From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a profound word by John Kilpatrick about this year...and the promises, the harvest, the abundance coming our way and much more! YET, it is also very "sobering" in parts. Things are being shaken as we see every keep that in mind as we will continually see "everything that can be shaken will be shaken."
Also there are very key prophetic words to people in particular IF these circumstances relate to you...pray into them and ask the Lord to guide you through.
This is a longer grab a cup of coffee and be prepared to have a very good and thorough read.
I'll leave you with these prophetic words John Kilpatrick shares about the MANY OPEN DOORS coming to the Church:
The Lord says, "Therefore, I have set before My people open doors—not just a door, but many doors. I am opening doors of opportunity that have not been opened to you before. Because there has been a great change of heart, I have hastened to answer. Many have awakened, but they have not arisen. My word now is, 'Arise!' Do not return to slumber as in times past, because there will be many opportunities that I am opening to this nation, and very effectual doors that I am opening to My Church." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 4,000 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:
"A Year of Fulfilled Promises and Great Harvest! Many New Doors Are Opening to the Church!"
John Kilpatrick, Daphne, AL
A Midnight Interruption
One night recently I went to bed at 9:00pm, which is very unusual for me. I was very tired from traveling and had a busy schedule. I was awakened by the Spirit of the Lord speaking with a strong expression, and He said, "At midnight, a cry was made, 'Behold the Bridegroom comes, go out to meet Him.' Then they arose, both the wise and the foolish. They awoke from slumber."
I sat straight up in my bed and looked at my digital clock. It read 12:00 midnight! It was a very sobering moment for me.
Holy Spirit revealed to me that His people have indeed awakened from slumber! Many things were weighed in the balances, but the people of God rose up, and God heard their cry.
The Lord says, "Therefore, I have set before My people open doors—not just a door, but many doors. I am opening doors of opportunity that have not been opened to you before. Because there has been a great change of heart, I have hastened to answer. Many have awakened, but they have not arisen. My word now is, 'Arise!' Do not return to slumber as in times past, because there will be many opportunities that I am opening to this nation, and very effectual doors that I am opening to My Church. (Photo via geograph)
"These doors will lead to greater resources than you have known. It is important not to be timid, intimidated or fearful. This is not one of the four seasons I have established in the earth, but this is a special season. It is a time of My choosing. As the men of Issachar had understanding of the times to know what to do, so I will give you that very same insight if you will ask of Me. I will direct you and show you."
Closed Societies are Going to Open
"Remember Naomi of old. After a painful season of loss, heartbreak and heartache, she heard I was visiting My people and that bread was readily available. She heard this news in a bleak place, a forsaken place, filled with reversal and hopelessness. Upon the report of fresh visitation, she arose and stirred herself. She left the desolate place and came to Judah. My people have been desolated and have suffered. I am going to cause the news of a fresh visitation to spread quickly—God is visiting His people once again!
"The thing that will mark this move of My Spirit to distinguish it from all others is that I am going to move mightily in closed nations and closed societies. The word of spiritual bread among these starving and closed nations will create spiritual refugees, which will immediately create movement of entire nations of hungry and spiritually starving refugees toward the outstations of fresh bread. (Photo via Wikipedia)
"My Spirit will spread like a fire through empires, dynasties, tribes, clans, and among the heathen as well. I will set My table before them, and they will taste of My goodness and experience My mercy just as Naomi arose and brought her daughter-in-law, Ruth, to the place of visitation. It was there that Ruth was joined with Boaz, her redeemer.
"I tell you, many will believe this good news to be a rumor, but they will continue to hear the reports until they will come and see for themselves the wonders of the Lord. It will cause a great stir among the nations.
"I am going to open three doors:
1. "I am going to unseat powers and principalities in those regions that have long deprived the people of My presence and of My Spirit. A brief, but widespread harvest will occur. A once closed society of unbelievers will now have the opportunity to hear and to believe upon the Lord Jesus.
2. "There will also be a movement of laborers, those that I have chosen and called to work the fields of harvest. This is their time. This is what they have awaited, many since childhood. This is their time. They will bring their sickles and reaping tools, and they shall come rejoicing, bringing their sheaves with them during this harvest. There will be great excitement!
3. "There will also be a great commotion of the leaders of the harvest taking their places. They shall direct the harvest and place the laborers where they best fit. They are My apostolic leaders overseeing this last day harvest. They will know the mind of the Spirit. They will know who is to go where, and who is to do what. There will be resources and wealth to fund the harvest of the ages. The newcomer and the veteran soul winner will be paid the same wage in that day.
"This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. In that day, the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall fill the earth as the waters cover the sea."
Ministry Made Easy
In the day of harvest, although brief, it will be said that it has never been so easy to preach, pray or prophesy. There will be no toil in leading the heathen to the wells of living water. The sick will be released. The bound will be easily delivered, and the lost will readily comprehend the way. This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then the end shall come...even so, Lord Jesus! (Photo via Pexels)
The Jews' Day of Visitation
Most importantly, there will be a long-awaited harvest that will begin in the land of Israel. The light of salvation will shine upon the Jews. As God reveals His love for His people through a chain of miraculous deliverances, the house of Israel will begin to see Jehovah's salvation in a new light through Jesus' shed Blood. This will surely be the beginning; but full salvation shall come at a later appointed time for the Jewish people alone, and Israel shall experience a rebirth in one day.
Muslims Will Receive the Message
Because the Lord is no respecter of persons, a GREAT shaking is coming to the Muslim nations. It will be sudden! It will be an unexpected and unexplained shaking that will redefine many Muslim nations and their leadership structures.
The Lord is now in the process of shaking institutions, cultures, dialects, nationalities, governments, political structures and their frameworks, which men have trusted through generations. Many of them will be so shaken they cannot survive the shaking.
Holy Spirit will even destabilize power structures, and many of those things that men have relied upon will ultimately fail. Truth will grip men's hearts like a vice, even the unbelievers' hearts and the hearts of the heathen. Ears will be opened to hear, even the ears of the unregenerate.
Restless for a Reason
You are in ministry, and you are restless where you are. You have reached a place where you have peaked in your vision and capacity. That is alright because God is opening a door for you by the month of July, and you will walk through that door. This door will stretch you—stretch your mind and stretch your confidence.
You will be forced to change your mind about things which you need to change your mind about. As a matter of fact, you will feel overwhelmed, not really knowing if you can do this. Indeed, it is an open door Holy Spirit has opened, which He could not have offered you until now because your frustration has peaked. You are now in holy desperation, and Holy Spirit will use that to remove you, so He can move you through this open door.
Sister Blessings
God has promised to open your womb, yet you are desperate and discouraged. With God, all things are possible. God opened Leah's womb and blessed her, as He will open your womb and bless you. He will also bless your sister who cannot have children. He will remember her and give her the desire of her heart as well.
Cleansing the Bloodline
Blindness has plagued your large biological family, and generational curses have plagued your bloodline; but Holy Spirit is now removing the blindness because of your prayers, and they will see of the goodness of God for the very first time. It will remove the questions of past and present generations. God has heard and answered.
Revelation will penetrate them, and they will see and understand. Great freedom and ministry will come upon this family bloodline that was once considered almost beyond hope.
The Lord says, "I now have servants poised that I will use to break the entrenched lies and remove the scales from their eyes as Ananias did from Saul of Tarsus. This will not be a single person that will be freed, but an entire family. I, the Lord, already have plans to use them to set many other captives free. These captives will receive ministry by those who were once bound as they were bound. This will be the doings of the Lord, and none will be able to resist or stop it."
Shy Seers and Intimidated Prophets
You have been frustrated and have felt rejected and left out—you have felt like a misfit, but because of the integrity and goodness of your heart and your unwavering love for truth, Holy Spirit is now opening to you visions, interpretation of dreams and even words of knowledge. Each time, as you release them, it will expand you, and you will become more and more comfortable with this gift; whereas before, you halted and had faltering confidence.
The Lord says, "I am going to open your eyes as Elisha's servant, Gehazi, had his eyes opened to My world of glory and power. You will become bolder and bolder and will not retreat again to the intimidation of the past. This will be very easy, so easy, that you will not struggle with the transformation. It will be as though you were always this free. If you believe, you will see! Confirm yourself to yourself. Do not speak doubt to yourself any longer. The doubt delays your usefulness among My people."
Silent Treatment
"Satan has attempted to still your voice. He has tried to destroy your ability to speak. You have been greatly alarmed at the loss of your ability to communicate by both word and song. It seemed as though you would lose vocal communication.
"I have already prepared those which I will use to restore not only your voice, but also the air flow you need in order to be heard and have the success you have been destined to have. Do not fear things as they are, but rejoice that I have reached you with this sure word of deliverance. Your voice shall be heard again!"
Stay Where You Are
"Your temptation is to go down to Egypt. You desperately want to depart, but you must realize that your increase will come by staying where you are. For Isaac, the hundredfold increase was found upon the famine of yesterday. The boughs of the trees will once again be found with blooms, and the corn that wilted and wasted in the fields shall surge to life with bountiful supply.
"Do not think famine or talk famine. Lift up your eyes so that you may experience the plenty, for the plenty shall indeed replace famine. For right where you are is right where I have placed you, and that is where you will flourish—not in Egypt. BE STILL!"
Your Investment is Not in Vain
You suffered the loss of an investment that you have poured into, but the Lord is not talking here today of a financial investment. He is speaking this word to you. You have invested in someone. That someone has been proud against the Lord and had a negative change of attitude. They have forgotten their roots and have violated your confidence and your dependence upon them. (Photo via Flickr)
The Lord says, "Be aware that I am also aware. I see, and I know. You are not to fret or forget that what I have promised I will perform. Your heart shall rejoice again. These matters are in My hands."
Misdirected Grief
"You have been grieving over someone that I have deliberately removed from your life. You could not see what I could see, nor could you hear what I was hearing. How long will you grieve over Saul? I have a David, and he will do all My counsel. He will do all that I have commanded. All you have known was Saul.
"When you see David do not laugh, for he will not be what you expected; but he will be what I have directed. How long will you grieve? I am admonishing you this day to lift your eyes past the present grief and simply believe! This one that I have chosen for you is far different from what you would expect but he has the heart, the skill and the ability to grow with you. He will protect your interests and hold up your hands in the day of battle. Prepare your mind now to not look for the things you are used to looking for, or you will miss him. My anointing is already on him for this season."
Land Transfer
A tract of land is going to come into your possession. It will be a gift. The possibilities will be limitless, but Holy Spirit says that He will give you direction upon possession of it. You were not even expecting it, but this word will make much more sense to you by October.
A Confused Son
You are a pastor and an effective minister. You and your wife are grieved and burdened for a son that is showing signs of gender confusion. This son is uniquely talented and extremely gifted, but a seed of deception was sown into him early.
This confusion has produced a wrong perception of who he is, as well as his destiny. The Lord would have you know that he will pull through this, and your worry and uncertainty will not continue.
The Lord says, "There is one coming into his life who will be the source My Holy Spirit uses to bring him into alignment with his identity. It will be the exact right time and the exact one I have sent to bring truth and healing to him. It will settle him, and thereby settle you and your wife in the process. I have My hand upon him, and you know that I do. I have proved Myself to you many times. This will take some time, but in time you will see My faithfulness." (Photo via Flickr)
Love Never Fails
"Just because the marriage failed does not mean that you are a failure. It simply means it failed. My plan for you did not fail when your marriage did. I know your heart, and I know the way you have chosen. It is the way of honor and kindness. You have preserved your dignity as well as your husband's. Love covers a multitude of sin. Look forward, there is love awaiting you once again. I will remember you in that day, and you will recall this word to you. It will bring peace and hope to you!"
Far Away Places
"You would never have chosen to relocate so very far away. You would never have chosen that country to rebuild your life, but it, indeed, is the door I am opening. You have not even considered this opportunity because it had not presented itself to you. These people will become your people, and you will be a defender. Your gifting will be a wall to which they cling. You will never have this opportunity where you reside now. I will give you a heart for them. You will find much love and acceptance. You will know this opportunity, for it will present itself in the eighth month, the month of August—a time of new beginnings for you."
Mistaken Opportunity
"You have come into a large sum of money, and it is indeed a blessing from the Lord. However, you are going to be confronted with what seems to be a great opportunity for investment, but it is not an opportunity.
It is a distraction. You must listen to My Holy Spirit. Hold fast to what you have. Do not be anxious. Do not be impetuous. I will guide you with My eye, and you will have great peace, which you presently do not have."
A Sanctuary Country
I keep hearing from the Lord, "Jordan, the land bordering Israel."
Jordan shall be visited. It will endure a shaking, but it shall, unexpectedly, become a sanctuary country. Jordan, you will be remembered by the Lord, and you will be an important instrument in His hand. Remember, you will become a sanctuary country!
Smooth Operator
The Lord says, "You have been so lonely and even insecure regarding your future. Recently, someone has entered your space, and it certainly has boosted your hope and self-confidence. There has been limited contact, and you desire a deeper relationship. This is a word of caution from Holy Spirit because of His love for you and the prayers of many who love you.
"This word is a confirming word to you for you have already begun to feel uneasy and question the relationship. If you pursue this relationship, it will be as though you are embracing a snake. The poison from this union will affect you, your well-being, as well as destroy the relationship with your family that you love and cherish in your life. It will be an embarrassing mistake. He has covert intentions. Temptation is usually connected to serpents.
"So be aware, I have chosen a compatible companion for you. Wait on the Lord."
Weaving a Web
I see a pastor's chair on a church platform, and underneath his chair is a series of webs. Someone or some consolidated effort, seeks to spin things against the man of God. You have a very strong anointing and for some time you have been sensing this drag upon your ministry. You will not be surprised when you learn the details and you will learn them. So be prepared.
The Lord says, "I will bring it to light and they will be exposed," says the Lord. "And you will more than prevail. I am giving you and your wife a new network of friends that I will bring to you, including effective and insightful intercessors to pull the webs apart before they have an opportunity to establish their deceit and confusion again. Do not be moved by what you learn. It is already coming to naught and you will triumph over it all."
Trump and His Generals
As I was riding along the highway last Thursday evening, I was engaged in a conversation by cell phone with my administrator regarding budget matters. While I was listening to her answer a question, I heard Holy Spirit interrupt and ask, "How do you spell Truman?" I thought for a brief moment, and I said, "T-R-U-M-A-N."
Then He asked me, "How do you spell Trump?" I said, "T-R-U-M-P."
I immediately made the connection. He then proceeded to ask me, "Who did President Truman lean on to help the Jews get back into the Holy Land?"
I said, "General Eisenhower." The Lord then said to me, "I have raised up Trump and have given him generals to lean on to help him defend the Jews and keep them in their land. General Eisenhower brought them in, and these contemporary generals will keep them there. What was, will be again."
He then asked me, "How do you spell Truth?" I spelled it, "T-R-U-T-H."
The Lord said that He is changing the appetites of people. Instead of rejoicing in rumors and lies, the people will now become excited to hear truth again. They will love the truth and reject the lies, as well as the liars. This will not be true of everyone in every place, but a shift has already happened and it happened last week.
"Truth had fallen in the streets but I am lifting it up again, and it shall cause great rejoicing. I, the Lord, have done this by My own power, by My right arm of might, and by My justice." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
John A. Kilpatrick
John Kilpatrick Ministries
John Kilpatrick experienced firsthand the glory of God as Holy Spirit entrusted to him the pastoral oversight of the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida. John Kilpatrick Ministries was established in 1996 as a result of the Brownsville Revival. He now travels extensively across the nation spreading the fires of revival and impacting churches around the world through media ministry. After nearly forty years of pastoral ministry, twenty-two years of which was his tenure at Brownsville Assembly of God, he and his wife Brenda are fulfilling their apostolic call by establishing churches and mentoring ministers. His hunger and passion for God's presence awakens and stirs the hearts of many to cry out for a move of God.
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February 13-14, 2017
Cedar Valley Church
599 Cedar Valley Road, Hollister, MO 65672
Contact: 417-334-2723
February 27-28, 2017
Haskell 1st Assembly of God
Highway 64 and Cedar St., Haskell, OK 74436
Contact: 918-482-5645
March 10, 2017
Church of His Presence
24142 State Highway 181, Daphne, AL 36526
Contact: 251-621-2105
What Is God Saying for 2017?
by Dr. Alveda King, Dutch Sheets, Jane Hamon, Chuck Pierce and Steve Shultz
(Note: This item will not ship until around February 3, 2017)