prophets who have faithfully released His voice and have not feared man. In this place of hiddenness and protection, Jezebel's attacks will not prevail.

I encourage you to abide in the Rock that is Jesus. When we are hidden in Him, the words "access denied to the enemy" are released over us. Devouring and swarming insects of diverse sources and intentions will have no access.

By the mercy of God, this is a season shift for many who have been through intense battles, struggling to remain victorious. Their battles have been intense, but glory to God—there is a season shift, so these warriors can rest in the Lord, who is our Abiding Place, and who fights for us. In Him, Jesus the Rock, there is safety. Trust in Him, for in times of trouble He will hide you.

I pray today for anyone who is battle-weary from an intense season of warring to enter into the place of safety in Him. Rest in Psalm 57:1: " the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by."

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Ella Onakoya
Harvest of the Nations


Ella Onakoya is the founding leader of Harvest of the Nations. She ministers in the UK, America, Europe, Africa and Asia. She is an evangelist, a prophetess, a prophetic watchman to the nations, a teacher and an author. God moves powerfully through her ministry to revive, heal, equip and release the Body of Christ as she speaks in various conferences, churches, ministries and equipping schools. She is also the director of the Harvest of the Nations School of Ministry. She is a regular writer of prophetic articles for the Elijah List and her articles has also been featured in Charisma Magazine. For further information about her ministry, please visit

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Ella Onakoya's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.

August 27, 2023 at 10:00 AM
"A Time of Increase"
Christ Harvest Centre
The Royal Storehouse
4-6 Westbury Avenue, Turnpike Lane, Haringey, London, N22 6BN, UK

September 17, 2023 at 10:00 AM
Upperoom Christian Fellowship
Bowdon Road, Altrincham WA14 2AH, Manchester, UK

September 21, 2023 at 11:45 AM
Aglow International
Bramley Farm Restaurant
166 Sinderland Road, Altrincham WA14 6JQ, Manchester, UK
(For more itinerary information, click here)

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