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"Breakthrough Cleveland" with Heidi Baker, Georgian & Winnie Banov, Gordon Robertson, Patricia King, Stacey Campbell, Jason Westerfield, Steve Witt, Tracey Armstrong, and more!

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Jul 16, 2009

This conference includes "taking the God of the Breakthrough to the streets" through treasure hunts, and an outdoor evangelistic feeding outreach to the poor.


There is a magnificent power that flows from The Cross!

This gathering is for the express purpose of revealing and imparting *everything* that is available through the out-of-all-proportion solution that Jesus provided for us on Calvary. 

Session topics include: The Cross and Victorious Living; Overcoming through Love and Compassion; The Power of Being Chosen; Healing and Wholeness; Bringing Heaven to Earth; Great Grace; Divine Provision and Kingdom Finance; Territorial Anointing; the Emerging Apostolic Generation, and more. The laying on of hands for healing and prophetic impartation will be available during most sessions.

This is your hour to shine! We believe that this Ohio gathering is a divine appointment. The costly price for your breakthrough and victorious living has been lovingly paid for, in full, and the barriers blocking you are going to fall away and disappear like the walls of Jericho.

Come as beloved sons and daughters and enjoy deep intimacies with HIM. Receive fresh strength, empowerment and energy for the breakthrough that you so long for, and walk into the fullness of your rich inheritance as a co-heir with Christ.

Registration Link:
Questions? Call: 717-395-9710


"Joy Apostles" Georgian and Winnie Banov are a radical power team. Their exuberant childlike praise and deep intimate worship ushers in an Open Heaven atmosphere through which they deliver life-changing revelations and prophetic insights from the Word of God. Boldly declaring the finished work of Calvary they minister freedom, joy, supernatural healing and wholeness by exerting the divine labor: Christ, the hope of glory, be fully formed in you! They also hold a special anointing for the release of creative miracles including supernatural blessings for finances, land and houses.

The Banovs travel extensively, holding apostolic renewal meetings and conferences worldwide. Charged with a heart of compassion for the poorest of the poor, they also host lavish evangelistic feeding crusades throughout the third world. Although the sounds, flavors and spices of these "Kingdom celebration feasts" vary from nation to nation, they find the river of God's extravagant love is always the same -- passionate, all consuming, and irresistible.

Steve Witt is a former business trainer and long time church planter. Steve started Metro Church in 1996 and travels extensively exporting skills and lessons learned locally.

He is the author of the book, "Voices: Understanding the Language of Heaven." Steve serves on several governing boards and has a Master's Degree from Ashland Seminary. He is a life coach at heart and longs for progressive maturity in every follower of Christ.

Steve has been married to Cindy for 30 years, has four children and resides in Brunswick, Ohio.

Heidi Baker was ready to call it quits until she received a sudden life-changing touch from God. In 1995, Heidi and her husband, Rolland, arrived in Mozambique, the poorest country in the world, and took over a horribly dilapidated and neglected orphanage with eighty children with no promised support Today, they care for more than 2,000 children daily. They also planted a church, which has spread like fire throughout the neighboring countries. There are currently over 5,000 churches and still growing! According to many church historians, this is one of the greatest church-plant movements in the history of the Church. Don't miss hearing absolutely incredible testimonies of God's miraculous provision, salvation, healing, deliverance...even the dead being raised back to life!
Tracey Armstrong is on the front line of the new generation of "supernaturalists" being raised up in the world today. The fire of God's Spirit blazes forth to bring physical and emotional healing to every man, woman and child who will receive it.

Tracey and his wife Nathalie are the pastors of Citadel Church, which is located in Seattle, WA. They travel throughout the world ministering and demonstrating the heart and mind of Christ as they are used to set people free from the bondage of sin and introduce them to a new intimacy with God. God has raised Tracey up to be an utterance of His voice for this hour, as he ministers under a powerful prophetic mantle and healing anointing.

Patricia King is a passionate, prophetic personality who is the host of Extreme Prophetic Television. She has had over 25 years of background as a Christian minister in conference speaking, prophetic service, church leadership, and television, and radio appearances. Patricia is an author of books, booklets, and manuals and has produced many informative resources through the medias of tapes, videos, CDs, and DVDs. The missionary arm of her ministry is actively working around the globe. In India and Cambodia, her team is providing rescue and shelter for young girls who have been trafficked in prostitution.

Her reputation in the Christian community is world-renowned. You will find her to be sincere, genuine, generous, honest, real, and "cutting edge."

For almost three decades, Stacey and her husband, Wesley, have given themselves in service to the Body of Christ in a variety of capacities, including church planting, pastoring (for over 20 years), prophetic ministry and preaching in many different denominations around the world. They have started an organization called Be A Hero, whose purpose is to promote the cause of children at risk and alleviate the suffering of the poor. They founded and convene the Canadian Prophetic Council, and partner with many ministries to see the Kingdom of God advanced on the earth.

Jason Tyler Westerfield is an equipper in the body of Christ. He is known for his intimacy and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, keen prophetic insight into personal and international issues, and the demonstrations of God's power through signs, wonders, and creative miracles.

Jason's passion is to see sons and daughters fall in love with God, know their identity in Christ, and understand the Kingdom of Heaven. Wherever he travels there is tremendous fruit and transformed lives with people being able to hear God's voice and see God's Kingdom come in power. The hearts of believers are filled with the Father's love and they are taught how to walk in Jesus' manifest miracle presence. Jason and his wife Jessica live in New Haven, CT, with their son Ocean Alexander and daughter Bella Noelle.

Sean Feucht is one who has gone beyond living it; but has been completely consumed by the heart of God for the hour we live in. It has ignited deep within him the unquenchable desires of a forerunner: to bring the Kingdom of God to the nations of the world and to worship Him in spirit and truth. God has placed on Sean a Davidic psalmist anointing that beckons the Spirit of God to come and releases Him to move in impacting, life-changing power and Glory.
Mike Smith and his wife, Linda, are founders of Ignite Revolution Ministries and The Ignite Center. Ignite is a ministry dedicated to releasing a spirit of creativity that will bring a new pioneering spirit in the areas of music, theater, television, graphic arts and media. Through creative worship, challenging teaching and impartation, and a sense of family, Mike is dedicated to seeing The Ignite Center become a thriving community impacting the world with the love of Christ. He feels called to be a bridge to the generations, bringing people of all backgrounds together with a united vision to release the kingdom of God throughout our culture.

Ben Dunn and his wife, Stephanie, had an awesome encounter with the Lord while they were hitchhiking and wandering aimlessly and hopelessly throughout California. The Lord showed up mightily for them and forever captured their hearts.

Since then, the Dunns have been to many places around the globe, propelled by a strong desire to bring the radical message of the Cross to the poorest of the poor.

Working with Georgian and Winnie Banov, armed with food, gifts, and the GOOD NEWS, they bring a radical celebration wherever they go. Through intimate, joyous worship and a message of the incalculable, exhaustless, unsearchable riches of Jesus, they minister a massive, intoxicating drink of the truth.


Wednesday, July 22
4:30 PM Registration 7:00 PM Session 1

Thursday, July 23
9:00 AM Registration
9:30 AM Session 2
12 Noon Partners Reception
2:00 PM Session 3
7:00 PM Session 4

Friday, July 24
9:30 AM Session 5
2:00 PM Session 6
7:00 PM Session 7

Saturday, July 25
9:30 AM Session 8
1:00 – 5:00 PM Outdoor Outreach and Soul-Winning Love Feast*
7:00 pm Session

* God sent His own Son Jesus not only to forgive sin and save from Hell, but to establish justice for the poor.

During Saturday’s feeding crusade and outreach, we will launch out into the impoverished areas of Cleveland to bring the God of the Breakthrough to the poor and defenseless, the single moms and their families, etc.

As Moses lifted the snake on the pole so that the people could look and be saved, we will lift up the cross of Jesus for everyone to see the salvation of the Lord and get set free from the plague of poverty, sickness and disease.

For more information on Saturday’s Outreach, please call 440/243-9001


Host Church July 22-25th:
RiverChurch (formerly known as Worldview Church)
6941 Columbia Road, Olmstead Falls, OH 44138

For more information on Saturday’s Outreach, please call: 440/243-9001


Only 3 days left for Pre-Registration:
$40/person -- $70/married couple

*At the door registration begins Sunday July 19th:

*Door registration is based upon availability

Registration Link:
Questions? Call: 717-395-9710

Additional Information

1) Evening sessions will be open to the public as space permits. Daytime sessions will be available by registration only.

2) Children are welcome, however childcare will not be available for this conference.

3) We will be having a Partner's Reception at 12 Noon with Georgian and Winnie Banov on July 23, 2009.

This will be a time where you can get up close and personal with the Banovs and some of the Global Celebration team in a relaxed atmosphere. You will also hear more about what God is doing around the world, and learn how to partner with us for global harvest in a more significant way. There is an additional cost of $10 per person for this event, as a light lunch will be served. This will be a great time of fun, food and fellowship, which will be followed by a special prayer of impartation. Because space is limited, reservations will be taken on a first-come, first served basis.

4)*If cancellation is necessary, a written request for refund must be received on or before July 1st. A fee of $20 PER TRANSACTION will apply to all cancellations. Registration fees are non-refundable after July 10, 2009.


Crowne Plaza Hotel Cleveland Airport
7230 Engle Rd., Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
Call (440) 243-4040 for $79 conference rate

*Mention group name: Breakthrough Cleveland, Global Celebration or Metro Church South

Residence Inn Marriott
17525 Rosbough Drive, Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
Call (440) 234-6688 for $89 conference rate

*Mention group name: Breakthrough Cleveland, Global Celebration or Metro Church South

OR, Click here to make your hotel reservation online:

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