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Christa Elisha: "Receive the Gift of Tears"

Christa Elisha
Jul 30, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve ShultzWe sure appreciate the ministry of Christa Elisha. She is one who is vulnerable as can be and does not shy away from how she overcame the enemy by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of her testimony...amen!

Christa shares here about the gift of tears from the Lord:

"Yes, tears are a gift, for they are the seed that, in due season, will produce a harvest of joy. If you will receive this gift and allow your heart to break for what breaks Mine, My love and compassion will become an oasis springing up from your soul."

Steve ShultzNow that's a word! There are many situations in this world that break the heart of God...and He wants to our hearts to break over them too, so that we can bring great change through Him.

Let the rest of this word from Christa sink you receive the gift of tears! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

In Christ,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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"Receive the Gift of Tears"

Christa Elisha, Oxford, Ohio

Confronting the Stony Areas of Our Heart 

One of the shortest verses in the Bible is John 11:35. It is found in the account of the Savior's friend, Lazarus, dying. The verse reads, "Jesus wept." Shortly after this, we see Jesus, moved by emotion, call His friend out of the grave... Interestingly enough, the name Lazarus means "God will help."

I believe that we are in a season within the Body of Christ where the Holy Spirit is confronting the stony areas of our hearts. God is breaking through the walls and barricades we have erected to protect ourselves from perceived weakness or emotional vulnerability. This hard-heartedness has blinded many of us from recognizing the death, grief and pain that are permeating our culture.

Meet Me in the Garden of Gethsemane

I hear the Lord say, "It is time for My remnant to 'let their guard down' to Me. How I long to be invited to roll away the stony fronts and release My people from caves of self-conscious insecurities they have been shut up in. I am visiting My Bride in the stronghold of self-reliance and awakening her with 'first love's kiss' to stir up a deep need for Me again.

"Beloved, won't you invite Me in? I have spent Myself through the night for you. I will soften the hard, barren wilderness within you with My reviving rain. As you surrender your emotions to Me, I will awaken the depths of your being once again. I will give you the gift of My tears.

"Yes, tears are a gift, for they are the seed that, in due season, will produce a harvest of joy. If you will receive this gift and allow your heart to break for what breaks Mine, My love and compassion will become an oasis springing up from your soul.

"Meet Me in the Garden of Gethsemane, and from the outpouring of My emotions flowing through you, you will give birth to resurrection power that calls many lost souls out of their graves. Their dry and weary souls will drink deeply from the fountain of life overflowing from within you. (Photo via Creazilla)

Answering the Cry of an Entire Generation

Friends and saints, there is an entire generation of the 'walking dead' crying out, "God, help me!" from their graves, their souls thirsting in a dry and weary land, longing to find someone or something that will satisfy their thirst and bring them back to life. Meanwhile, much of the Church has been living like the Pharisees, satisfied with their weekly church attendance, believing that this alone is all the sacrifice Jesus requires of them... Beloved, it is time for a change.

As the fathers in our nation begin to submit their emotions to the Holy Spirit and weep over the dead sons and daughters, the dead hearts, the dead marriages, and the dead hopes and dreams of generations...they will be given the power and authority to call forth those crying out for God's help in the graveyards of culture, commanding them to come out from among the dead and to take off their grave clothes, compelled by love to step into the abundant life Christ died to give to them.

Asking for the Gift of Tears

I am convinced we must ask God for this gift of tears. We must stretch ourselves beyond our emotional comfort zones. Where are the weeping prophets, crying out for mercy on behalf of the captured cities? Where are the wailing watchmen, stationed on the spiritual and cultural ramparts of our day? Where are the travailing women, standing in the gap for their brothers, sisters, sons and daughters? Can you feel the invitation for you to be one who receives this precious gift and raises the dead? If so, I invite you to say this prayer with me:

God, forgive me for any hardness of heart. Make my heart tender toward the condition of my fellow man. I submit my emotions to Your Spirit. I ask You to break my heart for what breaks Yours. Give me the gift of tears to intercede for those who cannot help themselves. I thank You in advance for bringing forth a harvest of joy as I sow my tears as seeds in the barren wasteland of society. In Jesus' name, amen.

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Christa Elisha
Arise Kingdom Ministries


Christa Elisha is the founder of Arise Kingdom Ministries, the Revival Rooms and W.I.L.D. (Walk In Love Demonstrated) Equipping. She is a vibrant apostolic revivalist that burns with passionate devotion to Jesus. She carries a strong anointing to invite others into the ecstatic bliss of knowing Christ for who He truly is: The only one who satisfies every need for every soul. It is out of this intimacy that Christa has been commissioned by God to baptize a generation in Holy Fire so that the Bride of Christ arises in purity and power to shake the gates, destroy Hell and radiate the splendor of the risen King, bringing glory to the Father. Christa walks in signs and wonders and prays that revival fire is sparked in each person she touches as her heart cries, "On Earth as it is in Heaven!"

Christa Elisha's Itinerary:

(Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.)

August 2-4, 2023
Revival Conference: "The Fullness 2023"
Northgate Church
51 Fourwinds Dr. Sunbury, OH 43074

August 10-13, 2023
Arise Kingdom Summit
The Nations Glory Barn
21573 45th Street, Waldorf, MN 56091
(For more itinerary information, click here)

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