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PATRICIA KING: "Prophetic Directives For 2004"

Patricia King (Pat Coking)
Dec 30, 2003

Third Heaven, Angels, and... Other Stuff
by Patricia King
$12.00 Book

The Glory School Combo Pack
by Patricia King
$95.00 15-cassette series plus Study Guide

Women in Ministry
by Patricia King
$35.00 6-cassette series

The Faith Connection
by Patricia King
$25.00 4-cassette series

"Prophetic Directives For 2004"
by Patricia King (Pat Coking)

Key scripture for 2004

"May He grant you according to your hearts desire, and fulfill all your purpose." Psalm 20:04

1. Raising Up of Praise Warriors

In 2004 there is going to be a shift of emphasis from prayer to praise. The prayer and intercession movement will be sustained and will continue to mature but intercessors will find themselves coming under a mantle of praise during prayer meetings and especially during times of "warfare prayer". High Praise will be the greatest warfare weapons of the church in 2004. The Lord is leading His body into to a new level of confidence in warfare that will bring forth a swift accomplishment of victory through praise. Believers will congregate for gatherings of praise, oftentimes for 24-hour periods. As a result, many individuals, local churches, and regions will experience immediate breakthroughs.

Key Scripture: Psalm 149:6-9
"Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand, To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; To bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute on them the judgment written; This honor have all the saints, Praise ye the Lord!"

2. Evangelism Emphasis

The Body of Christ in 2004 is going to have a great stirring to evangelism and leaders will be receiving creative strategies for reaching the lost. Prophetic and power evangelism will be key tools for evangelistic harvest during this year. 2004 will see the first fruits of the harvest and there will be a significant further increase in 2005. Training and equipping for Prophetic and Power evangelism in 2004 will be an emphasis for many churches and individuals.

There will be a number of women who will come to the Lord through prophetic evangelism just like the woman at the well in John 4. Following their conversion a powerful evangelistic anointing will come upon them immediately. A great company of women will begin to be raised up in 2004 for harvesting: "Great is the company of women who proclaim the good news..." Psalm 66:11

There will also be a significant harvest of souls in Hollywood in 2004 with some key influential individuals coming to Christ. Inner cities will also be targeted by the Lord's harvesting power and strategies in 2004.

Individuals who have been involved in new age and occult type of spiritual activity are going to search in a deeper way for truth due to disillusionment. They will come to the Lord when they search with all their heart. The church will need to prepare themselves to love these individuals and gently disciple them in truth. At the same time there will be an increase in numbers of individuals who will join non-Christian "spiritual groups" in 2004 due the hunger in their souls. There has been fear in the church towards those with occult and new age persuasions. This fear will be overcome by perfect love. The church is being called to walk in clear, uncompromising discernment.

The Bible says is Isaiah 61 that the anointing is upon us to preach the good news to the poor. There is going to be a fresh focus in the church for the poor. A generous spirit will begin to flow through many Christians who will be filled with compassion for the poor and needy. A move amongst the needy will include not only the preaching of the good news unto soul winning but an increase of financial and provisional resource to meet their needs and the needs of the ministries who serve them. The last shall be first.

Key Scripture: John 4:5-30 (woman at the well)
Especially verse 28,29 "So the woman left her water pot, and went into the city, and said to the men, Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done; is this not the Christ?"

3. Falling Stars

I saw a vision of falling stars. Stars are a light radiating body and usually are a prophetic symbol of believers who are letting their light shine before men (those who are visible to the public eye). The Lord revealed that in 2004 the church will see some leaders who have been in the public eye, fall. This will unfortunately be as a result of corruption, self-idolatry, and immorality.

When I received the vision, the Lord reminded me that in the natural, when we view a star falling, that it actually lost its light many years before we see the visible fall. The Lord further revealed that the falling stars (fallen leaders) exposed in 2004 actually lost their light (pure devotion, focus on the Lord, prayer and Bible study disciplines, Kingdom values, consecration) years before the public fall. Pride, self-dependency, self-exaltation, and compromise settled in over the years as a result of distraction from pure Kingdom focus.

Some of the "falling stars" will suffer greatly within their souls with deep remorse. They will have a difficult time forgiving themselves, being overwhelmed in their brokenness and contrition. Others will have no repentance within their hearts but will only have sorrow for being exposed. They will shift the blame off of themselves and onto others. The Lord will show mercy to the broken but will bring devastation to the hardened of heart.

Many Christians will lose trust and faith as a result of the public exposures. It is important for all believers to put their trust in God completely and not in man. A merciful and forgiving heart is necessary during the process of exposure.

God will raise up individuals who will carry an anointing for restoration, so that the falling stars will once again be ignited with fresh light and passion. This will be a process of restoration and great testimonies of the Lord's healing love will be shared by these restored individuals.


1. Distraction from pure and intimate devotion with the Lord is very dangerous for all believers. Stay focused and press into the Lord in 2004. If you have suffered distractions in your devotion time, then contend for the breakthrough. 2. Beware of critical judgment lest you fall. Mercy triumphs over judgment. 3. Individuals who get their focus off the Lord when they see the "falling stars" are in danger of having their own faith and walk assaulted.

Key Scripture: Isaiah 14:12-15 (especially vs. 12)
"How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn."

4. Beginnings of Purging Fire

A baptism with fire will visit many individuals and churches in 2004 who have been passionately seeking for purging in their lives. A purification season is going to visit the church as a move of purging begins. This purging process will begin to separate the "wheat from the tares". It is important for believers to allow the Holy Spirit's conviction to bring alignment in their lives this year as 2005 will bring about a more severe purging. Angels will be released in this process.

Key Scriptures:
Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 – Parable of the wheat and tares (especially vs. 41-43) "The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His Kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire; in that place there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear."

Zechariah 13:9
"And I will bring about the third part through the fire, refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon My name, and I will answer them; I will say they are My people, and they will say, The Lord is my God."

5. Increase of Miracles, Signs and Wonders

A significant increase of miracles, signs, and wonders will be witnessed in 2004. Healing miracles will especially increase in 2004 and many believers will step out to minister healing to the sick. The Lord is going to demonstrate the greatness of His power against sickness and disease.

Believers will become aware of signs from the Lord in their own lives. These will be token confirmations given by the Lord to individuals who are seeking His guidance. Supernatural phenomena, including angelic visitation, will also be witnessed by many – both believers and unbelievers will experience these things from the hand of God.

There will be some significant theological and doctrinal clashes in the Body of Christ regarding the realm of the supernatural and concerning miracles, signs, and wonders. A posture of humility will be necessary to walk through the minefields of accusation, misunderstanding and opposition. The Lord will use this to perfect and mature the believers understanding concerning His Kingdom realm and last days' activities.

Key scripture: Acts 4:29-31 (especially vs. 30)
"While Thou dost extend Thy hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Thy holy servant Jesus."

6. Air Traffic Controllers in Babylon

The Lord is going to bring expansion of television, radio, and media ministry in 2004 to advance His Kingdom. The Word of God, as well as demonstrations and testimonies of the Lord's power, will be released through the air waves in greater ways than ever before. The Lord is raising up His "air traffic controllers" who through moving in a pure spirit, will challenge the corruption that is being released currently through these avenues. Many believers in 2004 will be stirred and anointed by the Holy Spirit to launch into television, radio and movie production. Many believers will be anointed as playwrights and actors for the Lord's purposes in 2004. There will be a fresh empowerment of prophetic and apostolic creativity in the media.

Webcasting/streaming will be also used in progressive ways in 2004 as an avenue for the Lord's Word and power to be released into the airwaves. Many Christian companies that labor in the area of web oversight, hosting, and design will grow exponentially in 2004 and must prepare for expansion.

The Lord will open doors supernaturally, divine appointments will await those the Lord has prepared, and finances will become available to accomplish His purposes. There are many individuals who the Lord has been grooming for these purposes who will now be brought out of obscurity into a place of visibility for His glory.

Those called into this arena will need to beware of the Babylonian mindsets and the accompanying spiritual forces that influence the airwaves and media at this time. The Babylonian kingdom in the realm of the spirit is seductive, self-seeking, self-exalting and lusts for wealth. There is a great warning for those who are being released to carry the ark of the Lord's presence into the midst of this environment. A pure focus and devotion for the Lord must prevail within the heart in order to escape the snares that await those who walk in this spiritual territory. The glory that belongs to the Lord must not be touched by man.

A company of intercessors will be raised up who will "carry the ark" into "Babylon". Intercessory prayer and praise will be the key to successful invasion and conquering of this territory (radio, television, media). Intercessory prayer and praise warriors will be placed strategically in position to usher in this move.

Key scripture: Isaiah 13:1-5
"1The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. 2Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles. 3I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness. 4The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the LORD of hosts mustereth the host of the battle. 5They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the LORD, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land."

7. A Year of Rainbows

Rainbows are often are a prophetic symbol of covenant promises. The Lord revealed that many believers will see a fulfillment of covenant promises this year. Many of these promises were given a number of years ago through prophetic words and confirmed "rhema words" (Holy Spirit quickened words) that individuals have filed away. These words will be brought out of the files and meditated upon once again. The Lord will visit many with manifestations of rainbows as a sign that the promises will be fulfilled.

2004 will be a year of fulfilled promises.

The rainbows will also remind believers of the authority of Christ and His dominion. (see Revelation 4:2,3)

Key scripture: Genesis 9:12,13
"And God said,....I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant..."

8. Revelation of Bridal Rule

The book of Esther will be a significant book in 2004. The church is being called to take her position of authority in the earth along side of her King, Jesus. The church has been given authority in Christ and this year a greater revelation of the function of this position in the earth will unfold.

Particular individuals have been specially groomed by the Lord to step up to positions of interacting with members of political government leaders and giving them counsel from heaven. These anointed and God-appointed individuals will be respected and will have the power and authority from the Lord to make decrees into the spirit that will bring about shifts in the spiritual atmosphere of regions and nations.

The key to Bridal rule is intimacy with the King. The Lord is going to entrust His secret counsel to those who are intimate with Him.

The Bride will be given strategies in 2004 to overcome demonic powers that are oppressing the people of God. As Hamon was overcome in the book of Esther so also shall spiritual assignments in believers' lives be overcome through Bridal rule. Hamon and his sons were annihilated and all of their possessions and positions were transferred to Esther and Mordecai. This is a picture of where the Lord is taking the church.

Key scripture: the book of Esther

9. Focus on Israel and the Return of the Jews to Their Homeland

An exponential increase of Jews returning to Israel will take place in 2004. They will be gathered in from all the nations. The Spirit of the Lord is going to dispatch a detachment of angels to lead many Jews home. Some of them will be visited by divine encounters, visitations and visions and others will be receiving an unusual yet unshakeable desire to leave everything in order to settle in Israel. Jerusalem will especially become a place that will attract many although treacheries will increase in the land.

The Lord is going to raise up many Christians who will aid the Jews in returning to their homeland. Many Christians will find themselves changing their course in ministry and even employment in order to serve these purposes and this call will burn in their hearts. Many of these Christians will be misunderstood by colleagues, friends and family members, but the draw will burn within them with undeniable awakening.

The nation of Israel will be in headline news a great deal in 2004. Tumult and crisis will continue. Leaders of nations will be called to make some political decisions in regards to their relationship with Israel.

Key Scripture: Psalm 14:7
"Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! when the LORD bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad."

10. Children Being Raised Up as the Lord's Warriors

Children will be significantly touched by the Lord in 2004. The church is being called to focus on ministering to children. Little ones will be receiving clear visions and revelation of the Lord, His Kingdom, angels and other heavenly things. An assault is being launched by the enemy against the spirituality of the young ones. An increase of demonically influenced books, films, games, toys, music, television programs and other mediums will attempt to lure the hearts and minds of the younger generation into deception resulting in demonization. It is absolutely vital for parents and church leaders to be alert and for children to be taught clear discernment concerning spiritual issues.

Children will be used greatly in prophetic and power harvesting in 2004.

A new breed of children's ministers will be raised up especially from the age group of 14-34. A fresh apostolic anointing will visit these ministers releasing a new flavor in children's ministry. A new wine skin is being formed in order to meet the needs of the children today.


Key Scripture: Isaiah 8:18
"Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion."

11. Resource and Teaching Materials to Increase

Last year, 2003, I received a vision regarding Christian resource materials such as books, videos, DVD's, CD's, audiotapes, web directives. etc., being released throughout the earth in greater ways than ever before. I saw it overflow into the homes of the unsaved. This word was fulfilled.

The Lord spoke to me again this year and said, that there will be yet another increase in 2004. There will be more books published, more teachings, more prophetic directives ...more EVERYTHING. The earth will be soaked with the Word and power of God through the distribution of resources. Christian ministries will need to expand their resource departments in this year. There will much, much, more in 2004!

Key Scripture: Habakkuk 2:14
"The knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea."

12. Political Upheavals

There will be many political upheavals on a global scale in 2004. At the same time, there will be demonic assaults on local churches and denominations on "governing levels." These assaults will have the potential for dangerous upheavals in the leadership. The Lord is calling for His people to be focused on Him and His Kingdom and righteousness in this hour. It is important to walk in humility and in complete obedience to the Lord at this time. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Focus will be important. Although the enemy will launch attacks which will be directed by assaults from spirits of jezebel and leviathan, the Lord will turn it around for good and will bring greater degrees of humility, dependency on God, and love in His Body. His people MUST stay focused on Kingdom values and not give in to strife, contention and control.

At the end of the attack season, a new breed of believers who adhere to "Kingdom government/rule" will emerge with a fresh revelation of Jesus as King over all.

Key Scriptures: Isaiah 9:6,7
"For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom. To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from then on and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord will accomplish this."

Hebrews 12:26-28 (especially vs.s. 26b,27)
"...Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven...denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken...."

by Patricia King (Pat Coking)

"Third Heaven, Angels, and... Other Stuff"
Patricia King
$12.00 Book

"Pat Coking is a beautiful Christian whose heart is for everyone to know and experience the God of the Bible. This book will lead you to places in God you didn't know you could go. When you experience God in the ways described in this book, your daily life will feel the impact and, like Pat, you will be the kind of Christian that others can follow (1 Cor 11:1)."

-Wesley and Stacie Campbell, Revival Now Ministries

"....This book not only describes the supernatural wonders, but 'how to' experience them with the ultimate goal of imparting a hunger for a closer relationship with Jesus."
-Mary Goddard, Founder of CSA

"I love this book! I find the teachings and guidelines a must for all who desire to experience the open heaven and the supernatural...."
-Todd Bentley, Fresh Fire Ministries

Feel free to order online OR by phone (1-8.6.6-881-0477)

Upcoming Glory School Conferences with Patricia King:

Pepperell, Massachusetts
January 22-24
Faith Worship Center
Long Island, New York
January 29-31
Full Gospel Center
Peterborough, Ontario
February 26-28
Elim Family Worship Centre
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