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KIM CLEMENT: "The Glory of the Lord will Move in the Month of October"

Oct 8, 2003

"Taking the Prophetic to a Whole New Level"
$95.00 20-tape series
with Kim Clement, Graham Cooke, Steve Shultz, Denny Cline and Lisa Cooke
User-Friendly Prophecy
$12.00 Book
by Larry Randolph
Sound of Heaven, Symphony of Earth
$10.00 Book
by Ray Hughes

Developing Your Prophetic Gifting
$16.99 Book
by Graham Cooke

KIM CLEMENT: "The Lord will move in the Month of October, Says the Lord"

Note from Steve Shultz:

We at the Elijah List are proud to sponsor Kim Clement's prophetic gathering in Portland, Oregon, November 21-23. (See the details at the end of this word.")

In Addition, this prophetic word taped at a TBN program on September 2, 2003 contains the full text of what was quoted a few days ago on the Elijah List about President Bush.

This prophetic word in its entirety by Kim Clement speaks of October as being a time for "DIVINE VINDICATION," not only for President Bush but for many in America.

Remember that while the prophet speaks, God literally launches into action the very words that HE has put into the prophet's mouth to speak. Even as you read this, your own faith can be activated or RE-activated to believe and receive from the Heart of the Father, that which you had not felt you would or could receive before.
Prophesying changes the spiritual atmosphere, and often, even reading a prophecy that is "for you" can activate that very prophetic word in your life.
1 Peter 4:10-11
" As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God." NKJV
-- Steve Shultz, THE ELIJAH LIST

"The Lord will move in the Month of October, Says the Lord"

Kim Clement:

"God says as you praise me – I will touch you – I will do something supernatural for you –because this is the power that I’ve given to you. .

Praise Sends Light!

I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven – I saw the powers of darkness that are trying to hold you down – fall as if struck by lightning – listen to what I am saying –when you give me praise – you are sending light into the powers – into the atmosphere . . .

The Spirit of the Lord says – many tonight across this nation – many will hear the sounds in this week- many will be free – many will be delivered – not because a man sits singing at a piano – but many will be delivered says the Lord because my power shall be released – because of the sound of praise – this nation has been under severe attack – but the Spirit of the Lord says – do not fear – I am exposing once–then twice – then three times – in this next month I will expose those that are hidden and I will bring them to the forefront says the Lord.

Peace in October

I demand that there be peace in the month of October – in the month of October I will bring your President to a place of vindication because of what I’m going to do and how I’m going to reveal it says the Lord.

I want my people to agree with the prophetic voice. This day God says – the month of October – I will expose – I will expose – I will expose and this nation shall rejoice greatly for how the glory of the Lord shall move in the month of October says the Lord . . .

A month of unusual miracles is coming upon America and upon many nations – let the prophet prophesy to the dead bones – bones that have dried up in your life – the Spirit of the Lord says - the month of October shall be set aside for unusual miracles– miracles that have not been thought about – creative miracles - and if you will believe My Word says the Lord - I will release it into your bodies - into your businesses – into the prisons - into your children – into your families –America has been set aside for the month of October for divine vindication says the Lord. Even the economy shall be raised up and there shall be a break through financially – take this and rejoice says the Lord – for it shall be so . . .

A Veil is Being Removed!

There are many who are listening right now as the veil is taken off – as the veil is removed from human beings – I’m not here to preach a sermon – I’m here to tell you that a veil is being removed - in houses – in bedrooms right now – in prisons right now – the minute you see this or hear this – veils will be removed so that you will see yourself the way God wants you to be - for the Kingdom of God is exploding in America right now. Churches that are falling to pieces shall suddenly be raised up. The spirit of Absalom that has ruled shall lose his head says the Lord - the spirit of Absalom that has ruled and reigned– that has held on will lose his head says the Spirit of the Lord. There will be no attack any longer. The spirit of Absalom that has been sent to our churches and our homes and businesses is being declared null and void and is being destroyed tonight says the Lord . . .

song) – God says, I’ve sent an angel to watch over you . . .watch over you in the night . . . in your fight . . . He’s watching over you . . . America – I’ve sent my angel to watch over you in your fight . . .


The Drawing Power of a Sound

Kim: There are times when we don’t even understand what is happening in the spirit world, but Lord I feel so strongly tonight that even in these few minutes that we’ve delved into the mysterious heart of God that we don’t understand many times. I pray Lord that every person that heard this sound – you see it was a sound that drew the nations to the upper room - a sound that was not understood – but it was the sound that drew them.

I’m praying Lord that the child that heard the sound that came from my heart – that may be abused (and Lord it’s real) – heard that little bit of hope - You sent your angel tonight that there would be some hope Lord God – We receive the Word of the Lord for America – we receive the Word of the Lord for this nation right now - the prophetic voice that would speak out from a piano [ Kim was prophesying both through his actual music and while he played the keyboard ] and say - 'America –God has not stopped – He is moving greatly for you. If God be for us – who can be against us? There has been a delay of God’s blessing in the church. Lord, I believe we are aligned perfectly now for that blessing – for that harvest as never before and so we take the word of the Lord right now and we receive it with great joy in Your Holy Name Jesus. Amen!!! (SO BE IT!!!)'

A Special Anointing for Children

There’s a special anointing right now for children – I pray there would be some type of angelic visitation – I’m seeing a bunch of abused children right now – God’s going to do something miraculous for you right now.

Put your praise in the right place – sometimes you’ve got to put your praise in the middle of fear– sometimes you’ve got to put your praise in the middle of sickness – sometimes you've got to put your praise in the middle of accusation – come on somebody –put your praise in the right place.

We want to connect the pieces of the puzzle – thinking about our potential – our gifting – our God-given dreams - developing our spiritual nature – living and walking in the prophetic lifestyle – building an “imaginary” Power Center (so that nothing can hold us back – then starting a plan for a “real” Power Center. Let’s connect all those things we been studying and talking about with what God is saying right now. Let’s take the accumulation of everything God has said in the past and has done in our lives to bring us the point we are at right now. There is an accumulation of things in our lives and an accumulation of time – that has brought us to this awesome place and awesome time in the Kingdom of God. IF we believe the Word of the Lord that was given through Kim Clement – let’s DO the things God said.

There's GOD'S part and there's OUR part.

God said – AS YOU PRAISE ME – I will touch you – I will do something supernatural for you. God’s power will be released BECAUSE of the SOUND OF PRAISE.

God says - NOT TO FEAR.


IF WE BELIEVE THE WORD OF THE LORD – God will bring life to the bones that have dried up in our lives – we will have a month of unusual and creative miracles –even things we haven’t though of – these miracles will be released into our bodies – businesses – prisons – children – families.

We will have divine vindication.

The economy will be raised up and there will be a break through financially


A Veil is being removed so that we will see ourselves the way God wants us to be– OUR PART IS TO HEAR WHAT IS BEING SAID – BECAUSE WHEN WE DO – THAT’S WHEN THE VEIL WILL BE REMOVED

Churches that are falling to pieces will be raised up - and we will be needing every church we’ve got to handle the explosion in the Kingdom of God that is happening right now.

The spirit of Absalom will lose his head – it has been declared null and void and is destroyed. There will be no attack any longer on churches - homes and businesses.


Come experience the sound of Kim Clement in a city near you! Kim will be ministering through music, corporate and personal prophecy, and revelation straight from the heart of God. Don't miss it! Come anticipating the inevitable, supernatural, intervention of God! See dates and locations below and if you have any questions, please feel free to call our office @ 972-691-0232.


OCTOBER 12th - 13th SUNDAY & MONDAY @ 7:30 PM

Sportsmen's Lodge
12833 Ventura Blvd
Studio City, CA 91604

OCTOBER 16th - 17th THURSDAY & FRIDAY @ 7:30 PM

Neotropolis Theatre
1130 West Trinity Mills Rd.
Carrollton, TX 75006


I.P.C. Building (International Production Center)
2823 W. Irving Blvd.
Irving, Texas 75061

OCTOBER 24th - 26th FRIDAY & SATURDAY @ 7:30 PM
LOVELAND, CO SUNDAY @ 10:00 AM & 7:00 PM

Message of Life
605 18th SW
Loveland, CO 80537

THE ELIJAH LIST is proud to sponsor this Prophetic Event with Kim Clement and his team in Portland, Oregon, November 21-23, 2003. Come and pack the house, just before Thanksgiving and hear what God is saying to Portland and this region in this hour. Be encouraged by what God is saying right now!

**************** NO REGISTRATION FEE!! ****************

Prophet Kim Clement & Team
Nov. 21,22,23 @ 7:30pm
Jackson Middle School

10625 SW 35th Ave
Portland, Oregon 97219

For Information Call: 972-691-0232 (Dallas ofc)
or 503-658-5753
(Portland Gathering Place)

**************** NO REGISTRATION FEE!! ****************

Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Thank you and blessings, Steve Shultz, Publish, The Elijah List

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