Word released on June 3, 2021:
"'How do You know me?' Nathanael asked. Jesus replied, 'Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree.'" (John 1:48)
Near the end of our recent 40-day Yeshua Fast, Chris Berglund had a significant dream in which he was with Lou Engle, Mike Bickle, and a few other spiritual fathers and patriarchs from the cloud of witnesses. They were sitting together beneath a fig tree. A voice spoke in the dream, saying, "I see you under the fig tree. The firstfruits of the fig tree have blossomed during Passover."
The Firstfruits
In this dream, we understand the fig tree to represent Israel. In reality, the Feast of Firstfruits occurs each year during the week of Passover. This year over Passover, Mike Bickle was leading the International House of Prayer community in the 40-day Yeshua Fast. Shortly afterwards, Lou Engle led The Briefing community and many others in the same fast from April 14 - May 23. (Photo of Lou Engle and Mike Bickle)
God once spoke of the patriarchs of Israel through the prophet Hosea, saying, "...I saw your fathers as the firstfruits on the fig tree in its first season..." (Hosea 9:10). Perhaps God is saying now, through this dream, "I see your fathers as the firstfruits of the many who will give themselves wholeheartedly to My purposes for Israel."
Also, the reference to Passover seems to be an indicator not just of timing, but of consequence. As mentioned, it was in the time surrounding Passover that we were praying and fasting for a passing over of death for Israel and a day of salvation for many Jews. Therefore, the dream seems to suggest that since the firstfruits were evident, then the fruit for which we have prayed should also be expected to soon come forth.
The Appointed
In the following scene of Chris' dream, he was seated in a classroom with Mike, our team, and a group of young people. He noticed that Mike and Lou each had a matching tattoo on their thighs. In the dream, Chris opened a Bible to find the passage that was written on their tattoos. He turned to Psalm 112, but that wasn't it. Next, he turned to Psalm 122, but that wasn't it either. Finally, Chris turned to Psalm 102, knowing that was it. Just then, Lou's wife Therese reached over Chris' shoulder and pointed to verses 13-17, saying, "Lou's in that passage right now. He'll understand."
As soon as she touched the page with her fingertip, a blossoming fig branch and a blossoming vine sprung forth simultaneously out of the page of the Bible. Chris began to read:
"You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come. For her stones are dear to your servants; her very dust moves them to pity. The nations will fear the name of the Lord, all the kings of the earth will revere your glory. For the Lord will rebuild Zion and appear in His glory. He will respond to the prayer of the destitute; He will not despise their plea." (Psalm 102:13-17) (Photo of Chris Berglund)
In the last part of the dream it was proclaimed, "He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah eternally."
"From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you know that He is near, at the very gates." (Matthew 24:32-33)
Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13 all speak of "the lesson of the fig tree." The fig tree blossoming is compared to the signs of the Lord's return as listed in these chapters. We do believe this imagery in the dream affirms that we are living in the end times, as did Israel's return to the land in 1948. However, as Christ's return draws near, there is more that has yet to take place. We believe the blossoming vine and fig branch indicate a season of restoration and a coming harvest of both Jews (the fig tree) and Gentiles (the vine).
Additionally, we understand the tattoos on the thighs speak of covenant (Genesis 24:2; Genesis 47:29). Mike and Lou are truly covenant brothers. They have aligned closely together for various purposes through the years and are doing so again for the sake of intercession for Israel.
Interestingly, Mike Bickle has recently been led to study and teach the five chapters of John 13-17, known as the Upper Room Discourse. Meanwhile, Lou Engle is focused on the five verses of Psalm 102:13-17 and a Jewish awakening to the Messiah. At the same time, Chris Berglund dreamed that we were in a time frame comparable to the five years of 1944-1948 (to read more about this click here). We sense there is grace right now to enter into each of these realities, and the passages of John 13-17 and the purposes of Psalm 102:13-17 are to be our steady diet over the course of the next several years.
A Stunning Confirmation
Our interpretation of Chris' dream was confirmed to us in an unexpected way. A few hours after discussing the dream together, an acquaintance came to the door. He knew nothing of Chris' dream or our morning's conversation, but he felt led to deliver a 3-minute audio recording to Lou Engle. This audio clip was an excerpt from a past message from Neville Johnson.
In this brief recording, Neville interprets the symbolism of the fig branch and the vine and confirmed our understanding, saying:
"...Now the vine in Scripture speaks about the Church. Jesus said, 'you're the vine.' But the fig tree is a symbol of Israel. So we need to understand that Israel and the Church will be restored together...These two trees will mature together and this will be linked to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in Matthew 24:22, 'Now learn the parable of the Fig Tree. When you see the fig tree blossom...' He was saying, 'You will know the end is close.'" (Photo of Neville Johnson)
Then, Neville went on to read from Joel 2:
"Be not afraid you beasts of the field; for the pastures of the wilderness do spring forth and the tree beareth her fruit, the fig tree and the vine do yield their strength. Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you – the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. The threshing floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil." (Joel 2:22-24, emphasis added)
The Strategy of Satan
Neville continued with a warning:
"The enemy is going to try to preempt Armageddon and bring it forward and there's a reason for that – because if he can do that we will miss reaping the harvest. He knows that the Church is going to reap a great harvest and if he can shorten the time and bring Armageddon forward then the harvest will be lost. That is part of his strategy."
Neville Johnson's clear warning brought us back to another dream that Chris had just a day prior. In that dream, Mike Bickle was reading a newspaper called The Israel Times. This was a confirmation in the dream to Lou that his message must be: "We are in a holy war and our fight is not against flesh and blood but against a global pandemic; it's the spirit of Haman the Agagite fueling Hamas."
Chris dreamed this just after the rocket exchange had ended between Gaza and Israel on May 21. We know, however, that though there has been a ceasefire in the natural, the war in the heavens is still on.
Stand and Pray for Israel!
Israel is heaving in the throes of transition as a new government coalition has formed that would replace Prime Minister Netanyahu for the first time in twelve years. They now await a vote of confidence from the Knesset within the week. This prompts increased concern for the future of Israel's covenant lands and ongoing security issues.
It is critical, as watchmen, that we perceive the intentions of Heaven and continue to stand and pray until they are manifest in the earth below.
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Cheryl Amabile, Editor
The Briefing via TheCall
Email:Â info@thebriefing.us
Website:Â www.thebriefing.us
Cheryl Amabile is the co-founder and editor of The Briefing which fuels intercessors across the globe with prophetic insight for strategic intercession from the very prayer community that birthed the movement of TheCall. Cheryl and her husband Paul have served on the leadership team of TheCall and the Justice House of Prayer movement for many years. They are blessed with six children and three grandchildren and reside in Colorado Springs.
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