April 4, 2006
Keith Davis and Bob Jones:
Angel Stated That His Name Is 'Breakthrough!'"
The angel stated that his name is
"Breakthrough", and that he has been assigned to the United States. That is what
was articulated to Bob Jones in one of the most significant visitations he has
ever received.
the past 12 years, I have watched the revelatory realm open to Bob in profound
ways. It was quite astounding for him to tell me that he has recently had the
second most powerful visitation of his life. The only one higher came directly
from the Lord Jesus Himself.
On Friday, March 24th, as Bob was preparing for prayer, he immediately went into
an Acts 10:10 type of trance. Bob's highest
revelations come in this way. In the visitation, Bob saw what appeared
to be 12 ordinary "men" approaching him. Although they had the appearance of men
he knew they were angels. The one in front seemed to be the most prominent, and
he served as spokesman for the group.
He said, "My name is 'Breakthrough', and I have now been assigned to the United
States." For about 30 minutes, the angel shared with Bob historical
accounts of past revivals that transpired to God's glory that he had been
involved with. His job is to release breakthrough and awakening, and to initiate a
wave of harvest by extracting all obstacles to God's plans while the other
angels gather the harvest.
Most prominently, he shared his involvement in the life of Benson Idahosa from
Nigeria. The angel had previously been intimately involved in the ministry of
this great man of God throughout Nigeria and other African nations. Then the
angel specifically articulated that after Nigeria, he had been assigned to the
United States.
Without Bob knowing the history beforehand, the angel shared with him great
revivals that brought many souls into God's Kingdom that he was responsible for.
The angel stated that he has been in the United States for approximately two
years laying the groundwork for the next revival. A revival, he said, that
present stadiums will not be adequate to hold, once it is fully manifested. This
revelation is particularly significant for me, as it directly relates to a word
that we have been sharing throughout the body of Christ since October of 2003.
Angels That Gather
In the fall of 2003, Wanda and I had been invited to participate in a dedication
service with our friends at Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Albany, OR. This
wonderful flourishing church had expanded its facility to a 1,500 seat
auditorium. However, we had a prior commitment on the East Coast, so we were not
able to participate in the inaugural service beginning on Thursday.
On Friday, October 17, Wanda and I flew to Albany to join
our friends Bob Jones, Bobby Conner, Don and Christine Potter, and others were involved in the services. The
whole day was spent on airplanes
and in airports. It was not a positive spiritual atmosphere. The day's certainly did not prepare me for what transpired the moment I stepped into
the sanctuary on that Friday evening.
Very often we have the mistaken notion that we must spend extended periods of time
in prayer and fasting for the Lord to speak to us in clear and concise ways.
Naturally, that is a good way to position ourselves before God's Throne to hear
from Him. Nevertheless, the Lord also chooses to speak in ways that sometimes
surprise us. The hardship of life on the island of Patmos surely
made John's revelations all the more meaningful, which are
some of the most profound ever entrusted to man, but the principle is the same.
The Lord will often speak to us in the midst of a storm, while in a great trial,
or even after a long day of airline travel.
A Shocking Revelation
The service had already begun by the time we arrived. Don Potter was leading
worship, and the people were fully engaged in the service. Instantly, with my
first step into the auditorium, I was seeing both the natural and spiritual
realms at the same time. My natural eyes were seeing people as they worshiped,
but my spiritual eyes were open to see the Spirit's realm. With open eyes, I saw
angels standing from one corner of the building across the back to the other
Each angel appeared to be about six to seven feet tall. They were standing
approximately six feet apart, and they each wore a white robe that reached to
their feet. They were each watching the podium as Don Potter was leading
worship. Some had golden belts that seemed to be made of a rope-like material
and others had golden sashes that draped across their
chests. Their countenance was compassionate and caring. Some from heaven's host
are fierce and overwhelming in appearance, but these seemed tender and loving.
End-Time Provision
My first question was, "Who are they?" The answer came immediately and
emphatically. The Spirit said, "They are angels that
gather." To my knowledge, I had never before heard that
expression. Angels that gather were a fresh revelation to me. As I took the seat next to the
pastor, I advised him that there were angels standing across the back of his
Church. He asked what kind of angels, and I firmly and authoritatively stated,
"They are angels that gather", although that phrase was made known to me only
moments before. I needed a Scripture to confirm my statement to the pastor. I
fortunately was able to discover the Biblical affirmation of this reality in
Matthew 13.
Matthew 13:37-43 directly affects the latter
day generation and outlines our provision for the end-time confrontation. Jesus
said so in this passage. It is a clear outline of the spiritual conflict that
will exist in the days immediately preceding His return. The Lord gives the
following interpretation involving the latter-day generation,
And He said, "The
one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, and the field is the world;
and as for the good seed, these are the sons of the Kingdom; and the tares
are the sons of the evil one; and the enemy who sowed them is the devil, and
the harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are angels. So just as
the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of
the age."
"The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His
kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, and will
throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth. Then THE RIGHTEOUS WILL SHINE FORTH AS THE SUN in the
kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear." (Matthew 13:37-43)
The Bible plainly articulates that the
field in which the Lord has sown good seed is the world. The one who sows the
good seed is the Son of Man. The seed that He imparts are the children of the
Kingdom. The Lord Jesus Himself clearly states that there are a host of angels
designated for the end-time generation who will work collectively with God's
people in the labor of the last-day harvest. Angels that gather will not only
collect the wheat into the barn but also extract stumbling blocks that interfere
with the flourishing of God's Kingdom. This is the spiritual provision Bob was
seeing in his experience. The main angel provided breakthrough while the others
gathered the harvest.
Bob's Vision Continued
The angel, Breakthrough, continued to speak with Bob about God's end-time
strategy. He shared how Benson Idahosa was often commissioned into a nation or
region with God's mandate. No matter what the opposition was, all obstacles were
removed through Breakthrough so that a harvest of souls could be achieved. That
is the model for these coming days and our promised harvest.
The angel then told Bob that everything he was observing in this vision was a
prophecy. He then asked, "What do you see?"
Bob replied that their appearance seemed so ordinary. The angel's response was
"precisely." "We are going to work with ordinary people
who have fully yielded their spirit, soul, and body to the Lord," he
said. Those used most prominently in this installment of God's plan will not
boast in their wisdom or might, but they will boast in knowing the Lord
intimately--Jeremiah 9:23-24. It is the
Lord's intent during this season to fully mobilize the Body of Christ into its
function as God's intermediary on the Earth. The foremost responsibility of the
five-fold ministry is to equip God's people to do the work of the ministry. Even
the feeblest among us should be as noble and victorious as the great
worshiping-warrior, King David. (Zechariah 12:8)
Move, Move, Move
Breakthrough then shouted, "Move, move, move!" From this, Bob knew that there
would be at least three major expressions of this spiritual dynamic soon to take
place. He also articulated our directive to move in faith on the earth in order
to cooperate in the Spirit with this Heavenly host. This is an end-time strategy
that is to be employed now.
The predominant Scripture to be utilized in this commissioning is
Matthew 10:7-8 declaring, "And as you go, preach,
saying, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, raise the dead,
cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give."
This will be a season of harvest, a harvest of souls and a harvest of
promises. Even so, it will come not by the mere articulation of words but also
with power. That is the pattern of the early Church and the one we see
demonstrated in the life and ministry of Benson Idahosa.
In Exodus 23, God promised to send an angel
before Israel to overcome every enemy and establish them in the land of promise.
Their obedience to the Word assured their victory and released the Lord to
remove sickness from their midst. In like fashion, a wave of healing will
accompany this season of grace we are now entering.
Knowing the Timing
The presence of these angels will be very similar to the spiritual sign given to
King David in his battle with the Philistines in 2
Samuel 5. When David inquired of the Lord for divine strategy and
precise timing, the Lord released breakthrough to rout all opposition to grant a
complete victory! The Scripture emphasizes that, "David
came to Baal-perazim, and defeated them there; and he said, "The LORD has broken
through my enemies before me like the breakthrough of waters." Therefore he
named that place Baal-perazim." (The master of breakthrough).
Victory is achieved in the spirit realm first, and then manifested in the
natural realm. In the continuation of this prophetic scenario, the Bible tells
us David knew to move against his enemies when he discerned wind blowing among
the balsam trees. Following that example, we will learn in this day to
cooperate with the Lord's timing when we discern God's winds--His
Angels--moving on our behalf. There will be cooperation between Heaven and earth
in this powerful dynamic. (Hebrews 1:7)
Finally, when the angel asked again what Bob saw, the only other dynamic in the
vision that Bob could perceive seemed to be the angel's friendly demeanor. That
in itself is also a prophecy. The end-time church will learn to cooperate fully
with the spiritual host assigned to us as friends learn to cohesively work in
unison with their closest friends. It is our responsibility to meticulously
follow the Holy Spirit's leadership to fully activate every spiritual dynamic
and resource allotted to us. We release on the earth what we discern in the
One final Scripture reference Breakthrough gave to Bob came from
Genesis 38:27-30. In this passage, we
discover the birthing of Judah's twins. The messenger emphasized the prophetic
significance of the names given to these infants as a parabolic picture. Perez=
Breach; Zarach= dawning/rising. If we are to qualify to be utilized in this
spiritual move, we must possess boldness and determination. It would be a
breach for us to put our hand to this task and then draw it back
(see Hebrews 10:37-39). We cannot be among
those who drawback because of opposition or fear, but rather among those who
press forward to see breakthrough achieved.
A Confirming Visitation
As a confirmation to this revelation, the Lord visited with a friend of ours
while in Nigeria in 2004 with the same revelation. At the time that I wrote our
March 2004 newsletter outlining the vision of the "angels that gather", our
friend, Pastor Randy Demain had accepted an invitation to participate in a
missionary trip to Nigeria. While in an open-air meeting, Randy watched as the
Holy Spirit accomplished virtually every manifestation we read about in the book
of Acts. Mighty miracles and signs and wonders were taking place in this
meeting. Many souls came into God's Kingdom through that demonstration of His
That evening, Randy could not sleep because of excitement and decided to simply
worship the Lord. As he did, he heard an audible voice ask, "I have a gift for
you; will you receive it?" Much to his surprise it was the Lord asking if he
would be willing to accept a spiritual gift. When he responded with an
affirmation, Randy perceived with his open eyes the angel that the Lord desired
to assign to him. His name was "Breakthrough Revival." The Lord went on to
explain to Randy that this angel had been assigned to Benson Idahosa until his
death in 1998. The Lord shared how Breakthrough removes all obstacles and
stumbling blocks, so God's people can pray to the Lord of the Harvest and reap a
bountiful gathering of souls.
This was explained to Randy in the visitation before he returned home and read
our newsletter outlining this exact end-time strategy. For the past two years,
Randy and I have been sharing this revelation and laying the groundwork for a
wave of harvest. We believe this will be a harvest of harvesters.
Embracing Our Opportunity
We have arrived at a "fullness of time" juncture of church history. God's
end-time plan is being set in motion. Naturally, this is not the only thing
that He is doing, but it is certainly a vital part. Our role is to continue to
pursue the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ Jesus and become men and
women of prayer. This empowers the spiritual host to battle on our behalf in the
spiritual realm to achieve notable victories, to the Lord's glory.
There is a spiritual principle that states where evil abounds, grace does much
more abound. Clearly, our nation is in trouble. Nevertheless, the Lord is
extending an incredible opportunity for His great-grace. We must embrace every
divine opportunity and employ these incredible gifts being delegated to us at
this crucial moment.
by Paul Keith Davis
White Dove Ministries