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Kim Robinson: "Provision from Heaven and Fun with Jesus!"

Kim Robinson
Jun 15, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve ShultzWe just finished a heavenly interview with Kim Robinson from Arkansas. She is one who goes to Heaven often...and has profound encounters with the Lord.

Below are the ones she shared on our show...and we wanted you to read through them and be encouraged about what is available to us all!

God has PROVISION, HEALING, JOY and much more for you to access from Heaven.

Steve ShultzA good earthly father loves his kids, wants to give them what he has, and have fun with them... Why would our LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER be any different?

Be encouraged and have fun reading through these encounters from Kim Robinson. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

In Christ,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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[Editor's note: Below are a series of encounters from Kim Robinson which she shared recently on Elijah Streams.]

The Money Room

My ex-husband and I owned a business, and the taxes had not been paid for a very long time. The I.R.S. had just called us that day and said, "We have put a freeze on your bank account. You have 24 hours to come up with $30,000, or we will come and put a padlock on the doors and begin the process of getting our payments!"

We didn't have $30.00, let alone $30,000, and we had no one we could borrow any money from. Just imagine the shock of knowing that your only money is the $2.50 or so that you have in your pocket at that moment.

Knowing there was nothing else I could do, I went home and began to worship God, not realizing what was about to happen... After a little while of focusing on Jesus and not the problem, I heard Jesus say, "Sit still. I have something to show and to tell you." I sat down and got comfortable. Then I heard Him say, "Come up here. I have something to show you." I saw Jesus standing beside me, and He hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. We began walking toward a massive door. I noticed a large "wheel" door handle, as seen on an old bank vault. I had never seen one except in old movies.

The door was open, so we went in. Jesus stood to the side to let me go in first (He is a gentleman)! What I saw were rows and rows as far as I could see. I looked to the left, and still rows and rows. I looked to the right, and still more and more rows. I became curious and started to focus on what these rows were. Suddenly, I could see rows and rows of "MONEY"—piles and stacks of MONEY! I realized this was an excellent place to be in that moment!

Jesus asked me if I wanted to see my pile. I quickly said, "YES!" We walked over to separate piles of neatly stacked money. I saw my name, the name of my two girls, and my husband, all on individual stacks.

Each person had about three by three cubic square stacks of cash money! My stacks were about three feet high, some two and a half feet tall, some two feet high, and some a half foot, and about three square feet.

He asked me, "How much do you need?" With all the faith I could pull up from the bottom of my being, I breathlessly mustered out, with much embarrassment, "$30,000," knowing that it was probably ALL the money in my pile. Jesus said, "OK," and leaned over. He took a pinch of money, about a half inch thick, and put it in my hand. Now I was really embarrassed, realizing all the faith I could muster up was only a pinch to Jesus, and He handed me $30,000+!

I folded my fingers over my seemingly small, yet huge handful of money, trying to figure out how to get it know, where to put it? I didn't have a pocket and wasn't carrying a purse.

Jesus said, "Do you want to know how to get it back?"

I said, "YES!"

Then I saw an angel standing against the wall. Jesus pointed to him and said, "GO!" He took off like a shot and jetted out the vault door. I didn't know where he was going or how, but I sure was hoping it had something to do with the money!

I looked back at the stacks and noticed some were short. I asked, "Do they ever run out?"

Jesus laughed—not at me, but because it was a funny question. He said, "No, it never runs out." Then He leaned down and put His hand under the shortest pile, with the other hand on top, and slid the shorter pile to the side. It instantly filled back up with the money, level with the others.

Jesus asked, "Do you know how to get the money here?"

I said, "No."

He replied, "By tithing, giving offerings, finding Scriptures that obtain to finances, and by faith."

I thought, Some people have never been taught about tithing, giving or faith. How do they get money when needed?

He said, "By My grace and mercy, and just because I love them!"

I noticed my youngest daughter's pile was mostly even, but some stacks were shorter (she was only about one and a half years old at this time). I asked, "How come some of her stacks are shorter?" She knew nothing, had never tithed or given an offering, and hadn't quoted any Scriptures!

Jesus said, "But she still has needs; she still needs a baby crib, diapers, food and clothes. She also has money here for her ministry when she needs it!" (Photo via Unsplash)

Jesus will provide for the babies.

The funny part about this is what I saw. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pile of money on the right side of us. I looked, and on it I read the name of a pastor who I'd just heard had not been handling the church's finances correctly, and I had been very upset with him at the time.

While looking at his pile, I realized it was BIGGER than MINE! This really upset me now! I don't know if I had my hands on my hips and my lower lip stuck out, but Jesus grinned and said, "His needs are bigger than yours!"

He never commented on my attitude. He wasn't angry or mean to me. We then walked out of the vault.

The next day, a lady called and said she had heard that we wanted to sell a portion of the store. She had $35,000 cash and could have it put in our bank account by noon. She asked if we were interested. We said, "YES!" We were able to buy her out a year later and get our store back. Notice we had more than enough!

Remember to Praise When Fear Tries to Enter

Daddy God said to me, "I'm working on details that you don't even know about. I'm working on the details even at an atomic level. You can't see the whole picture (see Proverbs 8:26).

"You don't need to know all the details; that's My job. I'm getting everything in place that you'll need in the future. Every second of every day I'm working for you, because of My love for you. Trust Me. Trust My love for you. Trust Me. I see what you don't see. I hear what you can't hear. I know what you don't know, so trust Me. You can love someone but still not trust them. Trust Me and give Me your full confidence.

"Put the ball in My court. Not only am I the Coach, but I also own the team and will be voted MVP. You can trust Me to win this game you're playing in. I have the finances to see it through. We will go home with the winning ball. You can trust Me.

"I am into minute (min-oot) details; I love details. I have the time to see them through. I don't get in a hurry or a rush. I am patient enough to wait for the paint to dry. I don't overlook. I don't go cheap or cut corners. I use only the best. I don't force or throw things together just to get the job done. I wait until everything is all ready before I move forward onto the next step. That's why I say, 'Don't be anxious about tomorrow' (see Matthew 6:34). Don't force what isn't ready; you must wait for the paint to dry. I am into the details.

"You can worship someone but not love them. You can love someone but not trust them. I need your trust. I will not let you fall. I will not let you fail. Horsepower will fail you, manpower will too, but I am neither (see Psalm 147:10).

"I am the God who created the universe. I am someone you can put your full trust in. I see from the beginning to the end and from the end to the beginning. I see the whole picture. I am not withholding My love from you. I won't drop you. I am coming for you, My Bride."

Remember to praise when fear tries to enter. Perfect love casts out fear.

Come Here and Play

While praying, I was taken to Heaven. Jesus said, "When you feel rejected, come here and play; here you are accepted."

Then I felt a thick gel-like substance come over me. Jesus said, "This gel soaks in and fills in the hurts and cracks like you would an old wineskin. It softens the hurts and wounds. Come and get healed."

Music in the Water

I had been worshiping Jesus when I felt a drawing. Instantly, I was standing in Heaven beside some water. I saw Jesus. He hugged me, then He turned and began walking into some water, so I followed Him. We were not wearing bathing suits, and Jesus wasn't wearing spandex, but some type of clothing.

I stood looking at Jesus, not knowing what to do. Then He began to splash me with water! I stood shocked as He ran over to me and dunked me, like a big brother would. So, I jumped on Jesus and dunked Him! We played in the water for quite some time. (Photo via Unsplash)

The cool thing about the water in Heaven is that it sparkles and feels like baby oil and Sprite. Yet music, like the sound of an orchestra, comes from the sparkles.

Jesus said, "Here you won't remember 'there' days. These days are earthen days, not forever days; let them go!"

"You are the Lord who reigns over Your never-ending Kingdom through all the ages of time and eternity!" (Psalm 145:13 TPT)

"Lord, You will reign forever! Zion's God will rule throughout time and eternity! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!" (Psalm 146:10 TPT)

Jesus Is Fun!

While praying, Jesus said, "Open your eyes." I knew He meant my spiritual eyes. I opened my eyes and could see Jesus clearly. He was on a horse and said, "Come on." Peal (my horse) was there, and I jumped on and began to pet his super soft hair.

We rode through a field of brightly-colored flowers. After a while, we got off. Jesus and I walked together, holding hands, and flower petals began to fall heavily. They were thick petals, and so soft.

Then, I walked right into the thickest honeysuckle patch. It was high over my head and so thick I couldn't see through it. I asked Jesus, "Why all the flowers? Shouldn't I be interceding or casting down demonic forces or something?"

Jesus said, "I'm doing this for you because you like flowers, and this is fun. I like to have fun," Jesus said. "That's why some men are more into fun. That's part of My character. The other part is easily done—healing and casting down demonic strongholds." Jesus said, "No prayer ever goes empty. The hours, days, months and years you've prayed are not in vain." Then we walked into the future.

He said, "Time is not a challenge."

Clouds and Air Chairs

Jesus and I laid on a cloud. Then He said, "It's like gel-filled, blown by air—so soft and conforming." He said, "I think we could make it on Earth—gel-puffed air chairs. You can hang them like chairs in the house."

"This is why the Scriptures say: Things never discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine—these are the many things God has in store for all His lovers. But God now unveils these profound realities to us by the Spirit. Yes, He has revealed to us His inmost heart and deepest mysteries through the Holy Spirit, who constantly explores all things." (1 Corinthians 2:9-10 TPT)

(To watch this interview with Kim Robinson, where she explains these encounters in more detail, click here.)

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Kim Robinson
Heaven Is Real And Fun

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Kim Robinson is the author of the book Heaven is Real and FUN, which shares gripping tales of spirituality and gives us a glimpse into life in Heaven. She helps us take a sneak peek at how to hear God's voice, encountering Heaven, snow sledding with Jesus, and so on. Let her description of Heaven and Jesus leave you with a loving desire to experience your own journey to Jesus and your heavenly Father. Kim Robinson and her husband Jerry have five children and eleven grandchildren. Kim leads a sozo ministry that reflects her passion for healing hearts and the wisdom of God. They live on the outskirts of town, where she enjoys camping and photography. Jerry is retired, loves golf, and is an amazing cook.

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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Kim Robinson's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.

August 18-19, 2023
Heavenly Encounters & Prophetic Conference
Jamaica NY 11412
Host: Apostle Marvin OMEDE
Guest Speakers: Kim Robinson and Pastor Victor Adedokun
(For more itinerary information, click here)

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