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Katie Barker: "Stand Against the Enemy and Stand for God's Promises"

Katie Barker
Apr 20, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve Shultz

We are definitely in a real battle over our lives and our nation! It is up to us to stand our ground, so to speak, over our territories, as Katie Barker shares in this word of the Lord:

"I am giving My people eyes to see the battle over territory, so they understand the importance of their continued stand. Now is the hour to continue to stand against the schemes of the enemy, and to call forth My promises, intervention and harvest."

Yes, God is calling us to stand for His promises, intervention and revival is continually breaking out across the land!

Steve ShultzBe blessed, be encouraged and be bold as you read through the rest of these prophetic words from the Lord through Katie Barker. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

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Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


As I spent time with the Lord, He spoke the following word to me for this time:

The Roar of the Lion

"Many have been under intense warfare. The roar of the enemy has been loud in the ears of My people. I need My people to know that I am roaring over them and their situations. My roar is louder than any roar of the enemy. My roar is one of fire and power. My roar silences the voice of the enemy. My roar releases My word and will and changes the landscape. My roar brings divine intervention. Have ears to hear My roar, and watch all that is removed and moved in the wake of My roar.

The Battle Over Territory

"Many of My people are standing for the promises I have spoken. The stand has been long and the battle intense. The stand has been over territory, for the enemy has tried to steal territory. But they have stood in the gap to hold territory and bring advancement of territory. This has applied to individual, family, regional and national territories.

"The enemy has pushed hard against those standing in the gap for the promises I have spoken. These ones have not left their post but have stood in intercession for the birthing and breakthrough of all I have spoken.

"I am giving My people eyes to see the battle over territory, so they understand the importance of their continued stand. Now is the hour to continue to stand against the schemes of the enemy, and to call forth My promises, intervention and harvest."

Fire Is Falling on the Seeds of Promise

"There has been a battle over the breakthrough and birthing of the seed of promise. My fire is falling on your seed of faith. My fire will ignite the seed and bring the promise to fruition. Now is the time where seed after seed will be ignited; promise after promise will come to life. Continue to stand in faith for the promise, for now is the hour for My fire to fall. Call forth My fire to ignite the seed of promise!

Watch Over and Protect the Promises

"The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come to bring abundant life. The enemy is raging in an attempt to steal, distort and abort the promise, but I am coming to bring the promise in full – in abundance. I am coming to bring the promises forth in power. (Photo via Unsplash)

"Many are watching over the promises for their families, regions and nations in intercession. Now is the time to speak protection over the promises, to break off all demonic influence to distort or abort the promise. And now is the time to call in the promises. This is the season for the birthing of the promises.

"Those that have stood like midwives, watching over My word/promise to see its fulfillment, are under heavy attack, as the enemy knows the importance of their stand for the promise. Continue to stand. Have eyes to see. The hour of birthing the promise is at hand!"

"A thief has only one thing in mind – he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect – life in its fullness until you overflow!" (John 10:10 TPT)

Release Your Sound and Use Your Keys of Unlocking

"Release your sound; release your roar; release your decrees on the leading of My Spirit. Prophesy the words I give you and see My Spirit breathe life into that which looks dead. Watch My Spirit breathe life on the dormant seed of promise. Release your sound of worship.

"Use the keys of authority I have given you to unlock the harvest of your promises. The enemy is trying to silence you and cause you to retreat, but now is the time to release your sound, stand firm, take back all the enemy has stolen, and enter the season of promise and harvest."

"I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whatever you bind [forbid, declare to be improper and unlawful] on Earth shall have [already] been bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose [permit, declare lawful] on Earth shall have [already] been loosed in Heaven." (Matthew 18:18 AMP)

The Path of Promise

"The path of promise is one of great faith and trust in Me. It is a path of intimacy and close friendship with Me.

"Now is the time to be steadfast in faith, on all I have spoken. Break off doubt and the lies of the enemy. Wage war with the promises, standing steadfastly on My truth. Allow My word to be louder in your ears than anything the enemy tries to speak. (Photo via Flickr)

"Will you believe the report of man or My word? Will you believe what your circumstances speak, or will you believe what I have spoken?

"The path to the promise is one of great value, as I am forging a people who are steadfast in their faith in Me. They will laugh in the face of the enemy and at all reports that speak in opposition to My promises, as they KNOW I am faithful to bring all I have spoken to pass. They know I watch over My word to perform it. They will partner with Me in standing for the promises. They will stand against the enemy's plans to distort and abort the promise, and they will call in the fullness of the promises I have planned.

"Gift boxes of promise are coming to those who have endured and continued to stand. These ones will see My goodness overwhelm them as I pour out above and beyond what they asked for in this season."

"Then the LORD said to me, 'You have seen well, for I am watching over My word to perform it.'" (Jeremiah 1:12 ESV)

"Let us seize and hold tightly the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful [to His word]." (Hebrews 10:23 AMP)

Continue to stand for the promises God has spoken, for the Lord is igniting the seed of promise and bringing the promise to fruition. He is roaring over your situation and bringing divine intervention. Release your sound and use your keys of authority to partner with God to unlock the harvest of the promise. The hour of breakthrough and for birthing the promises of God is at hand.

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Katie Barker
Bring the Fire Ministries

Katie Barker is the co-founder of Bring the Fire Ministries along with her husband Aaron. They live on the Tweed Coast of Australia with their four children. Bring the Fire Ministries is about bringing revival fire to the nations, and ministering to others through the power of the Word of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Katie has a desire to see the people of God awakened to the hour and partner with the Lord by walking in their unique destinies, using their Kingdom authority and rising up to be agents of transformation in their spheres of influence. She carries the message of transformation and has a mandate to equip and mobilize God's people as the Lord prepares His Bride for His return.

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