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Keith Miller: "New Waves of Revival Fire that Release Signs, Wonders and Miracles!"

By Keith Miller
Jun 12, 2008


Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

God's Spirit of Revival is moving across the nation! We have received incredible testimonies of where revival is breaking out in both ministries and individuals' lives. Healing and deliverance seem to be God's top priority in this day and FREEDOM is happening for us, His Body! Haven't we all been waiting for breakthrough for our families and our spheres of influence?

Read this word by Keith Miller and it will energize you with new hope and encouragement. God is going to personally show up and rock our world! As Keith says, "Breakouts of the miraculous occur with great outpourings of the Holy Spirit! The report of the Lord goes forth through the region, and a sound rings throughout the land!

The Lord is now opening Heaven for many who have pressed in for the promise of God for their lives and ministries."

Also, check out our resources about revival to help get you excited in this new day of great outpouring!


The Power to Change the World The Welsh and Azusa Street Revivals
by Rick Joyner
Compact Book
(click here)


The Revival is not 'Out There Somewhere,' It's in You!
by Bob Jones and Larry Randolph
Teaching CD
(click here)




Steve Shultz


Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The ElijahList & ElijahRain magazine


Keith Miller:
"New Waves of Revival Fire that Release Signs, Wonders and Miracles!"

There is a new and deeper level of revival glory anointing being released by the Lord right now! Over the course of the last few months, we have been experiencing a powerful, deep, intense new level of revival anointing in our meetings. We are seeing a greater dimension of His presence, His power, and His prophetic flow, and the levels increase in every meeting.


Keith Miller

"O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory. Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You. Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips." Psalm 63:1-5

During this time of holy pursuit, I was caught up before the Throne in a prophetic encounter. I was in awe of Him; deep was calling unto deep and every fiber of my being was alive and sensitive to His presence. In Revelation 1:15, John shared that during his prophetic encounter with the Lord, His voice was like the sound of many waters. As the Lord spoke to me, it was like wave after wave of an incredible depth of love was being released deep within my inner man. This released in me a deep adoration that was beyond what my human mind could even comprehend!

As I beheld Him on the Throne, I saw Him in a level of power that I had never seen before. In Matthew 26:64, the Scripture describes the Lord on the Throne as "Power!" "Jesus said to him, 'It is as you said. Nevertheless, I say to you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power and coming on the clouds of Heaven.'"

Also in Acts 10:38, Peter speaks of "how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him." Remember that as we behold Him, we are transformed into His likeness: "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).

As He spoke I Knew that He Was Releasing Prophetic Impartation and Strategies

Then I saw the Lord releasing power mantles upon people all over the world, resulting in a release of a new wave of Hebrews 2:4: "God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will." He spoke a word to them and it became prophetic impartation that was like fire in their bones. With the impartation came prophetic strategies for city, state, and also national impact. They spoke the Word with great intensity and ministered with great authority and power. The masses of humanity began to turn and take notice of the Word and the anointing.

During this prophetic encounter, I saw the Lord releasing fresh anointing upon anointing for great release of signs, wonders and healings in the mighty name of Jesus. In Acts 2:1-4 we see in the Scripture that the disciples received an anointing of power to speak the Word of the Lord with boldness and to see signs, wonders and healings done in the mighty name of Jesus. We see a great breakout of Holy Spirit explosion take place in Acts Chapters 2 and 3.

But then, in Acts Chapter 4:28-31, we see the disciples pressing in for something even greater than what they had been seeing. As they pressed in for the Word and the anointing, to speak the Word with boldness and to move in a greater anointing, the place was shaken and they received from the Holy Spirit boldness and greater power.

Since the prophetic encounter, the Lord has graced us with increased levels of revival Glory anointing in our meetings. There is a great atmosphere of anticipation and expectation; the place is literally charged with the Presence of the Lord. We are seeing a greater dimension of His presence, His power, and His prophetic flow. We have received so many testimonies of lives being impacted and transformed. Thank You, Jesus! Over the last few months God has poured out fresh hunger. People are getting a tremendous new anointing upon them, but also inside them--the Lord is releasing strength within.

In this same vision, the Lord also showed me other keys He has begun releasing to the Body to bring this revival to fruition. I will describe these keys in the remainder of this article.

Open Heavens

In Acts 2:1, the disciples gathered together in Heavenly pursuit of what the Lord Jesus had promised them in Luke 24:49: "Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you" (see also Acts 1:4). Again, in Acts 1:3 after Jesus was resurrected, He spends 40 days with them, speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. In Acts 1:4, He reaffirms to them that something was going to happen for them. A promise from Him to them, for the promise of the Father, which He said, "you have heard from Me."

So with great expectation they were up early awaiting the promise Jesus had given them. A major breakthrough was about to happen for each of their lives, but it would also affect the city, region and the nations. All of sudden they heard a sound! "And suddenly there came a sound!" Wow! I love this! There they were! Waiting! Pressing in and hungering after the promise of the Lord to them. They knew that something was about to happen. They felt it deep in their hearts. Nothing could keep them from getting what was promised to them.

That is exactly what thousands of precious people are sensing deep in their spirits for such a time as this. We feel that we are on the verge of something major. We are pressing in for the promise of God for our lives, our families, our ministries, our cities and our nations! We are about to hear the sound!

All of sudden they hear a sound! "Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O LORD, in the light of Your countenance" (Psalm 89:15). It is the sound of the breakthrough, the sound of victory, the sound of advancement. It is the sound that signifies that God is now showing up and something is about to happen!

The sound of the breakthrough has now come that will bring Holy Spirit breakout! The Heavens are opening up and a mighty outpouring takes place upon them. They become carriers of what we call open Heavens! Let's explore this phenomenon of an open Heaven a bit.

An open Heaven is when there is no restriction between you and Heaven, and every function of the Holy Spirit manifests--revelation, power, healing, etc. Wherever you go there is a manifestation of the reality of Heaven upon the earth. I call it impact. Impact is when two objects collide. That is exactly what happens--the supernatural collides with the natural. The Kingdom of God literally explodes into the world!

The disciples began ministering under an open Heaven in Acts 2:14-20, and the result was prophetic preaching with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh. They began ministering from an open Heaven like Jesus did in Mark 1:10. Jesus saw the whole city of Capernaum powerfully touched by the open Heavens He walked in. We will see whole cities and regions powerfully impacted from ministering under an open Heaven as well! Breakouts of the miraculous occur with great outpourings of the Holy Spirit! The report of the Lord goes forth through the region, and a sound rings throughout the land!

The Lord is now opening Heaven for many who have pressed in for the promise of God for their lives and ministries. The promises of God are yes and amen in the anointing--no resistance between Heaven and earth. Many people will begin to operate in a powerful realm that will release open Heavens over churches, cities, regions and nations. This will bring a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh. We are pressing in for open Heavens to bring an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh (Acts 2:17-20, Joel 2:28-32).

The Breaker Anointing

The Lord is also releasing a greater intensity of the breaker anointing. The breaker anointing smashes through barriers in the Heavenlies, allowing the Holy Spirit to move mightily. As you begin to minister in the Word and the anointing, you are breaking open the atmosphere for the manifest presence of the Lord (Micah 2:12-13, Psalm 24:7-10, Psalm 29:3-11). You become a gate for the King of Glory to come through.

The Lord is literally putting this anointing upon individuals and ministries to help break open the Heavenlies for city and regional impact!

The Sword of the Lord: God's Word

The sword of the Lord is the quickened Word of the Lord cutting between spirit and flesh.

"For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power (making it active, operative, energizing, and effective); it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow (of the deepest parts of our nature), exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

When the Word has been spoken with great authority, I have seen visions of the sword of the Lord sweeping across meetings. It is actually dividing between what is the Lord and what isn't the Lord in people's lives, and it reveals the intent of the heart. We are about to see an incredible release of this.

During my encounter with the Lord, I literally saw in a prophetic vision the words of Amos 3:7 unfold:

"Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken; who can but prophesy?"

The roar is the sound of the Lion of Judah, decreeing the Name above all names. At His mighty Name, everything that is not of the Kingdom must bow down to His holy Name.

As the prophetic word of the Lord goes forth, the Word will literally thunder across the waters. As the Lord thunders, it will break down the resistance. God is thundering; He is speaking. "To Him who rides on the Heavens of Heavens, which were of old! Indeed, He sends out His voice, a mighty voice." (Psalm 68:33).

We have stepped into a time of great power, but also of the prevailing Word of God. "So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed" (Acts 19:20). We will begin to see and hear about great Kingdom explosion for Kingdom advancement. We are plugging into the living Word and the anointing to see the fullness of the Holy Spirit released in great power. We will see greater increase in the coming days. This is not just for a few, but for the Body of Christ.

Overcomers Arise!

Another clear thing the Lord spoke to me during this visitation was that He is raising up overcomers. The Lord is currently doing a deep work in believers so that we will daily live as overcomers, not as people being overcome by our circumstances or the world. The Spirit of understanding brings divine insight of how to live in daily victory in the inner man. We are to be the lamp on the hill, the shining light of our Father's Kingdom.

We are in a time of great transition, but as we go through the door, we will lay a course for thousands upon thousands to experience victory in our Lord. If we will embrace the grace He is releasing, we will see great spiritual growth for Kingdom harvest. This is not just one or two people living in Kingdom dominion, but a whole generation.

As I write this I feel a deep longing of the Holy Spirit to see a great release of the wealth of the Kingdom to God's people. "Go through, go through the gates! Prepare the way for the people; build up, build up the highway! Take out the stones, lift up a banner for the peoples! (Isaiah 62:10).

Restoration of the Desolations of the Generations

Part of the anointing that is being released by the Lord is restoration of the desolations of the generations. The Lord will restore what the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25). The two major aspects the Lord showed me pertained to restoration of anointing and mantles of old and the promise of the Lord to restore families (Isaiah 49:8).

I saw families all over the world impacted. "And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations" (Isaiah 61:4).

Many of the old wells and old mantles will once again be seen in the Body of Christ--but in double portion! Elisha tasted the anointing when Elijah passed by and threw his mantle on him (1 Kings 19:19). Later, Elisha boldly pressed in and received a double portion (2 Kings 2:9-14)! Elisha received a double portion of the anointing that was on Elijah.

In Elisha's ministry he saw double the miracles that Elijah saw. Elisha did not go hide himself in a cave like Elijah. Elisha did not take on the personality of Elijah; he took on the personality of the anointing that was on Elijah. We will begin to see mighty breakouts of new levels of the anointing. Watch and see, these next levels will be greater than what we've experienced before!

As a believer, there has been something the Lord has let you touch in the Spirit or has shown you a vision of its future potential. This is what you've been contending for. This is what you have been pressing in for. Now the Lord is about to release those realms and they will be even greater than before.

As you are reading this you should stop right now and decree, "Lord as You have purposed, let it be unto me!" Does the vision ache within you? Does it cause a stirring in your inner man? That is a holy invitation. Ask Him to release you into the fullness of all that He has shown you.

At the same time we are redigging the old wells, we are also digging new wells. The Lord is taking everything to a greater level of increased fruitfulness. In Genesis 26:18-22, Isaac re-dug the wells from Abraham's days that the Philistines had filled in, but he also dug three new wells!

We are in another depth of the breakout of God right now! I believe we are now beginning to experience something beyond what we have experience before. I'm telling you the truth; we are seeing the beginning of this in our meetings!

The rivers of God are flowing, not ankle deep, not waist deep, but the rivers are flowing from bank to bank. "Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food and their leaves for medicine" (Ezekiel 47:12).

Our generation is to live and operate out of the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We are to be the well-watered, deeply-rooted trees that bring forth Kingdom fruit that the Lord will use to heal the nations.

More for the Multitudes

The level of anointing that the Lord is releasing literally blows me away! We are in a great time of increase in every area right now. I really do believe the Lord wants to send more increase; I believe that all of it--the open Heavens, the power, the prophetic flow, which is the sword of the Lord--is for seeing people, cities, and regions transformed.

A mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit will bring multitudes to salvation in North America. That's the vision the Lord has shown me. It is like fire in my bones! It aches deep in my heart. We need the Church to rise up to the fullness of her potential in the Lord to see Kingdom impact. O Lord, rend the Heavens and come down! Do something beyond our plans and abilities. We are asking for something more than before.

We are asking for revival to break out for a new move of God that will touch millions and millions of people.

Through prayer, praise, purity, and purpose we want to see an increase of His presence, power and prophetic flow to see North America experience a mighty move of God.

That's what I was born for--that's what you were born for! Let's us grab a hold of the promises of God. Let's say yes to the old, yes to the new and yes to the future. What a time we live in; what a God we serve!

Keith Miller
Stand Firm World Ministries


Keith Miller's Itinerary:

June 13-15, 2008
Palbok Presbyterian Church
Vernon Hills, Illinois
Contact: 847-918-7233

June 19-21, 2008
Tucson Ablaze Tucson Ablaze "Recapturing the Glory" Conference
Inn Suite Hotel
475 N. Granada, Tucson, Arizona 85701
Contact: 251-943-9669

July 15-18, 2008
Texas Ablaze Signs & Wonders Conference/Crusade
Humble Civic Center
8233 Will Clayton PKWY, Humble, Texas 77338
Contact: 1-877-675-4133

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