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By Bob Jones and Paul Keith Davis
Oct 28, 2006

October 28, 2006

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Bob Jones and Paul Keith Davis: "SHEPHERD'S ROD 2007

pk davisBelow is Part 3 of the Shepherd's Rod 2007 article. You can view both Part 1 and Part 2 previously published by The Elijah List by clicking (here) for Part 1 and (here) for Part 2.

13. This is the Day for Those Who Have Been Faithful in a Few Things to be Entrusted With Much More.

The man who goes forth to do his work and faithfully labors until evening is considered the righteous laborer and he is entrusted with greater power and authority. This season will produce righteous and faithful people who will be endowed with greater measures of faith and broader dimensions of authority because of their trustworthiness.

Great-grace exceeds "common grace" and God has promised to give this favor to the humble (1 Peter 5:5). Much of this season has been intended to cultivate humility in a body of people. These will be God's champions to whom notable mantels of revelation and power will be entrusted during the coming days.

The Lord is looking for the humble and contrite. As the prophet Isaiah recorded in Isaiah 66:1-2,

"Thus says the LORD, 'Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest? For My hand made all these things, thus all these things came into being,' declares the LORD.

'But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.'"

"The ones who are lowly and tremble at God's Word will begin to experience divine intervention from Heaven's host."

Our faithfulness to the anointed Word will uniquely prepare us for this specific hour in human history and qualify us for greater measures. It will literally be the fulfillment of Hebrews 1:7. God's ministers will be ignited as a flame of fire, and fueled by angels who are winds.

14. This is the Day That the River of Compassion Shall Come Forth out of Those Who have Learned to Love.

All sincere saints of God want to hear those special words, "well done My good and faithful servant." However, many may be surprised at the criterion that merits such a wonderful response from the Lord. Although witnessing the miraculous in our ministry or giving accurate prophetic words or seeing the desperately sick healed are all wonderful exploits, they are all considered gifts of God exercised according to His will.

Our greatest endorsement from the Lord will come when we learn to love. That is the reality of Christ being formed in us. For those who discover that place in God, a special release of His healing power will flow through them like a river. Compassion is the key to God's heart that unlocks wells of healing.

Heavenly Encounter after Passing Away

The importance of learning to love was marvelously illustrated in Bob Jones' truth life experience, when he stood before the Lord in a death experience. Our adversary endeavored to eliminate the prophetic gift entrusted to Bob with an attempt on his life on August 8, 1975. On that day, an aneurism erupted in Bob's abdomen and his earthly life was temporarily interrupted. When he passed from the natural realm to the eternal, many things were revealed to Bob. I have written about a portion of them in Books of Destiny (which you can order below through The Elijah List.)

However, for the purpose of this Shepherd's Rod, I will pickup the experience as Bob stood before the Lord with three other people who had passed away at that same moment. The three of them quickly ascended toward a great Light that embodied the door of Heaven. He was the fourth in line and watched as they proceeded towards the Light that was above them. The prominent Light they saw was the Lord Jesus Himself, present to greet the new arrivals.

The first in the line was a young 11-year-old girl who was filled with the love of God. It had been her lot in life to lie on her sickbed suffering from a terminal disease. The fact that she was not healed does not diminish our faith in God's healing power one ounce. That is part of God's mystery to be more fully understood when He comes in His justice.

Nevertheless, this young lady utilized her time on earth to express Heaven's love through prayer and intercession for others. She entered the gates of glory with great reward. The Lord asked her, "Did you learn to love?" There was a resounding "YES," and she entered His heart to abundant blessings.

The next woman in the line to be embraced by the Lord and enter Heaven's gates was a heavy black sister. She was surrounded by a large number of angels. Bob asked the angel of the Lord standing to His right why she had so many ministering spirits with her. He was instructed that she had been an evangelist on the earth. The messengers assigned to her co-labored in her ministry.

As she prayed and interceded for the salvation of others, the ministering spirits would be commissioned to go to those for whom she was praying. They were empowered with the mandate and authority of Heaven released through her prayers to bring that individual into the Kingdom. Great was her reward also. The Lord asked, "Did you learn to love?" Again, a hearty yes and she passed into His heart.

The next lady standing directly in front of Bob was a 93-year-old woman with the appearance of having been crippled with arthritis. Because of the hardships and failures that occurred in her life, the gall of bitterness had entered. She maintained her love for God. Unfortunately, she was not able to express God's love to others. The root of bitterness had defiled her soul. Though she entered Heaven as her eternal home, she carried no fruit or victorious testimony as her reward.

The Lord asked, "Did you learn to love?" She responded that she loved Him, but that was all. She had not learned to love others. In that place it is impossible to lie. The only answer she could give was the truth. She entered, but with no lasting fruit to present to Him.

None of the people were asked how many devils they cast out or how many sermons they preached. They were asked only one question, "Did you learn to love?"

Our greatest victories in this day will be our grace to discover that God is love, and express that love to a lost and misguided generation. It will be a fundamental part of the last-days harvest.

15. This is the Day Marking the Beginning of Creative Miracles in America. This Shall be a Year of Great Deliverance for Those who are Troubled in Mind and Cry out for Mercy.

"The LORD has opened His armory and has brought forth the weapons of His indignation, for it is a work of the Lord GOD of hosts in the land of the Chaldeans." Jeremiah 50:25

Heaven's "storehouse" to which we are now given greater access is a prophetic portrayal of the divinely powerful weapons that have been provided for us through Christ's sufferings and more importantly, His resurrection. It is resurrection life that He desires to delegate. In this spiritual armory are mantles of spiritual authority and power, as well as great ministries of healing and creative miracles that will result in restored limbs and organs.

Days of divine visitation are clearly marked with the miraculous. The Latter Rain revival that was initiated in 1946, is remembered as one of the most significant expressions of God's miracle working power recorded in modern church history. Many historians say it was the greatest outpouring of power since the early church.

We are privileged in this generation with numerous audio and video recordings of those meetings. We are able to learn from the men and women who were the instruments of God's power, and how they were able to steward God's supernatural dimension.

26 Creative Miracles

Many notable miracles are on record, but one of the most significant occurred March, 1959, in the ministry of A. A. Allen. It was the account of a small boy who received 26 creative miracles in one service. I have been personally privileged to meet and talk with a precious sister who witnessed this outstanding event in Birmingham, AL.

R. W. Schambach was A. A. Allen's worship leader at the time, and also shares his eye-witness account of this miracle and his role in it. He relates how the mother of this young boy came to him on the last day of a week of healing meetings. This faithful mother had traveled from her home in Knoxville, TN. to Birmingham because of her desire for the young boy to be supernaturally healed. That was his only hope since the best of the medical field had given up on him and gave no hope for survival.

The young four-year old lad was born with 26 major diseases. He was blind, deaf, and dumb and his tongue protruded from his mouth and rested upon his chin. His arms and legs were deformed and twisted against his body and totally useless. He had no feet and remained curled in a fetal position from the day he was born. He had no male organs and every other major organ in his body suffered from numerous complications. Most doctors said that he would not live to his first birthday. Nevertheless, he was now four years old and in desperate need of God's touch.

The young mother had been to every service for a week and the final day had come. In those days, the ministers used prayer cards to determine who would be prayed for. Unfortunately, her prayer card was never called. She personally went to brother Schambach and asked if he would help get her son to the man of God for prayer. Brother Schambach promised that he would, but that never became necessary since the Lord had other plans.

When the service began, A. A. Allen took an offering that challenged the people into the supernatural realm of faith. As a gesture of faith, this young mother was the first to put $20 in the offering. Like the widow woman in the Lord's ministry, it was all that she had. As the man of God began the service, he stopped his preaching and announced that he was going into a spiritual vision.

In his vision, Allen found himself in the maternity ward of a hospital where a small boy was just born. He saw the doctors pronounce a death sentence on the lad with 26 major illnesses. He then watched in his vision as the mother entered an old Ford automobile and drove to that very meeting in Birmingham, AL. He then called for the mother to bring the young boy for prayer.

When he offered the prayer of faith, R. W. Schambach testifies that he saw with his own eyes, the power of God overshadow the boy. First, the tongue of the little fellow corrected itself into his mouth. Next, pools of light entered his eye sockets and beautiful brown eyes were supernaturally created. He then watched his bones begin to snap and crack as his legs and arms came into their perfect place.

Then, Schambach watched as the two legs that had no feet suddenly began to change as feet were supernaturally created for the young boy right before the 3,000 in attendance. All of his internal organs were perfectly restored. Finally, the tongue of the young lad was supernaturally allowed to speak his first words, "Mamma."

I have personally spoken with a wonderful 80-year-old woman who was in the meeting and witnessed this event for herself. This is a token of the kind of creative miracles we are promised in this generation.

16. This is the Day that the Evangelists Who Have Sowed in Tears Shall Come Forth in Abundant Harvest Waving Their Sheaves Before Them Reaping Joy.

Sowing righteousness will reap a harvest of salvation. Our call is to sow spiritually in uprightness that is birthed from a posture of right standing with God. In doing so, we will reap according to mercy and loving kindness. We are entering a season of harvest. It will be a harvest of "harvesters."

"Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Psalm 126:5-6

"What and how we sow will determine our harvest. We are to break up uncultivated ground outside the four walls of the institutional church."

This will result in a wonderful harvest of gifted people who will be very fruitful in the Kingdom. They already have a zeal for spiritual things, if only misguided. Once they discover the truth, all their devotion and enthusiasm will be for Jesus.

Much prayer and sacrifice has already been invested in this day. Many seeds of revival and spiritual outpouring have been sown. We will now become the beneficiaries of a great spiritual inheritance and reap from "vineyards" that we did not plant. Even so, those who sow and those who reap will rejoice together. Jesus said in John 4:35-37,

"Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest?' Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this (case) the saying is true, 'One sows and another reaps.'"

Seeds sown in prior generations have come to a place of maturity.

Commissions, mantles, and spiritual gifts can be apprehended that were previously worn by pioneers and leaders of the past.

(More 2007 Shepherd's Rod to be continued)

Bob Jones
The Prophetic Ministry of Bob Jones
with Paul Keith Davis

Paul Keith Davis
White Dove Ministries

Paul Keith Davis' Upcoming Itinerary:

October 27-29, 2006
Restoring His Glory Conference
Christ Chapel
3051 Cloverdale Road; Florence, AL
Contact: 256-767-1080 or

November 2-5, 2006
An Open Portal Prophetic Conference
Community Pentecostal Church
416 Taunton Road West; Oshawa, Ontario
Contact: 905-433-2964 or

November 8-11, 2006
Releasing Breakthrough Revival Conference
Christian Center of Shreveport
Shreveport, LA
Contact: or 318-688-9250

"The daily prophetic words that are sent to our 132,000+ subscribers are made possible by the purchase of products like those featured in this email. You may purchase them directly from this email, or visit our online store at"


shep 2007BRAND NEW BOOK!
"Shepherd's Rod 2007"
by Bob Jones and Paul Keith Davis


Taking Pre-Orders now! Item will ship by the middle of November

"This is the day which God hath made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

pk davisThe revelations of this year's Shepherd's Rod will begin to unveil a specific and unique day that God has prepared. This is a day of destiny that the Lord has made!

We have crossed a threshold in Heaven's time-line. The Bible calls it the "fullness of time." The apostle Paul in his epistle to the Galatians stated,

"But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, 'Abba! Father!'" Galatians 4:4-6

The central theme of these revelations highlights our present position in modern church history and our prophetic destiny in God. We are Biblically promised a generation who will do the "greater works" (John 14:12). These will be the "sons of the Kingdom" who carry the Sevenfold Spirit of God that rested upon the Lord Himself in His perfect example of a Son of the Kingdom.

This is a day in which many promises will be apprehended and divine destiny achieved. Over the past several years, there have been messages of preparation sounded as a clarion call to the Bride of Christ to prepare for the coming battle. Those individuals who have heeded this call and allowed the sifting and pruning process will begin to emerge with considerable anointing and authority. For them, this will be a day of substantial advancement.

Shepherd's Rod 2007 will highlight many of the areas that will be emphasized during this season. 

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Ignite the hope of your divine calling and soar on the wings of destiny! In this fascinating book, you'll discover supernatural visions, revelations, and divine encounters that describe library rooms in Heaven containing precious mysteries, unfathomable knowledge, and boundless wisdom.

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Trained in the prayer rooms of Kansas City with Mike Bickle, JoAnn McFatter has become renowned for her unique style and spontaneous song. Now enjoy a whole album of pure prophetic song, set to the haunting sounds of Middle Eastern music. Is it prayer? Is it prophecy? Is it the "Song of the Lord"? Get Temple Dance and find out.

Track Listing

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  2. Sapphire Sea   mp3 wma rm
  3. Time for Love
  4. Lament
  5. Sleeper: Awake
  6. Love the Lord Your God
  7. By My Spirit
  8. Desire of the Nations
  9. What Is It About You?
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--Blessings, Steve Shultz, The Elijah List

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