Elijah list


By Francis Frangipane
Sep 18, 2006

September 18, 2006

"The daily prophetic words that are sent to our 133,000+ subscribers are made possible by the purchase of products like those featured in this email. You may purchase them directly from this email, or visit our online store at www.elijahshopper.com."


"All" Means All

The phrase "latter rain" can mean different things to different people. To its critics, it is a movement that promotes doctrinal heresy. To many others, however, the phrase "latter rain," though slightly antiquated, is a term used by the King James Bible to describe the final, worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit before Christ returns.

Although I do not personally use the term "latter rain," I do believe in this last great move of God. In fact, I have held this vision since 1970. Admittedly, my faith was tested during the 1970's, when many church leaders were predicting the end of the world. Frankly, not many actively believed there would be a great harvest during the seventies and eighties. However, in 1990, with the stunning collapse of Soviet communism, an accelerated era of worldwide evangelism truly began. Since then, the Holy Spirit has brought hundreds of millions into the Kingdom of God.

Thus, in spite of wars and other difficulties, my focus remains fixed on the great work of the Holy Spirit in these last days. The last great outpouring will not end until the Spirit of God has been poured out "upon all mankind" (Acts 2:17). "All" means all. It means God is serious about reaching Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and other religions.

Indeed, the Lord is so passionate about the lost that He says He will "grant" undeniable "wonders in the sky above" and incontrovertible "signs on the earth" (Acts 2:19-20). I wholeheartedly believe that, during this last great move, we will see the true church united, many believers raised to Christ-like maturity, and a great harvest.

So, you decide: Is the doctrine of worldwide evangelism a heresy? Or is Christ-centered unity among believers a false doctrine? Is reaching for Christ-like purity and power a deception?

Remember, I am not saying life will get easy. The truth is, many already are dying for their faith. Yet, "those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting" (Psalm 126). Jesus said the harvest was plentiful (Luke 10:2). And, I agree with those who warn of the spread of the apostate church; there is, indeed, deep darkness upon the earth. But it is in these very conditions that the Lord commands us to arise and be radiant with His glory. His promise is that nations shall come to our light and kings to the brightness of His rising (Isaiah 60:1-3). The end of the age is a time of both darkness and light (1 Thessalonians 5:4-5). We must see both.

The Bible and the Latter Rain

Still, the issue is not what I say about the latter rain or what the critics say, but what does the Bible teach? The phrase "latter rain" comes from several places in the Scriptures; the most prominent perhaps is from the book of James. Speaking of the Lord's return, the apostle writes:

"Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand" (James 5:7-8).

James is talking specifically about "the coming of the Lord." Many first century Christians expected the Lord to return in their lifetimes. They experienced the initial outpouring of the Spirit; they saw miracles, growth, and multiplication. Yet, still the Lord did not come. Thus, James encourages the church to "be patient," saying there is something yet to come for which God is waiting.

In this verse, the apostle frames all of church history metaphorically between two seasons of spiritual outpouring, which he calls the "early and latter rain." Agriculturally, it was understood that the early rains awakened the newly planted seeds and initiated the process of growth. Then, after several dry months, the latter rains came that revitalized the harvest and brought it to maturity (Deuteronomy 11:14; Joel 2:23; Zechariah 10:1).

You see, God had much more on His heart than the early Christians anticipated. The Church saw a limited outpouring that fell upon a smaller world. The truth was that both the world and the final outpouring is proving to be much larger.

Bible Scholars and the Latter Rain

It is important to note that a number of Bible scholars also support the idea of a second outpouring. Charles Wesley interpreted James 5:7, saying, "The husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit--which will recompense his labor and patience. Till he receives the former rain--immediately after sowing. And the latter--before the harvest." Wesley wrote, "the latter" rain came "before the harvest" (or the end of the age).

There are other commentaries written from Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown on James 5:7. They explained: "The early rain fell at sowing time, about November or December; the latter rain, about March or April, to mature the grain for harvest. The latter rain that shall precede the coming spiritual harvest, will probably be another Pentecost-like effusion of the Holy Ghost."

This isn't Charismatic chaos! It's New Testament theology, and Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown are distinguished, time-tested scholars who wrote their Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible in 1871.

Plainly, we are to expect a special outpouring. This is not "manifest sons" doctrine nor "kingdom now" theology. This doesn't mean there aren't churches in all forms of apostasy; nations will still be judged at the end of the age. We are simply stating, according to the word of God, that between now and when Jesus Christ returns, there will be another great outpouring, and that we are in the beginning of that outpouring now.

Do Not Be Afraid

My friends, the enemy has put a blockade of false warnings, fear, and accusation around one of the most powerful end time realities: the final work of the Holy Spirit to bring the gospel worldwide! I am not saying we should be naive or blind to all that is wrong in the church, but neither should we be blind to what God is doing.

To have faith for this outpouring is not heretical, even if it seems like heresy to those in unbelief. Therefore, do not fear being labeled a "heretic" when you speak of your vision. Pray for your nation with confidence, without intimidation, knowing that the reality of the latter rain is occurring even as we speak. Remember, hundreds of millions have come into the Kingdom of God over these last years--revival can occur in your nation as well! Consider the growth of the church in China, from ten million in 1974, to over 100 million today. We are in the time of outpouring, beloved, whether critics agree with it or not!

The world only sees the headlines from hell, yet the gospel of the Kingdom is advancing. God will not stop until "all nations" hear the gospel.

In truth, a time is coming when, as suddenly as the Soviet Union collapsed, so the stronghold of Islam will crumble as well. God has determined to reach the Muslim world, and once again, "wise men from the east" will come looking for Him who was born King of the Jews. Yes, even radicalized Muslims will look upon the Son of God and, in their new found freedom, they will love Christ most fervently. Indeed, the Lord shall even reveal Himself to key Islamic rulers--individuals whose influence will draw multitudes closer to Jesus Christ.

"Thus He will sprinkle many nations, kings will shut their mouths on account of Him; for what had not been told them they will see, and what they had not heard they will understand" (Isaiah 52:15).

Whether the breakthrough occurs in the immediate years, or tarries beyond a decade or more, an awakening is destined for the Muslim world. Just as the Lord has promised, He will pour out His Spirit upon all mankind (Acts 2:17).

Thus, the last, great outpouring shall reach all cultures of the world, and "...everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21).

Francis Frangipane
Francis Frangipane Ministries

Francis Frangipane's Upcoming Itinerary:

September 29-30, 2006
International Prayer Conference
Toms River, NJ
Contact: 800-569-4825 or www.prayerconference.com

October 9-12, 2006
Succot Celebration
Jerusalem, Israel
Contact: www.succotcelebration.com

October 27-28, 2006
Practical Biblical Unity
London, Ontario, Canada
Contact: www.cfyc.org


"The daily prophetic words that are sent to our 133,000+ subscribers are made possible by the purchase of products like those featured in this email. You may purchase them directly from this email, or visit our online store at www.elijahshopper.com."


Fundamentals of Spiritual Warfare

francis frangipane"Fundamentals of Spiritual Warfare"
by Francis Frangipane
CD Teaching Series

Fundamentals of Spiritual Warfare

This new series by Francis Frangipane lays a solid foundation, and shares valuable insights to help us become the warriors we are called to be both individually and in the church corporately.

"Becoming a Warrior"
Francis Frangipane explains the reality of the spiritual warfare that is constantly all around us. He encourages us in our battle against passivity and indifference, and to rise up and take our place in the battles that rage in our lives.

"Our Authority in Christ"
In this message, Francis discusses the source of the spiritual authority all believers have in Christ. He shares insight for attaining true victory as the Lord uses various battles to work Christ-likeness in our hearts.

"The Gift of Discernment - Parts 1 and 2"
In this two part message, Francis Frangipane lays out a Biblical understanding of true discernment, and shares helpful keys for cultivating and growing in this crucial gift. He also sheds light on the characteristics of common strongholds that we often face in our walk with the Lord.

"When David Captured Jerusalem"
In this message, Francis Frangipane raises the bar of our expectation for victory, and living our lives at a supernatural level. He addresses many of the common hindrances to living an overcoming life, and challenges us to never settle for less than a walking in the fullness of our purpose.

"Awakening the Pleasures of God"
Francis teaches that "victory begins with the name of Jesus on our lips, but it is consummated by the nature of Jesus in our hearts." In this message, he examines the nature of a life that is truly Christ-like, and explains that all God does in our lives is intended to make us more like Him.

Steve ShultzScripture plainly tells us that we are in a literal war -– though with unseen foes, just as horrific -- or even more so than natural battles. Francis Frangipane's four CD teaching, The Fundamentals of Spiritual Warfare, will take you on a powerful journey of understanding the battle, understanding the enemy, and most importantly, understanding who you are in Christ and how to wage a battle that takes you into victory. Not only will you come away seeing yourself differently, you'll gain keys to a new place of authority and power. It's time to WIN!
--Steve Shultz, The Elijah List

To order, call: 1-866-354-5245 -- Outside of the US? Call: 1-541-926-3250

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"This Day We Fight!"
Breaking the Bondage of a Passive Spirit
by Francis Frangipane


In this day of advancing evil, will the Church wake up and fight?

There is an enemy at our gates. Though you may be aware of satan's assault, are you praying with authority against him? If not, it is probably because satan's first line of attack is often a spirit of heaviness, which renders Christians passive, and thus defenseless, against the unfolding battle. Indeed, if you aren't praying against the enemy, he is probably stealing something precious from you--and it may be the heart of a loved one, the future of your church, or the destiny of our nation.

Author Francis Frangipane tells us that the call of God is a call to war. As we stand at the cusp of a major spiritual awakening in our land, the Holy Spirit is ready to impart a fresh anointing to God's people--an anointing that will activate the "war mode" in your heart. Ours is not a time of peace or surrender. No, This Day We Fight!

Steve ShultzWe at the Elijah List LOVE Francis Frangipane! His heart of compassion, balanced with the will to make a firm stand for the Lord, makes him one of our favorite authors! He never ceases to amaze us with the insight that he has received from God, and This Day We Fight! is no exception! Find out how to break the bondage of a passive spirit by reading this book. You may find yourself answering God's call to War! --Many Blessings, Steve Shultz, The Elijah List

To order, call: 1-866-354-5245 -- Outside of the US? Call: 1-541-926-3250

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"Heaven's Rain"
by Grace Williams
Music CD

"May I introduce psalmist, Grace Williams. Grace graduated in June 2003 from 'The Call School.' Grace is an anointed ordained psalmist, and at my invitation, she ministered extensively to the Call School students as well as 'The Call Dallas' and 'The Call Los Angeles.' A mother in the faith, Cindy Jacobs, has prophetically spoken that God would use Grace to sing over the nations expressing His heart. Presently, 'The Healing Rooms' and their affiliates play Grace's Worship CD's in their 'war rooms' as weapons of healing and deliverance."
--Lou Engle,
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"Grace's name aptly defines her music--God has anointed her to flow in the grace gifts. This CD releases Heaven's song and a new sound to the nations." --Cindy Jacobs, Generals International

Order Online
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Order Outside the USA
To order, call: 1-866-354-5245 -- Outside of the US? Call: 1-541-926-3250


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