From the desk of Steve Shultz:
God is pouring out so much in this day and hour. This word by Eileen Fisher will really encourage you to take hold of all that He IS doing – even now!
Be encouraged by this statement and much more as you read through: "For I say, you are about to enter into the season of where the blind will see and the deaf will hear."
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Prophetic School 2013
by Bobby and Becky Haaby, Stacey and Wesley Campbell, Denny Cline, and Don and Christine Potter
7-Set Conference Teaching
Eileen Fisher:
The Blind will See and the Deaf will Hear
The following corporate prophetic word was given by Eileen Fisher on May 21, 2013 during her weekly Prophetic School of the Holy Spirit meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado:
I hear the Lord saying, "Are you willing to be emptied, to be made full?" For He said, "So much loss; so much loss in the life of My saints; so many tears in the life of My saints. So much pain placed in My saints and upon My saints.
But," He said, "there will be so much gain given to My saints. For I am going to lift up a militant army, and they will be so disciplined, they will not look to the left, nor to the right. But their ears will be on such high alert that when the Spirit begins to breathe, they will breathe in agreement. And when He is not breathing, they will stand still and wait for His breath. But know that My wind is going to start to blow in behalf of favor upon My saints.
"I see the battle fatigue; so much warfare and so little gain. And yet I say unto you, you will look back, and you will realize you have triumphed in Me and through Me. For as you have walked through your cross, and through My Cross, you have gained all My Cross was meant to do.
"For I am the God of containment, and when all is contained, I pour out. I pour out blessings from on high. I pour out provisions. I pour out the miraculous. I pour out patience. I also pour out long-suffering. I pour out discipline, and I pour out strength.
"Understand I am looking for a people I can call 'blessable,' that will be able to be walked in the midst of blessings, and stay true. For I am looking for hearts that are pure, who carry no guile and no ambition. For I have come to esteem you not in your flesh but to redeem you with My Spirit, for within redemption, all that you need is included. Call Me forth so I can redeem what you thought was lost, even health reports that man gave. Lay them at the throne.
"Let Me show you a high way, where there seems to be no way; where the finances seem like the well has dried up, and the rocks have echoed as they hit the bottom of the dry well.
"Ask Me fresh to bring the river of abundance; so you will experience blessings, because you walk with a 'Blessable' God. Draw close to Me, and allow My glory to be the lifter of your head.
"Let My Presence around you make the decisions for you, in spite of you. Call My Presence in the midst of discussions, so I will become the One of revelation to you.
"For I am looking for a wise people; the enemy is about to overplay his hand. And blinders will fall so quickly off of the eyes of My own, and then off of the eyes of others. For I say, you are about to enter into the season of where the blind will see and the deaf will hear. And those who are dead to sin will be resurrected through My Blood.
"Stay close to Me, and allow Me to draw close to you; for truly in My presence is the fullness of joy. And My joy will bring back the strength that you have cried out for. Let My joy renew you, for I have chosen to take you from glory to glory. Will you come? Be not afraid of stumbling.
"Be not afraid, but know I will take you from glory to glory. I would only bid you to agree and allow Me to take you. Not forcefully, but with gentleness, with kindness, and with authority, for in the eye of a storm I can still speak peace, and My peace I give to you. And My peace you will recognize – in the guidance I speak in you, and over you, for I will not drive you, but I delight in guiding you. Be still. Know that I am God, and that with Me all things are possible.
"Call back faith, and place it in Me. Come to know Me in My resurrection, for you too shall see resurrection. For I say it is the hour of Lazarus to be called forth. What you thought was dead – speak and call in life. Let My Spirit whisper to your heart, for in the still whispers you will find strength and truth," says the Lord, your God.
The following corporate prophetic word was given by Eileen Fisher on June 4, 2013 during her weekly Prophetic School of the Holy Spirit meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado:
The Lord says, "I would and I decree that you re-open your hearts to Me. For tonight I come, and I knock fresh on your hearts. For I have come to take away disappointments, shame, grief, humiliation. I have come to cover you in My robes of righteousness. For I declare, and I decree over you, you are perfect in the sight of the Almighty God; you are a holy people set aside – peculiar and strange. Holy Holy.
"Come into My Presence boldly. Let us reason together. Say what I say. For I have set My Spirit of Truth upon My people. Embrace truth, and let truth embrace you. Let My truth embrace you, know I am the Father – a loving, kind, gentle, Father. I do not reject. I do not cast out. I sit. I watch. I wait. I listen. I hear. I speak. I take action. For I am not a Father who is distant, but I am a God who is always with you."
For I say, "The floodgates of Hell will come against you, but I say, 'The Glory of God has blocked it.' Be not fearful of the future, for I have already walked ahead of you. Be not fearful of the past, for it is over. It is closed. It is sealed. It is remembered only as the days of ancient.
"Let Me Come with My Fire..."
"Come. Present your bodies as living sacrifices. Even though you may not understand, do not lean to your own understanding. Cling to the work of My Cross, and let My Cross cling to you.
"For man stirs up the battle, but I say, I am not a man of war who becomes defeated. I am 'The Man of War' who cried out, 'It is finished!' Let My finished work prosper you, heal you, position you, re-instate you, draw you with loving kindness to Myself. Let My loving kindness come upon you.
"Be not lonely. Seek not isolation; seek stillness to listen for My voice. Present yourself before Me. Let My Spirit hover over you. For when He hovers, He creates life. Let Him hover. Let Him create. Let Him make a way where there is no way.
"Let Him be the Guide. Place yourself firmly, determinedly, with no anxiety, behind Him. Let Him lead, and be willing to follow in humility. For I will lift man's hand, then favor will come. I will command another man's hands to come forth, and positions will be created.
"Let your spirits be free. Become detangled. Let Me come with My fire, and let Me come with the sword of My Word. Let Me put My lamp unto your feet. For I would not have you stumble about in the darkness, guessing to or fro for direction. But I would have you in relationship; to where you would hear My voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way. Therefore, walk in it.'
"Rest My people. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. For in rest, you will find peace. You will find healing. You will find so much that washes over you; and would passe you by, because you are too busy. Martha missed so much. But Mary sat still, and received. Have a heart like Mary, but have the servant willingness like Martha. For I want a complete Bride, wooed by My Spirit, moving in My Spirit.
"Be not afraid of the shaking that is going on around you; for I too hear the reports. The value of life is so insignificant through man's eyes. And yet every spirit has been created for My pleasure.
"Despise not small beginnings, but gather dreams, gather hopes. Re-gather the vision. For I call you a people who I long to strengthen; then My joy will forever be upon you," says the Lord, your God.
Eileen Fisher
Eileen Fisher Ministries
Eileen Fisher speaks and ministers before many groups and has a desire to fulfill the commission that Jesus gave us all. Eileen is available for retreats, workshops, meetings, banquets or other special events. Eileen is also the author of two new books titled "Embraced by The Holy Spirit" and "Embracing the Prophetic." She travels, is a frequent TV guest, and teaches Schools of Prophecy and Healing. Her husband Fred oversees the ministry and is the ministry administrator. Fred and Eileen are active overseers and members of the board of directors for Freedom Christian Fellowship Church. They have one married daughter, Theresa, their son Michael went home to be with our Lord in 1993, and they have four grandchildren.