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by Paul Strand-CBN
Dec 3, 2005


December 3, 2005


By Paul Strand
Washington Sr. Correspondent
The Christian Broadcasting Network  


Joyous Revival Predicted to Shake New England

When the Pilgrims came to America almost 400 years ago, they came to establish a Gospel nation, the first country birthed in a covenant with God since ancient Israel.

But then New England grew cold and eventually became the most unchurched region of America. Could there be a change about to take place?

Something is shaking New England. Something's turning people to prayer. Something is making them dance for joy. It feels like the rumbles of revival.

Rev. Roberto Miranda of the Congregación León de Judá remarked, "Staid, intellectual, overly-rational New England is, I think, experiencing a visitation of the Holy Spirit."

"There are a lot of hotbeds," said Rev. Paul Taylor from the Northeast Prayer Center.

Streams Ministries International's John Paul Jackson declared, "There is a hunger for God now, and a hunger not only to experience God, but a hunger to see God do something."

Alex Canavan, who manages three Christian radio stations, commented, "And we think something greater than the charismatic renewal is about to happen."

"All of the great revivals. . . seemed to begin in New England."

Author David Manuel knows about revival, having written extensively about the great ones that shook America in books he co-authored, like "The Light and the Glory."

"All of the great revivals. . . the awakenings. . . that have swept America and gone around the world," observed Manuel, "seemed to begin in New England."

A couple of years ago, Manuel said, God put it on his heart to team up with Christian radio station owner Alex Canavan, and begin a wide-open time of prayer every week at Tremont Temple in the heart of downtown Boston. Tremont Temple was the first church to racially integrate in America, and the church where the most famous revivalists preached.

Canavan said, "When we see a desire for people to get together to pray, we know that God's about to do something powerfully. And that's the sense that we have."

Other such gatherings are popping up all over the region.

"That's where the revival is now--it's isolated candles, but very soon. . . we sense. . . He's going to bring the candles together, and when He does, the combined candle power is going to be brilliant, and it's going to be astonishing to many people," Manuel predicted.

Pastor Paul Taylor directs the Northeast Prayer Center. He thinks the New England revival would be events coming full-circle in a sweet and ironic way.

"This is where the Pilgrims did land," Taylor declared, "this is where the Pilgrims made covenant with God to be a Gospel, covenant-keeping people."

". . . it is now the most unchurched region in the United States."

But it is also a fact that long ago New England somehow lost its spiritual bearings, as noted by Dan Clymer, whose ministry helps start up small ethnic churches in the area.

Clymer stated, "This is the region where church-planting started, and yet it is now the most unchurched region in the United States."

John Paul Jackson heads up Streams Ministries International and three New England churches.

He noted that, "it's been 200 years since you've seen a real move of God in New England."

Jackson and others blame the spiritual chill on the intellectual haughtiness emanating from the area's world-famous universities such as Harvard and MIT.

But Canavan tells of a prophecy that Derek Prince brought to Boston in 1972. "And in it he said that Boston is the Jericho of the United States," Canavan observed. "And the Lord says that 'when I cause the walls of intellectualism to come tumbling down, then I shall pour out my Spirit upon this whole land'. And it's our sense that when Harvard and MIT come back to Christ, then the world's going to take note."

A Powerful Touch for the Ivy League Schools

Jackson said, "He wants to restore a move of God at Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. I believe the Ivy League schools are going to experience--in fact, I know just from an experience I had with the Lord--the Ivy League schools are going to be powerfully touched."

"There is so much pride here," Manuel said, ". . . intellectual pride. . . and so much excellence, that this might be the last place anyone would pick, and that might be why God seems to be picking it."

Miranda heads up a thriving Hispanic congregation in inner-city Boston.

"Just as we see that the enemy would like to put a stop to that and kind of humiliate God if he were able to do that, by turning this into a cemetery of churches and ministries, I think God is very much interested in reclaiming this area and turning it into that beacon it was initially meant to be," Miranda said.

Taylor added that "I think that there's a sense in America [that] if it can happen in New England, it can happen anywhere."

And it is happening: dynamic worship-filled services are springing up across the area. So are signs and wonders.

John Paul Jackson leads one of America's most cutting-edge ministries--teaching average Christians how to interpret dreams and prophesy in everyday circumstances.

Starting just before this Halloween, Jackson's people have seen dozens of witches and Wiccans come to the Lord.

"Here's what'll happen," Jackson explained. "They'll have a dream that God gives them, like Nebuchadnezzar. [They] don't have an answer for it, know it's God, this is supernatural, 'I've got to have an answer for this. Somebody's got to tell me what that answer is.'"

Those who have been trained by Jackson in dream-interpretation give them that answer. "Then the Lord steps in, the Holy Spirit steps in, touches their heart, the spirit of conviction of sin falls upon them, and they say, 'Surely the Lord is among you! What must we do to be saved?'" Jackson said.

". . . Christians from all over the world are coming here to be missionaries to us."

And here is an interesting twist--for centuries, America has been known for sending its Christians out as missionaries all over the world. But now, Christians from all over the world are coming here to be missionaries to us. And that is especially true in the New England area.

Taylor said, "They truly believe that God has brought them from Brazil, brought them from Latin America, to Boston--to the Boston area--because this is where revival is going to break out."

"They come with a passion for holiness," Miranda said, "very open to the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. So, in a sense, they have served as a contaminating. . . in a good sense of the word. . . element for the churches."

A friend of Dan Clymer's recently came upon three Africans at JFK Airport.

"And the three of them were being sent by their church in Africa as missionaries to the United States," Clymer recalled. "In 1900, the United States was the number-one sending nation of missionaries around the world, and today, the United States is the 13th largest receiving nation of Christian missionaries from around the world."

Taylor said, "They're way ahead of us. They're passionate--the Hispanics, the Brazilians, the Asians."

Things are also starting to bubble up in New Hampshire, which desperately needs it, as the most unchurched state in all the country.

Curt Nordhielm, who works with Clymer through Restoration House Ministries in Manchester said, "Less than five percent would be in church on any given Sunday morning here."

Nordhielm and Clymer start up churches for many of those Christian foreigners coming to New England. "We have two Chinese works, a Cambodian work, a Korean work, a Liberian work, and a Haitian church started last Sunday," Clymer explained.

"He asked us to be ready, to get ready, and to stay ready. . . "

Some feel that the Catholic Church may have a role in this coming revival, even after the scandals that have roiled the priesthood and declining attendance that's forced it to sell many of its churches--ironically enough, in some cases to Protestant groups thriving in this renewal.

Father Tom DiLorenzo is a charismatic priest leading an on-fire congregation near Boston.

DiLorenzo commented, "In the worship, God does mighty things. Like just a couple of weeks ago at the Eucharist at Mass, a woman who was blind was healed. There was a man with MS who was healed. But it's all during worship, and people are coming expecting."

His people also are taking the Good News to the streets, ministering to the homeless every week.

"And that's why we're here--because Jesus loves us," DiLorenzo stated.

DiLorenzo says that the Lord told him in 1990 that a time of mighty shaking was coming. "He said that this would be a time of great revival, of great evangelization, and that the salvation of many would depend on us. . . the salvation of many. And He asked us to be ready, to get ready, and to stay ready--and to be in His word and to be prayed up. I keep telling the people, 'Ya know, find your knees now. .  . avoid the rush when the big shaking takes place.'"

So maybe, full-blown revival has not come to New England yet, but most of the people we spoke to feel it is coming soon.

By Paul Strand
Washington Sr. Correspondent
The Christian Broadcasting Network  

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"Breaking free of Rejection"
by John Paul Jackson






Have you experienced the heartache of rejection?

  • Do you wonder why you don't fit in?

  • Do you often feel overlooked?

  • Do you crave the approval of others?

Everyone experiences rejection, but not everyone has to be damaged by its painful consequences.

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Discover how to harness the power of rejection, find healing for the scars of the past, and break free from the cycle of self-defeating behaviors. In this book, you'll find insight that can dramatically improve your life and help you walk into the extraordinary quality of life God desires for you.

John Paul Jackson is the founder of Streams Ministries International. A popular teacher and conference speaker, he travels around the world teaching on the Art of Hearing God. He and his wife, Diane, have two children and two grandchildren and live in New Hampshire.



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Needless Casualties of War
by John Paul Jackson





"I read this exciting book in one sitting, John Paul Jackson has done us all a great service in addressing spiritual warfare with his God-inspired revelation and his well-earned common sense. Loaded with real-life stories and anchored in theology forged through experience, this book will fascinate you as it teaches you. You gotta read this book!" - Wesley Campbell, Pastor, New Life Vineyard, Kelowna, Canada, Director, Revival Now! Ministries



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In this timely book, Needless Casualties of War, John Paul Jackson reveals some startling insights that will uncover spiritual strategies of the dark side. Find out how you can protect yourself from Satan's onslaught and escape his unforeseen and unperceived attacks.

From the Foreword to "Needless Casualties of War": I regard it a privilege and an honor to write this foreword for John Paul Jackson's book, Needless Casualties of War. Not merely because I hold John Paul in high esteem, but because I believe this is a rare commodity in these prolific days of book writing – one commanded by God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and desperately needed in the Body of Christ. Many possess one or the other, but few possess all three.

As John Paul states in the preface, engaging in spiritual warfare has become increasingly popular. Many are leaping in response to the call of God, eager to serve as soldiers. This is good. If I thought that this book was in any way an attack upon spiritual warfare, or on those of us involved in it, I could not write even an endorsement, much less a foreword. I am myself greatly engaged in spiritual warfare, and many of those most known for it are some of my dearest friends.

Historically, when we in the Charismatic movement first discovered that demons were real, we rushed into the fray inexperienced, and in many ways ignorant and naïve. We blundered along, learning as we went – and the cause of Christ suffered a number of casualties. It has been the same in nearly every area in which the Holy Spirit has been rediscovering to us His ancient paths in which to walk (Isaiah 58:12) – for example: the speaking in tongues, the giving of prophetic words, or the Faith movement. The pendulum swings to zeal, mistakes, embarrassments, and repentance, and then to the far side in reaction – rejection, avoidance, harsh criticisms, and retrenching in the old ways that maybe didn't work, but at least gave us a sense of security by being familiar. We felt in control again. After several swings, usually we settle into balance and find wisdom, and learn to serve appropriately, eventually even restfully, at ease in what is no longer threateningly new.

Gaining Wisdom in the School of Hard Knocks

I don't suppose there is much possibility of avoiding such a history in any newly rediscovered area, nor perhaps should there be. Pearls are a symbol of wisdom because an irritant gets inside an oyster's shell and it has to work to weave a covering around it. There may be no other or better way to gain wisdom than by "the school of hard knocks." Our loving heavenly Father knew this, and from before creation He purposed to pay the price for our freedom to bumble and sin and learn. He knew that the cost for raising sons and daughters mature enough to give Him adult fellowship, person-to-Person, would have to be His own suffering through the death of His only begotten Son on the Cross.

Therefore, there should be no shame or condemnation laid upon us when we stumble into new fields, swinging to revulsion and back again, eventually to find balance and wisdom.

Since the Charismatic movement has grown more mature rather rapidly in recent years, we may have entered into spiritual warfare with much less of the usual foolish mistakes and wild pendulum swings. I have witnessed remarkable maturity already for such a newly begotten movement. But I have also observed some mistakes, sins, and consequent sufferings.

Therefore, there have been a number of needless casualties. Needless means "without unnecessary risks and harms had we been operating in the fullness of experience and hard-won wisdom," not needless in the sense of, "Shame on you. You should have known better." It is to aid the swing of the pendulum to the safer realms of wisdom that John Paul has written this book. The Holy Spirit has put into his heart great love and concern for all of us involved in spiritual warfare and laid upon him a burden of prayer and intercession for the entire field, that it not fail to accomplish the purposes for which God has called us to become His army for this critical time.

Reproofs are Unpopular

To that end, I believe God has mandated that John Paul run the risks of writing a book containing many suggested corrections in the way we think and act In spiritual warfare. Our fleshly nature being what it is, reproofs and instructions are seldom popular. But we are trusting that the risks of misunderstandings – and rejections because some do understand and don't want to hear – will be lessened by the grace of God and the increased level of maturity in the Body of Christ.

Proverbs 9:8-9 says that if you rebuke a wise man, he will love you for it, and if you give instruction to a man of wisdom, he will become the wiser for it. We believe there is, at present, maturity in the Body and a hunger for counsel and instruction, so that we can conduct warfare without needless casualties.

The unique element in this case is that in many other fields, we could blunder and mature by trial and error without much danger. Learning to do exorcisms did involve some risk, and some Christians did get hurt, but that was minor compared to the risks and injuries that can occur in spiritual warfare. That is what makes this book so timely and crucial. The longer it takes to receive instruction and gain wisdom, the more people can be potentially wounded.

Readers will find in these pages warnings, definitions, distinctions, clarifications, teachings as to how to conduct spiritual warfare with minimal risk, and practical suggestions for maintaining personal health and freedom from defilement while engaged in warfare. Any one of these alone would be worth the effort of reading. The keys of knowledge presented here may save your own life much harm or even death, as well as perhaps your relatives, friends, and church community.

I believe this book is a must for any who would enter the Lord's army for the battles that are here, and the ones to come, as the climax of history draws ever nearer.

John A. Sandford
Founder, Elijah House Ministries

"John Paul Jackson has written a compelling and challenging book which demands serious attention. This book will help us enormously. Do not expect to sit back and read with comfort. Sit up and listen up, for these are days for us to fight and to fight well!" - Tony Morton, Founder, Cornerstone Network, Southampton, England

"Needless Casualties of War is a masterpiece like a word fitly spoken. Filled with godly wisdom, this book is biblically anchored and seasoned through years of practical teaching. This book is necessary reading for Christians who want victory over the evil one." - Ras Robinson, President, Fullness in Christ Ministries

"This revelation given to John Paul Jackson offers a loving protection for all who will heed its wisdom. It provides safe boundaries for our weapons of war and reveals how to use the keys of the Kingdom without presumption. Needless Casualties of War places our focus where it should be: on Jesus, Who modeled true spiritual authority on the Earth!" - Sandy Warner, Intercessor and Founder, The Quickened Word

"John Paul Jackson is kind, though clear, in his admonition to intercessors to stay on the road that Jesus, His apostles, and followers walked in dealing with demonic forces. The Church would greatly benefit to heed John Paul's encouragement to use the weapons of warfare that Jesus gave us." - Carol Wimber, widow of the late John Wimber, Founder of the Vineyard Movement International


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