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Sid Roth - Prepare for the Coming Storm!

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Jun 6, 2009

Pastor John Kilpatrick was given a supernatural dream of an earthquake hitting the middle of the United States. Then God told him, "A storm is coming!" A financial and natural catastrophe! Now John is advising people to make preparations concerning this summer! Find out how you too can be prepared against the coming crisis!

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Important Announcement: Sid and Joy Roth invite you to travel with them to the land of Israel, November 21-30, 2009. They have also invited Kathie Walters to join them on the tour.  This is the first tour to Israel that Sid and Joy have hosted in over a decade. They want to show you Israel through Jewish eyes. They also want you to experience the presence of God in the most supernatural land on earth. You will see sites where God’s history was made and where prophecy is about to be fulfilled. Space is limited, so please reserve your place as soon as possible. Please go to for additional information.

Sid Roth's, "It's Supernatural!" Television Show

Sid Roth, a Jewish Believer in Jesus as the Messiah, is host of It's Supernatural! television program, which features guests who have had miraculous healings and supernatural encounters with God's power.

Additional It's Supernatural! Interviews:

When Julie True sings her spontaneous songs, the atmosphere of Heaven fills the room. People sense a new intimacy with God. Waves of God's Spirit comfort them! Anxiety is replaced with peace! Many are healed! Lives are dramatically transformed!

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Proof that supernatural healing and miracles are real and for today!! This week Sid interviews Melanie Hemry, who has experienced the healing power of God. She shares some of the most amazing researched and medically documented healing testimonies.

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Maurice Sklar is a world-class concert violinist who has traveled the world ministering through music. As Maurice plays, the presence of God comes and many experience both emotional and physical healing. Tune in to hear Maurice perform music from his brand new CD, One New Man Celebration, which was created exclusively for
It's Supernatural!

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Grace Williams is a musician, songwriter/producer and ordained psalmist who ministers under an open heaven. As her worship music is played, healing and deliverance occur.

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John McTernan reveals the supernatural connection between America's interfering with God's prophetic plan for Israel and the awesome disasters striking our nation.

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Paul Keith Davis' spiritual eyes were opened to see a new host of angels sent by God. These are the angels that gather, and they have been sent to co-labor with us to bring in the End-time harvest.

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Brian Lake and his family have discovered that the way to have favor with God and gain access to His Kingdom is through intimacy with Him. Do not miss this special interview as Brian teaches how you and your entire family can experience intimacy with God. Prepare for your life to be radically changed and blessed!

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Sid Roth also hosts a nationally syndicated radio program called Messianic Vision. In this episode Don Dickerman shares how, after having a powerful spiritual encounter, he received supernatural revelation about spiritual forces and how they affect people. Don has now ministered in over 850 prisons and has seen more than 25,000 people delivered from demonic oppression. Hear how demonic forces could be having a negative impact on your life, and how you can take authority over demons and be set free!

Listen to and watch archives of hundreds of Sid Roth's radio and TV interviews for free at

Stay up-to-date with the latest news from Sid Roth's Messianic Vision and It's Supernatural! television by subscribing to our email updates.
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