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Kathi Pelton: "God Is Repairing Your Sure Foundation"

Kathi Pelton
Jun 17, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve ShultzOur foundations and identities in Christ are vitally important!

This is an great reminder from Kathi Pelton as she says:

God is not only restoring the foundation of structures, but He is restoring the purity of our identities. Our identities are not to be in structures (even ministries), but in Christ alone. If we don't allow this work, we will begin expecting people to serve a structure rather than Christ. We won't be able to faithfully steward the structure according to His plans and principles, or from the place of His firm foundation.

Steve ShultzGod wants us to have a sure foundation and will remove everything that is not rooted in Him.

Be encouraged...that God wants to restore us in every good way! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

In Christ,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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"God Is Repairing Your Sure Foundation"

Kathi Pelton, Portland, Oregon

The Lord is repairing foundations in this hour. He is restoring personal foundations and the foundation of His Church throughout the world.

The other day, I saw a vision of a once solid and firm foundation that was cracked and breaking up—like what you see when a sidewalk breaks up due to overgrown tree roots. I immediately knew that this foundation I was seeing represented a Believer's foundation in Christ—even their identity in Christ. But why was the foundation that I was seeing cracked and broken? What were the roots that were breaking it?

The Spirit of the Lord took me back to this vision and showed me these huge roots, like those of a large tree. The roots that I saw had grown off of things planted on the original foundation and had then spread under it. They were now usurping or encroaching (even trespassing) upon the solid foundation of Christ and His original intent for His Church, and for the houses built upon it.

Once again, I saw that these roots were attached to things originally planted or built upon the foundation of Christ, but over time they began to grow roots and offshoots that were independent of Jesus. They grew out to the left and to the right and then went underground, disrupting the righteous foundation that was set in place to hold them up. The independent roots of these structures had taken over, and now they had become destructive and needed to be cut in order to restore the foundation and secure the God-given structures.

Digging Up the Roots

Then I saw our heavenly Father come, and He began digging up these independent roots that were destroying the foundation of His Son in the lives of His people. As each wild root was removed, the foundation was repaired and identity in Christ was restored. The removal of the destructive roots caused the things planted upon the foundation to become unshakable once again, for they were being restored to their rightful place and His original purpose. Yet, in some cases, the roots had grown so large and thick (so intertwined with other things) that the whole structure had to be removed to save the foundation.

Since having this vision, the Spirit has given me some understanding regarding what He is doing in His Church globally. In His mercy, He is removing everything that has been damaging or destroying the foundation of Christ in our lives and in His Church. In some cases, this means that structures which have become so independent from the original foundation will have to come down in order to bring restoration.

His desire is to remove the growth of wild roots and offshoots that are destroying the foundation without tearing down structures. He wants to secure what has been built while removing what has grown as a wild root, leaving the foundation of Christ. But we must allow His pruning to happen. Anything that is not rooted in the original foundation of Christ must be cut away, or that structure will find that it is no longer on its original foundation and will begin to crumble, or it will begin to grow independent of Christ and His truth. (Photo via Unsplash)

This "cutting away" of destructive roots has been causing disturbances in things we've grown and even in how we've functioned. But we must let this "cutting away" happen, individually and corporately. This is His mercy and His love for us being made manifest. It is required for a pure outpouring to occur.

Restoring Foundations and Identities

God is not only restoring the foundation of structures, but He is restoring the purity of our identities. Our identities are not to be in structures (even ministries), but in Christ alone. If we don't allow this work, we will begin expecting people to serve a structure rather than Christ. We won't be able to faithfully steward the structure according to His plans and principles, or from the place of His firm foundation.

Structures are NOT bad; they are needed. However, they cannot be allowed to grow roots that leave the foundation and create a spiritual ecosystem that is independent from Christ. We are being restored to our original and firm foundation. Being yielded and surrendered is vitally necessary during this time. Do not try to hold onto things that are being cut away or secure things that are being removed. Ask the Holy Spirit for discernment and understanding so that you can cooperate and partner with God in this work.

"For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 3:11)

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Kathi Pelton
Inscribe Ministries


Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton live in Portland, Oregon. Jeffrey is a writer, teacher and book editor. Kathi is an author and prophetic voice to the Church. They walk with nations and individuals to see God's original intent fulfilled. Their ministry, Inscribe Ministries, was founded upon the verse from Habakkuk 2:2 that says, "Then the LORD answered me and said: 'Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.'"

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