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Jamie Rohrbaugh: "'I Have Not Abandoned You,' Says the Lord of Hosts"

Jamie Rohrbaugh
Jul 2, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve Shultz"I have not abandoned you." Now those are words we all need to hear from time to time when we are really going through it!

We appreciate Jamie Rohrbaugh taking time to write this word from the Father's heart to yours...and many of you need this word of encouragement right now:

"Remember that I am God, who keeps you and comforts you. I know times have been difficult and hard lately, but I have never left you, not even for a second. I have placed dreams in your heart that seem impossible; yet, they are possible with Me. You feel like you are bearing the weight of the world, but truly all you have to do is rest."

Steve ShultzWe've posted some words recently about this very subject... God wants you to rest in Him.

Enjoy this message and know that He has NOT abandoned you. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

In Christ,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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Little Foxes and Little Grapes

Beloved, have you been immersed in trouble, wondering why God is allowing this to happen and where He is in all of it? If so, the Lord of hosts says to you today:

"I am showing you practical keys for the fight.
So much of life can be impacted by little, practical things that you tend to think don't matter as much as they do. Yet, it's the little foxes that spoil the vine – and the little grapes that make the vine.

"Darkness has been surrounding you, but adjustments of just a few things are making a big difference. Have I not shown you these last few days several things that have made a big impact?

"From your nutrition to your clean environment to your level of organization, these are little things that you don't have to master in order to make a big difference. A big difference is made simply by improving one little area of these things! I don't expect you to be perfect in every area all at once.

"This is what the process of sanctification is: being changed from glory to glory to glory and from strength to strength to strength. You are progressively becoming more like Me. But pay attention to the little foxes that spoil the vine. And don't be on the defensive, but rather be aggressive with forming little grapes with your positive, aggressive, little actions! (Photo via Unsplash)

Small, Practical Steps

"From a practical perspective, wiping down one surface will make you feel better. Cleaning up one square foot of floor space will make you feel better. Doing one creative thing will bring you joy, and taking even one vitamin will help your body heal.

"You cannot beat everything that ails you in the strength of your own flesh; remember that. Without Me, you can do nothing. But as you abide in Me, we can take little actions together – I in you and you in Me – that will make a big difference in your daily life.

"Remember that I am God, who keeps you and comforts you. I know times have been difficult and hard lately, but I have never left you, not even for a second. I have placed dreams in your heart that seem impossible; yet, they are possible with Me. You feel like you are bearing the weight of the world, but truly all you have to do is rest.

Refined in the Fire

"I am testing and refining you in My refining fire of affliction and adversity.

"The test has been heavy, for the reward will be heavy. The reward will be wonderful, but greater levels of promotion and reward demand greater strength for the carrying. That is why I had to purge the dross out of you. Impure metals have their own weaknesses, but when you are purified, you have a strength you know not of. (Photo via Unsplash)

"The reward is coming in its own time. I alone know the times and the seasons, until I share them with you. But in the meantime, you abide in Me. You ask what you will, and it will be done for you. You rest in Me, for I am the God who heals and strengthens you.

"I have not abandoned you to this trouble.
I am using these troubles, but you are safe in My arms. I will not fail you or leave you alone. I will not fail to comfort you in the night season – even this night season that seems to continue in troubles, day and night. I will not fail you or leave you without support. Cling to Me, and I will sustain you and keep you alive," says the Lord of hosts!

Thank You, Lord Jesus. Thank You. I receive that word in Your holy name.

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Jamie Rohrbaugh
From His Presence

Jamie Rohrbaugh equips people to walk in the manifest presence of God. She blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. Her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, can be found on iTunes and Spotify. Jamie holds a Master's in Biblical Studies from Berea Seminary and is the grateful servant-in-chief of the From His Presence Prophetic Hub in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Check out her FREE ebook, "Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them In Prayer and Worship," on her website.

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