August 17, 2018
"A Bridge with Apostles and Prophets from Canada to Australia"
Danielle Dixon, Queensland, Australia
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
It is awesome to see nations connecting in unity and with similar goals for the Body of Christ. This is a most insightful word about the nations of Canada and Australia coming together for shared purposes in the Church.
Danielle Dixon of Australia reveals a commissioning taking place with the prophets and apostles of these two nations as she shares this word from the Lord:
"There is a commissioning in the spirit of the prophets and apostles from Canada and Australia. Joining together they will speak with great authority. They will bring the Father's love to cast out fear and encourage nations to stay focused and not to turn back because the harvest is close. The doors have opened to the nations of the earth. There is a strong presence of favor upon these nations. Watch as I connect them in the natural and the spiritual. This relationship is over 100 years old and it's about to get deeper and stronger," says the Lord.
If you are from these two nations, I highly encourage you to read, pray, and to share this word with others! And no matter where are located, we as the Body of Christ, can come together and pray for these great nations and for the purposes of God to be fulfilled in them! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"A Bridge with Apostles and Prophets from Canada to Australia"
Danielle Dixon, Queensland, Australia
A Vision of a Bridge
Recently I saw a vision of a bridge between Canada and Australia. Both national flags were flying on either side of the bridge the whole way across. I felt the Lord dropped these two nations into my heart and I was led to read about the comparisons between these nations.
Their similarities were highlighted in numerous articles, including their economic system, political system, even the vastness of both nations in comparison to their population. They both are former colonies of Britain. Each country has First Nation peoples living in their great lands. Both economies are very similar in that they are driven by primary industries like mining, farming and forestry. Both have multi-ethnic and multicultural populations. Both economies are targets for outside investment in property and assets from other nations.
The Lord then said, "I am creating a greater connection and deeper relationships. People will connect and ministries will connect. Alliances will be made on different levels. You will see it in political and economic spheres to a greater degree."
If you look closely at these nations you will see that they are already knitted together in many areas. An important element of this bilateral relationship is the number of Canadian public servants who have been placed in Australian ministries on exchange programs over the years. This has been reciprocated with Australians working in Canadian federal departments. Their defense forces have collaborated and worked together on many occasions. It's not coincidental.
Canada and Australia have long had a past military relationship, fighting alongside one another and engaging in peacekeeping efforts. I read recently in a government published article that to maintain this strong, military relationship a Canadian Defense Advisor is stationed at the High Commission in Canberra, Australia's capital, to share intelligence. This struck a chord in me straight away. I believe that God has a similar spiritual plan for these two nations.
Sisters Called to Deliver Nations
The Lord said, "These two nations are sister nations. They have much in common."
I asked, "Do you mean brother nations?"
He said, "No. They are sisters, and both are called as birthing nations. Many sons and daughters will be sent out by these two nations. I will divinely align them and intertwine them. They will be blended together. Canada and Australia are called to be midwives to deliver nations."
The Lord went on to explain that in most situations, midwives are called to the birthing room in the last transitional stage. They are known for their skill and authority to deliver with the least amount of fuss. Even in the most difficult situations they bring calm.
The nations of the earth are in transition and about to go into the second stage of labor. The pushing and the delivery will come suddenly upon the nations of the earth. Birthing is a place of transition where fear is eminent, affecting decision-making. The job of the midwives is to speak calmly and with authority to the birthing mothers, "You can do this. Think of the end result. Not too much longer and your joy will be filled." This is reminding the mothers what is set before them and not to give up because there is a purpose for their pain.
Strategic Planning Between Apostle and Prophet
There will also be strategic planning going on between the apostles and prophets of Canada and Australia, even an exchange of people into each nation for periods of time. There is a spiritual synergy between these nations that will cause spontaneous outbreaks of God's power in the earth.
"There is a commissioning in the spirit of the prophets and apostles from Canada and Australia. Joining together they will speak with great authority. They will bring the Father's love to cast out fear and encourage nations to stay focused and not to turn back because the harvest is close. The doors have opened to the nations of the earth. There is a strong presence of favor upon these nations. Watch as I connect them in the natural and the spiritual. This relationship is over 100 years old and it's about to get deeper and stronger," says the Lord.
"'Shout and be glad, daughter Zion. For I am coming, and I will live among you,' declares the Lord. 'Many nations will be joined with the LORD in that day and will become My people. I will live among you and you will know that the LORD Almighty has sent Me to you.'" (Zechariah 2:10-11) (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Danielle Dixon
Ark Ministries
Pastor Danielle Dixon has a passion to see the "captives set free." Having overcome obstacles and bondages in her own life, she shares her life experiences to encourage others to believe that with God all things are possible. Danielle and her husband Massey Dixon are senior pastors of ARK Ministries, a church they planted 19 years ago in Queensland, Australia. Their vision is to embrace people with love, hope and the goodness of God. God has used her prophetic gift to encourage many people in church settings and the marketplace over the past 25 years of ministry.
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