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Kent Simpson: God's Favorite Game: Hide-N-Seek

by Kent Simpson
Jun 23, 2013

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

When you read this story below, there is no mention of "Hide-N-Seek" in the article, but I left Kent Simpson's chosen title intact anyway. Why?

Kent, my good friend who I've known for 22 years, wants you to know that these stories are very common and yes, they do paint a story of God's game of "hide-n-seek."

The reason the prophetic ministry has always appealed to me is that throughout the earth, every day, God is playing the same "game" with BILLIONS of people as He makes Himself known in very delightful and surprising ways to His children.

Now watch this...God's "gamesmanship" is found in the Word of God:

Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.

Please enjoy and be encouraged by Kent's stories. Then ask the Lord to give you some of these "Hide and Seek" experiences. The truth is that God wants to reveal things to you in surprising ways. And better yet, God wants to use you too – to give Heaven's revelation to others.


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Kent SimpsonWhen you have done all you know to do, then begin seeking God for His Word.

It was in the fall of 1987. I had moved to Mesquite, Texas, to take a position with Church On the Rock in Rockwall. My life was being turned upside down; everything was falling apart. I could not pay my rent, the electric company sent notice they would be shutting off my lights, and I only had $10.00 to my name. I had been praying all day, seeking God for His direction. Nothing was changing, and the hour was getting late, when I heard someone at my front door. I waited for a knock, but none came, just the shuffling of feet as they walked away. I went to the door and looked around, thinking maybe God had sent help.

TerminatedHowever, as I turned to go back into my apartment, I noticed a posting on my front door. As I read the note, my heart sank. The notice was from the electric company saying they would be shutting off my electric the next day. It was getting dark and I began to pray even harder. I was so tired and felt as though I was getting nowhere. I was scared. Trying to get my mind off my problems, I began to read a little booklet I had received from Rhema Bible School. As I read the booklet that Kenneth Hagin, Sr., the founder of the school in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, had written, I began to feel some peace in my heart. Then I read a verse of Scripture that seemed to leap straight off the page and into my spirit: "But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33).

From this one verse of Scripture, my prayer changed and the Heavens opened. I could hear Him clearly say, "Go to the prayer breakfast." I knew exactly where He was sending me, but I thought, It's too far away, and wondered if I could afford to use my last ten dollars for gas. But God was calling and I knew I had to go, so I got myself ready, jumped in my pick-up truck and spent my last few dollars fueling up my tank.

CheckWhen I arrived I sat out in the parking lot and waited for everyone, but only the pastor showed up. He asked how I was doing, and I told him what all was going on in my life. He just laughed and laughed. Then he pulled out a check that was already made out. He said God had told him to put it in his pocket as he was leaving his home, headed for the morning's meeting. He handed me the check and said, "This is for you!" We both then laughed and then began to praise God for bringing this blessing together. The check was enough to pay my rent and electric and to keep me going until I could collect a paycheck. The electric company did end up shutting off the electricity; however, they pulled the wrong meter. My neighbor was pretty upset.

Seek God, And He Will Be Found

In 1991 our ministry took a group of people in our 15-passenger van to Nacogdoches, Texas, to minister in the town's Senior Citizen Hall. After praise and worship was over, I brought the usual 45-minute message, then the fun part began. We passed around the congregation a large basket that was full of blank audio cassette tapes for each person to take one. Those of us who came to minister formed a line across the stage with each one of us holding a tape recorder. As the people came up with their tape in hand they would stand before each one of the ministers, handing over their tape to receive a word. Everyone who came received at least four or more prophecies. However, I noticed there were three men on the front row who obviously did not want to be there and had refused to take a tape. With their arms crossed they sneered at us as we ministered, obviously not in agreement with what we were doing.

"He's with Me"The last person in line was a little old woman who had waited until the end of the service to come up for a word. As I ministered to her, the Holy Spirit said, "Ask her about James, James Kay, and tell her he is with me." So I asked the little woman, "Who is James?" She said gruffly, "He's my husband!" Again I asked, looking for confirmation, "Who is James Kay?" Staring at me like I should know, she replied, "Well, he is my husband!"

Now I had all the information I needed to know I was hearing God clearly. Boldly I said, "God wants you to know James Kay is with Him!" The woman broke out in tears. Obviously James was not a very strong Christian, but she finally knew her husband would be waiting for her in Heaven. Even the three angry men sitting on the front row knew James Kay and also believed there was no way I could have known James Kay except by hearing God. By the gift of the Holy Spirit, through the word of knowledge, I was given the words needed to bless the little old woman and make Believers out of three rough-looking oil field workers.

After the services were over a group of women served sandwiches, chips, and drinks. When I sat down to eat, the three men rushed over and sat down right across from me and wanted to know everything about the Holy Spirit. That night was my first prophetic evangelistic experience, as recorded in 1 Corinthians 14:24-25: "But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an uninformed person comes in, he is convinced by all, he is convicted by all. And thus the secrets of his heart are revealed; and so, falling down on his face, he will worship God and report that God is truly among you."

Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Today


Kent Simpson is the pastor of Prophetic Ministries Today located in Gainesville, Texas. He is a former conservative bank president who gave up his lifestyle to follow God's calling to be His prophet. Prophet Kent has been hearing God for others since 1989 and has provided over 120,000 personal prophecy tapes to people all around the world. Believers, unbelievers, investors, business people, Norwegian parliament, and the Pentagon are some of the people who have sought his counseling through the years.

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