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Scott Allen: "Light the Fire of Revival in My City!"

Scott Allen
Feb 24, 2023

Intro from Johnny Enlow:

Steve ShultzIt is my pleasure to introduce and recommend Scott Allen. We have known Scott and his wife Karen for many years, as they were also a part of our church back when we pastored in Atlanta, GA.

Scott and Karen have been tremendous supporters of God's purposes for Israel and have served many years in ministry in that capacity. They have also been quite awake and aware to all that God is exposing at this time, so Scott's seer gift has been sharpened by all he is able to see. Scott and Karen have been tested and refined by intense fire and their faithfulness to God has been heroic. They are seasoned and tried. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Johnny + Elizabeth Enlow

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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Revival fire has broken out at Asbury University (a Christian college in Wilmore, Kentucky) and has begun spreading to other campuses and cities. I have been watching it online, and the glory of God is so wonderful and intense! I want it to spread all over America! I want it to come to my city, don't you? It's time to seek God and pray like never before. Millions of souls are at stake; our nation is at stake. Holy Spirit keeps reminding me of this encounter with the Lord I received in 2008. I believe it is happening now, and it is time to release this.

"I'm Holding the Match to Light This City..."

(Note: The fire in this vision represents the fire of revival, like in Acts chapter 2. The eagle represents Holy Spirit.)

I was spending alone time with the Lord, praying in intimate worship, when suddenly (in the spirit) I was inside a large church sanctuary, standing next to Jesus! He said, "Look around. This is what My Church looks like here in this city."

We were up high, like in a balcony area, and could see everything going on...but just barely. There was very little light in the room and it was dingy and dusty. Then I saw why. The ceiling was covered by a thick, dark, dry forest canopy of tangled limbs that had grown up over the years.

Then I noticed a few intercessors who were up high in the ceiling, cutting away at some of the dark limbs of the forest canopy with their swords. Holy Spirit explained, "Many of My prayer warriors have been cutting away on this worldly forest for years, but most have given up because nothing has happened. The canopy just keeps growing and the darkness gets darker. Only the ones who know My heart for this city are left. But watch what is about to happen..."

One of the intercessors across the room was getting excited and cutting feverishly away at a large limb. They could see it was almost cut through! Suddenly, it gave way and crashed to the floor! Dust flew and a bright beam of sunlight broke through, shining on part of the congregation. (Photo via Pixnio)

Miraculously, no one was hurt. The whole place got brighter as everyone squinted and rubbed their eyes to adjust to this new, bright light. When the other intercessors saw this, they were greatly encouraged and began cutting away at the limbs with all their might. They had finally gotten the breakthrough that they'd been praying for! More intercessors showed up to help, and soon other limbs were falling and even more light began to shine in.

I got so excited, Holy Spirit handed me a sword and I joined in the cutting frenzy. It was one of the most invigorating things I had ever done in my life! With each prayer and decree I prayed, with each blow of my sword, the Lord cut through strongholds that I knew were made up of the world, the flesh and the devil. Before long, several more limbs fell. Soon, the combined prayers and decrees of all the intercessors cut down the entire dark forest canopy, which now lay on the floor of the sanctuary in a heap. I could see the heads of the leaders and congregation poking up through spaces in the tangled mess, with brilliant light from above beaming down on everyone. By now, the dust had settled and the people's eyes had adjusted to the bright light. They could see with clarity and began to understand the strongholds that had held them captive.

Suddenly, people began to shove the limbs away from them. When others saw how easy the limbs were moved, they did the same thing. Like bulldozers, everyone began shoving the pile of dead limbs out toward the walls surrounding the sanctuary. Then I heard Holy Spirit exclaim, "Fuel for the fire! Fuel for the fire!" The people shouted and praised God as a ring of dead wood began to pile up around them.

As Jesus watched this, He declared, "I'm holding the match to light this city in My hand." He held out an iron scepter to one of the intercessors, saying, "Light the fire." The prayer warrior took the scepter and touched it to the edge of the pile. Immediately, the dark wood burst into flame and it spread around the circle rapidly. The people shouted and praised the Lord with tears of repentance, unharmed in the midst of the holy flames!

Soon, the fire was roaring. It consumed the sanctuary so much that Holy Spirit took me outside of the city to watch it. The fire was much bigger than I had thought. The entire region was engulfed in flames! The largest and most intense flames towered over the center of the city skyline.

The Great Eagle!

As they reached higher and higher, I noticed something moving – something alive inside the inferno. Then, from the middle of the fire, the head of a huge, golden-brown Eagle (Holy Spirit) began to emerge! Soon I could see the tops of His wings coming up out of the flames. They were enormous and tucked in tight around Him, like He was being squeezed up out of a hole.

The great Eagle moved from side to side, struggling and rising to break free. The intense prayer and worship of the saints were helping Him! Then it happened...His wings were loosed and He immediately spread them out as wide as He could. Then with a giant "swoosh" he took off, straight up out of the flames!

The sudden burst of wind under His wings caused the fire to explode into a frenzy! The fire was now so huge and intense that the Eagle was engulfed in flames again as the fire spread over the entire downtown area. This pushed the Eagle even higher, and He gradually rose out of the flames and began to fly upward on His own. Then I heard a loud voice from Heaven crying out, "The Eagle is the Prophet! The Eagle is the Prophet!" Suddenly, the huge Eagle burst into thousands of eagles that flew all over the world! I knew that the prophetic voice of God to the nations had been birthed out of the great fire of revival (which is now happening with social media).

As I pondered this, the Lord interrupted: "Let Me take you back in time to show you a little more detail about the birth of the Eagle." Suddenly we were back at "ground zero," where the Eagle had emerged from amidst the city. The fire was raging and the massive head and wings of the Eagle were coming up out of the concrete and tall buildings. Structures that had been built by man were breaking up and falling over! Clusters of buildings around the edge of the Eagle were falling away; the concrete and asphalt were giving way as the Eagle arose. (Photo via Hippopx)

People who had just been set free were spilling out onto the streets. Each one, painlessly engulfed in Holy Spirit flames, began shaking their arms and hands trying to do something with the fire. Their eyes and mouths were saying "Ooh!" and "Aah!" with joyful amazement. The fire on them was overwhelming to the point where they were compelled to find someone or something to lay their fiery hands on. They had to do something with this fire! Hundreds and then thousands of people all around the city and surrounding region were doing this. I looked up and the Eagle was rising higher and higher in a great ball of light headed toward people and places all over the world.

After the dark forest was completely burned up, I could see that the high places were leveled, the floor of the city was flat and swept clean, and Jesus was standing tall over the entire region and areas of influence...reigning in clear daylight. The culture was transformed!

Then I heard a Voice cry out, "Let the fire of the Lord burn the dark structures of this city. I'm going to pour out My Spirit on this whole town...on every person that breathes, walks, talks, rides, sits and stands – from the littlest child to the oldest adult. I'm sending My fire to this town that will spread like wildfire!"

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh..." (Acts 2:17)

Prayer and Decree

Let's pray and decree this together out loud:

Lord, forgive us for our sins. Let the dark, worldly canopy over us be cut down! Let Your light shine and increase in the Church! Lord, we turn and run after You. We thank and praise You for the revival fire at Asbury that is now beginning to spread across the land. We cry out to You, "MORE, LORD! FAN THE FLAMES OF REVIVAL WITH THE WIND OF YOUR SPIRIT!"


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Scott Allen

Scott Allen is a prophetic intercessor, writer, teacher and leader who loves prayer walking with God. Years ago, he asked, "What's on Your mind, Holy Spirit?" and his life was changed forever. Visions began to flow, fueling prayer and prophecy to activate Heaven invading Earth. Scott and his wife Karen have given their "yes" to Jesus for many years, taking Scott (as an officer in the Air Force) and Karen all over America; then to China, Brazil and many times to Israel. Scott served on the Georgia State Leadership Team of Christians United for Israel, and currently serves on the board of Reflections of Trinity, a growing, local nonprofit that feeds the poor. The Allens live in Kennesaw, Georgia, raised three sons and now cheer-lead seven grandchildren.

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